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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2022 in all areas

  1. First, let me say I understand a lot of frustration in and with the cruise industry due to COVID. Its supposed to be a great vacation and customers pay a good price for the experience. The media likes to dwell on cancelled ports and sick passengers and empty ships sitting at anchor. All the misery and misfortune in the headlines sells. No one wants to go on vacation and be limited to mask wearing, subjected to nasal swabs, flight disruption, port dismissal etc. On the other hand, trying to take a purely scientific view point ... Though ships have been called a Petri dish (generally with negative connotations), at the same time they are a somewhat unique controlled population sampling. Here you have literally thousands of people that are vaccinated and following masking protocols etc. Its not perfect but when you look at infection rates, those aboard ship are less than one percent compared to over 30% on land. To me this is a perfect example of how an experiment works. You have two populations, one with generally well kept protocols and controls, and the other, not so much. The difference in infection rates is dramatic. It just shows vaccines, masking and isolation of known cases works. Ships have other issues such as limited space for isolation and medical facilities. Their systems are not perfect but the numbers show they do work.
    15 points
  2. We just boarded Oasis as our first Star Class cruise and it was much less stress free than anticipated. First I stressed about the Covid results and as everyone reassured me: they just look at your name, date of test and result! So I’ll take the time to reassure everyone else like me that it was easier than anticipated. Lastly, because we had uploaded our vaccine card, we only needed to show it once. We are on board and finally feeling the relief and excitement of cruising once again. Because of the recent cancellations we are more thankful than ever to be on a ship. Thanks to all who have cruised before me that held my hand and calmed my anxieties as the time drew near. This community is so valuable but even more during these times! Cheers to sailing once again.
    8 points
  3. Okay some updates........ T minus 44hrs I passed the test, and all of my bags are packed. I haven't received anything about a later boarding. But most of my correspondence goes to the TA before coming to me. The app has finally updated to show the proper number of days for this sailing, it shows WJ open for dinner. However, I have seen preliminary postings on FB that put this sailing at under 1500 pax. I ran into issues with my eDocs. Right after I made FP, they were available to print. I got busy and decided to do it a few days before leaving. I went to CP and it said no documents available. Now in the current climate, I got super afraid. I asked the RCGBlog and was told this has happened to a few others, so I felt relief. I emailed my TA and he told me this is some glitch that has been happening and I would need to get blank ones at the port. Ugh!!! Luckily a few hours later he was able to email the docs to me, he believes something was shaken loose with his inquiry. So now I have printed luggage tags, my setsail pass, and negative results. For the last end of my S2S2S I booked an interior cabin. I did receive an offer to RoyalUp and I decided to put in min bids on a few rooms. Well today I checked, and all are expired with one pending. I have been told this is a good sign and I am just waiting for them to charge my card. It is for the spacious panoramic ocean view. This is one of the newer cabin categories they put on some Amped ships. This is my first-time bidding and when I win, I will be 1-0!!! Happy cruising everyone!!!
    8 points
  4. It's not the virus itself that has a hold on the psyche of the population because we have lived with disease and viruses our whole lives. It's the over reaction of those in charge of us that has us scared and talking nothing but Covid19 as if it has the death rate of Ebola - it doesn't even come close. As this is a cruise site, and I'm sure this thread will get locked soon enough, I'll keep the rest of my opinions on those in charge of the Covid response to myself.
    5 points
  5. Floski

    Balcony cabin differences

    I upgraded for our Harmony cruise last month and was extremely disappointed that I paid so much more for so little. IMHO, the difference isn't worth the cost.
    5 points
  6. It does have to do with the bid amount, and as well where you are already currently booked at (room Rate). If you got a balcony and bid up to a suite, you have a better chance than if you have an interior trying to bid up to a suite. If someone has a higher bid than you and is in a higher category already it will go to the higher category with the higher or equal bid amount. It has nothing to do with on when the bid is placed... Plus they fill the top rooms 1st, then work there way down to what is left, when upgrading and filling rooms. Also if you have a bid pending and all others have expired, it is a good sign. But, it is still not guaranteed until they charge your card...
    4 points
  7. I think anyone who still played Solitaire would be too old to be a lifeguard LOL!
    4 points
  8. Nityam is our Genie and we are very pleased thus far. Our cabin as we entered:
    3 points
  9. I will miss meeting you. You are a big reason we are here in Star Class!
    3 points
  10. I shall be watching you sail away this afternoon on the Port Miami webcams! Bon voyage!
    3 points
  11. We was very disappointed our cruise on January 29 th on the Jewel was canceled, we was still going, but had concerns about not getting in at ports, waiting three hours here locally for a covid test and hope you test negative, then keeping a mask on inside all the time, which was no problem if that’s the rules, we was flying into Ft Lauderdale, it’s cold in Cincinnati area, we think we are now going to keep flight, rent a car and spend a few days in Key West, one of our favorite port stops. This was our third cruise that was canceled, we was meeting our cruise friends from Napa Ca. That we met a few years ago on a cruise, plus two other couples, that’s what is so disappointing. Good luck to all the cruisers, we will try again in the fall is our hope.
    3 points
  12. Such sad news but you did the right thing. When we couldn't leave the ship on the Odyssey a few weeks ago it was sad. While we totally made the most of it, given your same scenario and knowing as well as experiencing looking at Aruba from... well our balcony, we would have made the same decision. Here's hoping the crews get and stay healthy, fingers crossed we get through this sooner rather than later. (The Odyssey was great mind you but missing the shows in addition to seeing less and less crew....we were ready to disembark.
    3 points
  13. I always get travel insurance, especially after my cousin broke his neck while in Jamaica. It's a small price to pay for peace of mind. To give you an idea of costs, his medflight from Jamaica back to Florida was $30000 that had to be paid out of pocket.
    3 points
  14. I’d hate to rely on my health insurance to pay for a life flight from Cozumel or somewhere similar.
    3 points
  15. We just landed in Miami 2 hours ago after 12 hours of travel through snowstorms from Vancouver to find our Symphony sailing tomorrow is cancelled. Literally got the notification at the second wheels touched down. Obviously disappointed but we knew things are crazy and anything was possible. First reaction was let’s see if we can get on another Royal cruise sailing in the next day or two. Unfortunately Royal has all sailings through January frozen for new booking and no one at customer service was any help. Ever the optimist, my wife got on the phone with Norwegian and long story short, we are boarding on Norwegian Joy in 17 hours. What a wild ride!!
    3 points
  16. We all got additional OBC for missing St. Thomas yesterday so I booked some additional wine tastings in vintages. Yesterday was the Italian tasting. Today is Mystery wines where you have to guess the grape! Also I found the adult only pool yesterday and really enjoyed the "waves" on the side of the pools.
    3 points
  17. They had a med evac to Port Everglades from what someone posted on a FB group.
    2 points
  18. barjpoe

    January policys

    RCI is continuing with masks everywhere including the casino , so that means no smoking in the casino, YEAH!
    2 points
  19. Jan 22, on Allure.
    2 points
  20. It breaks my heart to read your post but I completely understand where you are coming from. I hope are able to reschedule and take a cruise soon. Hopefully this Omicron variant surge burns out by the 3 week of 4th week of January. It just hurts every time I read someone has either canceled their cruise or had their cruise canceled.
    2 points
  21. I saw Amazon gift cards. Is that still a good option?
    2 points
  22. Part two: First my husband found glass in his dessert then he was attacked in the dining room. Before the attack on my hubby, the dining room had quickly become his “unfavorite” place to go. Who could blame him after suffering a mouth injury due to glass in his food, then the embarrassment of us sitting and breaking bread at the right table, but the right table on the wrong floor. We decided to go because we were hungry and the food was included in our cruise fare. After the last two nights of “what the heck” what could possibly happen. Odds were on our side that we would enjoy a meal without injury or embarrassment. Hubby hates to be the “center” of attention. If was because of me that the crew knew that hubby had cut his mouth on a piece of glass. Hubby would have used his napkin to stop the bleeding, washed his mouth with water and swallowed, and continued to eat in pain and not say a word. Dinner was going great. Right table. Right wait staff. Right table mates. No foreign objects in our food. That night was a successful meal in our book. But it was when we were making our way out of the dining room is when it turned into “survival of the fittest.” Hubby and I were walking close to the wall as we made our way through the dining room. Just before we were to round the corner to head out of the dining room, a group of people were bypassing us to enter, so we had to move even closer to the wall. (Now we might be old enough to be @lovetocruise2002’s parents but we are fast walkers). As we rounded the corner, hubby ran right into a chair. Not those little dining room chairs, but a “big ass” chair that was stacked side by side with other big ass chairs.. The collision stopped hubby right in his tracks. The chair did not move an inch. Staff came to see if he was o.k. Apparently, hubby, was not the first person to have a “run in” with the chairs. Staff said she did not know “why” the chairs were placed “where you would only see them after you collided with them” Hubby acted like nothing happened and we left. After watching him walk I had to force him to show me his leg. Ouch, folks. The chair got him smacked down the front bone of his leg. More blood. Back to medical. More medicine. Security comes to medical. Security has us go back to the dining room to show him hubby’s attacker. Security said: “Wow, that’s a stupid place to put those kind of chairs.” Chairs then found a new home where they could be “free” to be a “chair” and not an “attacker.” After a few hours, hubby started feeling the pain and I had him take whatever the heck it was they gave him. I felt really bad for him. It was obvious while he was eating dinner that he was trying to avoid chewing on the side of the mouth with the big cut from the glass Now he was walking with a limp. Royal offered us $200 off our next cruise taken within the next year. We didn’t use their offer but we continued to cruise with them. Hubby and I laugh about that cruise now but I think he might be “fake laughing” a little. We have both been around many blocks many times and know that “shit happens” which reminds me of the time when I was walking back to my room on Royal’s cruise ship and noticed “shit” on the floor. It followed me from the stairs, half way down a long hall way then stopped two doors from mine. I would rather be attacked by a chair then “see” and “smell” that accident again. But it was a funny story that I’ll share soon to help me “fill in the pages” because I started my blog (due to excitement) way too early. Thanks for following! *Hoping to be able to post a picture of hubby’s leg injury. There’s definitely a “gross” element to it!
    2 points
  23. OMG thanks for this info. Wife anticipates her Packers going all the way and said to cancel our 02/09 cruise if it was not shown onboard.
    2 points
  24. We sailed serenade back in August to Alaska and can confirm they had not been let off the ship… one of the things they told us they missed the most was being able to get a fresh cooked meal that was not onboard the ship. We felt awful for them so at the port stops, we brought a special few crew members a hot meal to go from wherever we ate right before re-boarding. They were stunned and appreciative!
    2 points
  25. The crew is not allowed off of the ship yet they are getting and passing on the virus. Maybe it's time to let them live in the interior guest cabins for a bit. Give them additional space instead of living in such close quarters. Also, this two day test scenario may need to be tightened up. We get ours (tests) at our local "doc in the box" emergent care medical facility. While the testing is precise and above board (pun intended) when I received our test results I was shocked. While the document contained all of the requested criteria with the Doctors signature, the document looked like something I could have created on my own computer. Does this happen? There is no uniform form that I know of so what are the personnel really looking at, is it a true test result? That got me to thinking, are people doing this? I am fully aware that after my negative test the onus is on me to isolate from others and be extra careful so as not to expose myself within the 48hrs before sailing, does everyone do this? We bring food and after I Clorox wash down the hotel room we stay in the room until we leave to check for our ship. My goal is to enjoy my sailing to the best of my ability all while keeping the crew safe. Granted not foolproof but we feel good about being a bit extra by this point, we want to sail..... And as an aside, I think the above scenarios tightened up should relieve the "stigma" of unvaxed kiddos in my humble and honest opinion they are not the problem. And I feel safer on a sailing then at a land based vacation...
    2 points
  26. Pooch

    Check In Time ??

    Just so helpful!
    2 points
  27. I bid on 6 cabins and all are expired except for 1 and I’m unable to modify my bid, it states pending. I’m wondering if this is a good sign.
    2 points
  28. Our Medicare Advantage HMO has paid for all medical services on the ship while cruising the Caribbean. Both on the ship, and in port at the beginning of the cruise, the providers involved all billed our insurance directly. Had hospitalization been prescribed, that's where the travel insurance is valuable, to fly a patient to a modern hospital. .
    2 points
  29. CGTLH

    On Board Credit Refund ???

    Under "Account" in the app it should list your OBC. The OBC should be listed as either refundable or non-refundable. As charges are made the onboard account the non-refundable OBC is applied first. Any remaining refundable OBC can either be cashed out at Guest Services or will applied back to the card on file. Casino and pulling credit on the slot machine works well also.
    2 points
  30. She'll just float around near Coco Cay like she did during the shut down.
    2 points
  31. Most health insurance does not cover anything out of the country. I'd personally not leave the country without travel insurance.
    2 points
  32. We are so disappointed! We've been looking forward to this trip for a year. Six of us were supposed to be going on Jewel of the Seas. Frankly I would feel safer on the ship than in Walmart! This is so insane!
    2 points
  33. Oh... I do that too... usually with an ice cream cone in hand. It's better than waiting by the ice cream machine to finish my FIRST cone
    2 points
  34. I'm determined to not worry about the end of the month for at least another week or two. I just refuse, lol.
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. I like Aria of the Seas or better yet, Arya of the Seas. The destination is west of Westeros!
    2 points
  37. Ordering. Room. Service! The TV ordering was either broken or not available on our Odyssey cruise and I've very quickly gotten used to not having to talk to people to get what I want. Lol. I wish I could have just picked the items I wanted right there in the app rather than calling and yelling over their busy kitchens. Ability to pick theater/ show seats for sky and star class/ suite guests. Something like this would definitely be farther down the road but it'd be cool to have a reservation for an exact seat. On some of the freedom class ships, we found the seats in the reserved area were occasionally more narrow or had less leg room than others but more comfortable seats were in less desirable locations. Be cool to know what seats are available without having to get there 30 minutes before showtime. I second a countdown to cruise! I find it so odd that's not in there! More information on non-booked shore excursions. I spend more time on my phone than i do a computer and it'd be great to scroll through shore excursions right there in the app pre-boarding or during the cruise. I think I could be okay with booking being a thing that needs to be done via cruise planner but it'd be cool to get some quick bits on offerings. even if its just a series of videos like I get onboard on the shore excursion channel. Lol
    2 points
  38. twangster

    January policys

    Darn it. This may cost me money. Must. Resist. Casino.
    2 points
  39. BrianB

    Anthem Mechanical Issue

    On the Anthem, we received a letter in our staterooms this morning reporting the ship will be arriving at approx 8am due to a problem with one of the azipods and speed has been lowered. Although the ship is operating at 100%, the decision was made to lower speed as a precaution. I’m assuming the azipod will be evaluated while docked in Port Liberty today. Hopefully, it’s just a minor issue and can be corrected quickly. All air and hotel arrangements made through Royal will be automatically rescheduled. All other pre-scheduled transportation (such as a flight, train ticket or rental car) that incurs a change fee will be reimbursed up to $200 pp domestic changes and $400 pp for international changes.
    1 point
  40. I was being half snarky but also feel like a heel for asking her to do something she wouldn’t benefit from. I know going forward to call myself. I assumed since the website wouldn’t let me book and directed me to my TA that it wasn’t possible for me to book via website or phone.
    1 point
  41. For my cruise next week I just checked the site and it says everything is expired, except one bid(usually a good thing in my previous experience with this). Looks like this may be the 1st time we will be sailing Star Class!
    1 point
  42. I agree they are amazing. It's also amazing how they can repeatedly perform these seemingly mind-numbing tasks and yet still be pleasant...always saying hello when I pass them in the stairways and public areas. Even late at night. I can tell from their eyes that they are smiling. Impressive!
    1 point
  43. It was a wild ride for sure! I was ready to cut our losses and book a couple nights in a hotel and head back but my wife always finds a way to make things happen
    1 point
  44. Done

    Grand Suite question

    We had a GS on Vision quite a number of years ago and while the extra room was nice we thought is was too much for our needs. We book Jr. Suites now mainly to get the double nights awarded to our C&A standing. We also discovered a JS on Quantum class ships has a 1/2 bath plus a full bath.
    1 point
  45. Before I share about hubby’s next trip to Royal’s medical, I’m going to share a funny story, that happened between hubby’s accidents. Hubby and I shared a table with two single women for dinner in the dining room. They were a bit older than “Old White Woman.” Our table was a nice four topper right by a window looking out at the ocean. It was nice, but not really a great deal, because once it gets dark you are looking out into darkness. But that’s a story for another time. The two women sharing our table were the type that waited for the dining doors to open because they had a “thing” about being the first people seated. So, hubby and I, did find it a bit “odd” that they were not already seated when we arrived to our table for dinner. We were also stunned that the bread from the basket was warm. Previous nights, the bread basket contained bread that was the temperature of its last home. Hubby and I quickly ate our piece of warm bread and grabbed another. By this time, our waiter showed up to get our drink orders. He looked a bit confused as we answered. Hubby and I figured he must be filling in for our normal waiter and having a hard time adjusting to a new table in the middle of the cruise. Just when I finished buttering another piece of warm bread, my hubby out of nowhere said: Old White Woman we are at the wrong table. I told him he must of had too much bourbon because here’s the wall we sit against and there’s the ocean to our side. Hubby said we were at the right table but at the right table on the “wrong” floor. After a quick discussion about whether I should leave the buttered warm bread and whether we should attempt to “clean up” the table we decided to leave the “crime” scene fast - with the bread.
    1 point
  46. Or, Chicken of the Sea.
    1 point
  47. Matt

    Super Bowl while onboard

    Yes, there will be plenty of spots onboard to watch the game. Usually the game is shown in a theater or large venue.
    1 point
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