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Pattycruise last won the day on May 28 2022

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  1. Question….how many signature players are there on your cruise?
  2. I agree, it’s tacky, unless it’s a markdown.
  3. I just booked Apex for August. I’ve seen a few items on sale in regards to excursions. I’ve not paid attention to drinks or WiFi as I have those included with my tier level.
  4. If I tracked my play and hubby found the spreadsheet I’d be in hot water.
  5. Boarding tomorrow, maybe I should play tables!
  6. Thank you for all the updates. I’m signature by default-fairly low point earner who takes lots of cruises. I’ll be no competition to the high rollers, the only way I’ll get a cabana is if no one else shows on my cruise or the winner takes pity on me! I think it’s funny that the lucky seat drawing as worded “freeplay valid for both slots and tables.” The way I interpret that is I should get the same amount for each.
  7. I recently sailed on Symphony and was told there was a seafood bar in the windjammer on boarding day. I was very happy to see this was true! Shrimp, lobster, crab, mussels and I believe scallops. Do any other ships offer this?
  8. Just completed a cruise on Symphony. Both of my offspring had 2 pool towels signed out, each from different cabins. They did not reflect in the accounts. I walked the towels to guest services at 11:30pm and was told they have no access to the “owe towels list” and “the guy” would be there in the morning accepting towels. They decided they’d take my towels and she wrote the cabin numbers down to pass along “to the guy” in the morning. I decided in the morning to double check and lo and behold, one kids towels are signed off and the other is not. No idea what time they decide to put the outstanding towels on the account, but it sure wasn’t the night before.
  9. The robes came in handy as a “weighted blanket” on 2 different sailings when I was sick. Other than that I have no use for them. My daughter loves the robe to wear to/from the hot tub.
  10. I see no reason why you couldn’t. People carry on golf clubs! Why not a chair!
  11. Sorry this has occurred. For anyone else reading this thread, I would never trust the app to do a next cruise open booking reservation . While there are MANY people who swear by it I’ve read enough complaints about charges not going through and the buyer being without a reservation#. The were no way to fix that. Yours is the first I’ve read of a Celebrity charge! Wishing you all the best. If it’s not resolved easily I’d reach out to [email protected]…that’s the ceo office. Include your ship sailing date and reservation number of that sailing you were on and had this issue. alternative to the app, do the form, hand it to an agent in next cruise. I take it one step further I do the form, and sit with them while they they create my open reservation, then I take a pic of it in case I misplace the paperwork and don’t get the email they send.
  12. Sailed on radiance this past May and they had a female lecture guest who spoke on nature etc. (never caught her lectures). She also came over the ship intercom during our time at the glacier and explained what we were seeing. She was very informative.,
  13. Once you are onboard in the first few days a luggage icon will appear in the app along the bottom. You click on that, answer the questions and they’ll likely ignore you and send you a luggage tag the last full day of your cruise(maybe the day before that) Along with the tag is a sheet of paper showing all luggage tag #’s and their associated disembarkation time. You can try to ask guest services for a different tag but some of the reps will refuse. if your tag is an earlier # than you wanted to leave, no worries-your luggage will be waiting in the terminal when you get off the ship. If your luggage tag is a very high # and later departure but you want to get off the ship earlier you ruin the risk of your luggage not yet being off loaded. You’d definitely want to tell guest services that you have a scheduled ride (call it a service if needed) and you need an earlier departure. This is assuming that your tags don’t match your requested departure time. You could try and see if there are any Facebook sailings for your ship prior to your sailing, join the group and request someone post the disembarkation sheet. . Then you’ll have an idea of the departure times offered. I sail out of Bayonne NJ-our last departure off of symphony is 9:45.
  14. I am too! The 14 night fjord and arctic circle
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