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  1. Dion was good to us, we paid it forward
    9 points
  2. BrianB

    Diamond Lounge

    My opinion… Royal panicked (understandably so) when the unprecedented shutdown occurred. The entire business was rocked with huge losses that had to be balanced with enormous, expensive debt in the form of long term loans with very unattractive interest rates. There was no bailout, no subsidies, no government assistance of any kind…to my knowledge. They were left adrift on their own without a paddle. Some say they had significant profits stored away for emergencies, but I don’t think anyone could have ever imagined or prepared for such a long period of zero income. They realized their industry was being demonized with everything from ‘Petri Dish Cruising’ to ‘Covid Cruises’. Public perception was at it’s worse. So they relied on their loyal cruisers when the restart occurred. Nobody knew how many would just stay away. So they offered incentives…double points, lower pricing, cheaper extras. Anything that would help bring back the regulars and help attract new customers. We were the priming for the pump. But I don’t think they were expecting such a huge response. For whatever reason…cruise bookings have exploded. Ships are sailing at over one hundred percent capacity. Cruise Planner purchases are at an all-time high. Onboard spending is better than ever. Loyalty levels are saturated with new upper level members. So they do what any other business would do…they start raising prices and see if demand continues. It did. So they raise prices even more. And people are paying more. Demand keeps rising so prices keep rising. I really think they are flabbergasted (and I don’t use that word lightly) that passengers are really paying such ridiculous prices for things that were so less expensive such a short time ago. Just as an example, CocoCay Beach Club was $88. Now…some sailings are over $300. Overwater cabanas have risen to a price where instead of renting it for a few hours, it’s more like taking out a mortgage. Yet people are paying. The demand is there. I don’t blame the company for acting like a for-profit business. But I think they should be able to figure out better ways they can reward their most loyal cruisers who helped ‘prime the pump’. At least come up with some way to improve the perception that we are as important to them now as we were at the beginning of the restart. For me…I really appreciate what I get with my loyalty status. I know any of the perks can be removed or changed at any time. I really don’t care about the lounge access…it’s not important to me. But, it is important to so many others. I love the new MDR menus and don’t eat in CK…even when I’m in a suite. I appreciate the drinks and…especially…the WiFi. I don’t know what can be done…but it’s fairly apparent that reading blogs and posts show there are many who feel under appreciated. This period of huge profits may eventually slow…or even reverse. And they will once again rely on the ‘Loyal to Royals’ to prime their pumps once again. Or, judging by the amazing comeback, maybe they realize they don’t have to anymore… Just my opinion.
    7 points
  3. Excellent question ! currently I will be retiring in 2 months but unfortunately my wife doesn't want to retire for two more years so at the risk of being bored I have decided to spend 200 days aboard a Cruise ship (Not all 200 at once but all within the year). The first reason is to determine if I would like staying on a ship for extended periods of time so that when my wife does retire we can do the same for her. We have only taken one B2B cruise because of my wife's dedication to her job. Me.... Not so much. The second reason is that I am not in great health and have always wanted to try "Living on a cruise ship." I may never get the chance if I don't start soon. I am not actually "Chasing" pinnacle per se but it will be a bonus when my wife does retire as she will enjoy the added Perks as well. After 40 years of work I am convincing myself that I deserve this while I can still enjoy it and am healthy enough to do it. Also, I live close to the pier in Los Angeles and it is a minimal cost to get to the Cruise ship. After calculating everything I will be spending less than 30K for B2B2B2B2B2B... (You get the idea) cruising. I will be out nothing if I do not choose to continue and will not be disheartened if I do not or can not reach my dream of spending my retirement years on a Cruise ship. Pinnacle is just a milestone and not a goal I am reaching for in this endeavor. I am hoping that I will enjoy it as much as I have been wanting to do this for over 40 years since my first Royal Cruise in 1983.
    6 points
  4. FionaMG

    Test load for Europe 2025

    There are a few Europe cruises up on Royal's website for summer 2025. It looks like it's going to be same old, same old. These are the ones I'm seeing:
    4 points
  5. There are some good discounts for booking specific restaurants ahead of time. For my Symphony cruise in February I got hibachi lunch for $31.99pp, Hooked dinner for $43.99pp and 150 Central Park for $51.99pp. If I had wanted a third dinner, and depending on what restaurants I chose, I could conceivably have got them for only a few dollars more than the 3-night package but securing the times and days I wanted rather than having to wait to book onboard.
    4 points
  6. Echo this 100%. Our cruise group on FB has made at least 30 post this week about dress code because Halloween falls on the typical "formal" night, so it was unclear what day it would be on. I don't think I've ever seen more panic over something so trivial to us. They finally uploaded it to the app, but we literally had people fighting about what day is white night/ Caribbean/ formal...people were even making up their own nights just to be funny. DH's "formal" is close toed shoes and jeans. If I can get him to wear a shirt with buttons on it that might as well be a tuxedo for him.
    4 points
  7. We're starting to actually put ironed clothes in packing cubes and suitcases, so I can see the light at the end of the laundry tunnel! Most of the packing for the kids will happen today. We lose tomorrow because of our co-op. Finish up packing on Saturday and drop the dogs off at the kennel. Then it's real. They have no clue what's going on yet. It always surprises my how into theme nights some people are when in reality, we're talking about a 30 minute event on the in the promenade. Am I missing something? We made a point to dress for tropical night on the kids first cruise (just floral dresses for me and DD and tropical shirts for DH and DS) and besides the waiters, it seemed like we were the only people in the dining room who got the memo? We got cute pictures in match-y-ish tropical outfits, but beyond that I don't see what the hoopla is about. I'm a spiller, so there's no way I am going to participate in white night. I don't even have to be eating anything, and I'll get back to the room with something on my shirt. I understand everyone cruises differently, but what am I missing? We're in that weird period before a trip where we are trying to clean out the fridge, but may not really have enough leftovers to last through Saturday night. I teach cooking and baking classes to the 7-12 graders at our co-op, and I foresee us having class leftovers for dinner tomorrow night.
    4 points
  8. smokeybandit

    Diamond Lounge

    It's that ole supply and demand thing. If people weren't paying those prices, the prices would go down.
    4 points
  9. You can exchange it for non-alcoholic beverages. I have exchanged Champaine for wine and have also exchanged it for a bottle of juice.
    4 points
  10. OCSC Mike

    Diamond Lounge

    FYI, no CL restrictions on Allure’s 1st sailing from PC that left yesterday. Nice view while I enjoyed some breaded shrimp before dinner. It wasn’t full at 5:00 but there were a good number of seats taken.
    4 points
  11. I’ve read all the nasty sniping since I posted our dining experiences. Let me put a bit to rest. 1. We are normal people that have enjoyed cruising since around 2005. 2. We are not food snobs 3. We consumed what we were served without complaint. Unlike several tables around us that were loudly complaining/unloading on the poor server. 2 even had the head waiter come to their table to air their complaints. 4. Our windjammer experience was similar to numerous folks around us. We took this experience as an exception rather than the rule. We are already booked on our next cruise in March. We are NOT one and done and all this sniping is a waste of brain power
    4 points
  12. Thanks for the hair love, y'all. @jbrinkm fortunately we got to avoid that drama. Some of her friends have phones, some still do not and are older. To be honest she didn't really need one since she was with us most of the time, and an adult I knew could have gotten in touch with me if there was an issue when we weren't there. But she went to DFW's homeschool homecoming this year which was over an hour away with over 500 kids. I certainly wasn't going to volunteer to chaperone so we figured it was time. Jayson, the suite concierge, got back to me within 30 minutes this morning. We'll get transit cards before we leave on our turnaround day excursion, and he said he would explain in more detail once we are onboard.
    4 points
  13. Then there were two. Unfortunately my kids like to eat, so I'll have to stop to feed them dinner before their taekwondo class. I also have to make a batch of macarons for tomorrow's baking class, so I may not make any more progress until Saturday afternoon. I scheduled a massage for Saturday morning, and I'm not bumping that. Sunday's weather isn't looking great here or in FLL for our flight. The forecast for Monday may cancel our pre-cruise beach plans too. Rain, rain, go away!
    3 points
  14. DH has been given strict instructions to pack himself today while I'm at work. "Oh yeah, now worries there. How many shirts do I need? Four?" The man has never traveled farther than Florida, so I'll forgive him this once. I will possibly be packing for two tonight though. The wind and rain forecast have changed probably three times since I last looked at it. Supposedly CCC was closed yesterday and today. Currently looks like we'll have perfect weather that day, but again everything can change. Hoping for the best is all you can do. I know they'll make every attempt to dock since they have so much money there.
    3 points
  15. Just gave a bottle of champagne to the crown and anchor loyalty person onboard. I did ask if she drank champagne and if she could accept the bottle. She was thrilled.
    3 points
  16. I have taken to Diamond lounge and given it to someone. To dining room and did the same. Or offered to cabin attendant, who usually are eager to accept it. But they do not usually take it until last day, so I just leave it in cabin for them in that case. Another interesting case was the time I had a bottle of champagne called Michelle, I stood by by cabin door and the next couple to come by I gave it to them. Funny as her name was Michelle and it was their first cruise! I was thrilled.
    3 points
  17. Reigert2008

    Locked checked bags

    Now I want to know what they are planning to put into the bag!
    3 points
  18. @Ampurp85 here's the before... and the after... I had forgotten how dark my natural color actually is. It still surprises me every time I walk by a mirror.
    3 points
  19. I actually stayed in 7658 the last time I was on Radiance. It does not have obscured views but the balconies above look down onto yours. The bigger balcony was fantastic though!
    2 points
  20. I’ll resist ranting about those, lol. They’re a mess. On the plus side, my wife did find a nice couple on there to split a taxi with us to go to Nachi Cocom in Cozumel tomorrow so they’re not completely useless.
    2 points
  21. They took Michael's Club away from Elites and now after so much vitriol and negative feedback they are giving something back but only two nights on a seven day cruise. I don't see how that draws any conclusions about merging loyalty programs. They alienated loyal customers, got called out for it and came up with a compromise.
    2 points
  22. We alswys bring extra singles, you never know for sure how many you will go through. We were just lucky he had a short name
    2 points
  23. Ditto. Booked a couple Mason Jar Brunches on Wonder. Every little bit helps.
    2 points
  24. @melmar02 - sorry for hijacking your blog. I have to speak out. @jbrinkm - I have to agree to hold off on getting the kids phones until later unless the phone is a simple cell phone to make calls to home. 2 of my 3 kids were bullied in junior high school (11-13 year old). I could not get their school principal to do anything about the bullying until I threaten to go directly to the bully's parents. I can only imagine the horror that they would have endured if the bullies had access to their phone number or social media accounts (if they had phone numbers and social media accounts). High school was soon enough for my kids to get their first phones and social media accounts. Our community have been plaque with pre-teen and teen suicides. So this topic really hits home. But I will also agree that each child is different in their mental development. Therefore, each parent needs to make their own decision about their own kids. Where are my kids today? A military Major, a nurse practitioner, and a software engineer; each in a solid relationship with 2 kids of their own.
    2 points
  25. PL8SWPR


    Yep. The last week, they bombard with emails every day starting with this one.
    2 points
  26. We’re in the same boat now… err… you know what I mean. Hoping to dock there Sunday with our new itinerary but the wind doesn’t seem to want to let up. I thought we were in the clear when they moved us. Wishing us both good luck!
    2 points
  27. Good man for not mentioning the wife
    2 points
  28. Oh! and I have two adult children that have lived with me for 15 years and 3 dogs so just being away for months at a time far outweigh any Pinnacle perks!
    2 points
  29. She will never get it right......she calls me leesha even though she knows I hate it and it is not my preferred nickname. I believe it is the same ports. We plan to do all our excursions the first week and enjoy the ship the second week. I have already narrowed my excursions down, so my cost isn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. I used that CP hack to send the vintages a CP to look at so they can choose excursions......it's all about the whales for them.
    2 points
  30. Saying the food was horrible vs I didn't like it = a word game to me, so I guess I just can't see it. But what I'm saying is if you (or many on here) can say "take a bad food review with a grain of salt" then you open yourself up for people to say "take a good food review with a grain of salt". I personally (to myself) question folks who say they never had had a bad meal on board. By my standards and life experience that's not even mathematically possible. However, I don't question the way they feel. I don't question their taste buds. Etc. There choice of words aside. I just wish we could be more open to excepting negative food reviews here at face value. Without questioning their choice of words, motive, taste buds, etc. Just to respect someone feels how they feel. No two cent dissection of their personal feelings needed. Everyone seems to be having a hard time with this concept today. It's not a good color on anyone. Respect the negative opinions and the positive. And since we don't know each other personally, I suggest doing it at face value. No more, but no less.
    2 points
  31. twangster

    Diamond Lounge

    There are too many levels in the program today. Adding more levels isn't a solution. Moving the goalposts (changing thresholds) is a non-starter. Disaster move from a customer relationship perspective. The best solution will always be adjusting perks and benefits to adapt the program to suit the overall goals of a free loyalty program over time. That is what they have done in the past, that is what they are currently doing and that will be what they do in the future.
    2 points
  32. I was saving the tales of the 900 as a separate post but I will mention it all now. Also there was a group of swingers, but they will be mentioned in the recap. Yes, there was a large group that kicked off in two ports actually. I was waiting to hear about whether the alpha, alpha, alpha was okay because some said the person died. I am still unsure because my brother also witnessed them fighting in Costa Maya and several were removed from the ship. These are the things I know from experiencing........ There was a guy claiming to be someone important to Jadakiss hitting on women/underage girls, he took several back to his suite and parents complained so he was kicked off in Cozumel. There was a group filming their OnlyFans on the decks, card room, and hallways when it was after 1am The third day there was a girl giving you know what to men on deck 5 when it got dark and was removed from the ship, she was crying because she had no money and was put off in the rain in Roatan. They would get drunk and smoke and argue everywhere, the time I went up to the WJ for pictures, they were smoking and screaming in there. Several women were slapped in public and/or told they would be getting something in the room. They had roofies.......I will leave that there. I saw a woman fall out in the casino and didn't put two and two together until this aggressive "stud" kept trying to give me drinks. My brother went to Blaze for the night club experience and had to leave after having a nice time when one pulled out a knife they had kept from dinner. I wasn't privy to all the shenanigans; I heard more and don't know what was true or not.
    2 points
  33. Keep an eye out for transatlantic deals if you really want to climb the ladder fast and have time. Great value especially on older ships. Twelve to fourteen nights doubles to a nice big number for climbing the ladder. Splurge on a suite solo transatlantic and 14 x 3 = 42 points. Also keep an eye when they have to re-deploy a ship like Rhapsody in Panama. Sometimes they waive single supplements or offer reduced single supplements quietly without telling the world about it.
    2 points

    Diamond Lounge

    So agree. Royal has a very unfortunate pattern on making an unfavorable change followed far-too-soon by another even more, unfavorable change. Eg, (1) saying that Hideaway Beach would be complimentary and then announcing a significant admission upcharge, (2), "THERE WILL BE NO CHANGE IN ADMISSION TO THE CROWN LOUNGE" followed by an almost immediate announcement of potentially limiting Diamonds' access during certain hours and (3) Increasing gratuities while simultaneously reducing the service provided (once a day room servicing). You would think that the marketeers would have shouted - At least let a LITTLE time pass before immediately making us look like liars/money-grubbing scoundrels !
    2 points
  35. We have looked at the Royal Compass’ to find the theme days. I have found all but the one I am looking for. We want to be prepared this time. Any advise? Thank you!!
    1 point
  36. Hi All, I am from Nepal visiting United States in visitors visa (multiple entry) and planning on taking RC Haiti Cruise. Do you know if we need visa to travel Labadee, Haiti? As far I know Nepal does not require visa to Haiti but want to double check if anyone has similar experience and also how the cruise/port will handle. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
    1 point
  37. I don't get the theme love either, but I will say it was out in full effect on the past Allure sailing. Like they merged 70s night with the second formal night, and it was a hodgepodge of weirdness. Also, I refuse to wear white for anything, top-heavy and that is where all spills land Also I love the doggies, they are adorable.
    1 point
  38. Whatever it is, I'm pleased to be able to take advantage of what I know to be a real sale for once (since I check prices daily).
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Doug_Texas

    Diamond Lounge

    The C&A web site still shows the "personalized gift" while the C&A benefit sheet in our stateroom last week had it clearly removed and we only received water. I have no idea what is going on. IMG_0785.pdf
    1 point
  41. CrimsonCruiser


    I will echo what others have said about the cruise planner always shutting down 48 hours before boarding day. And I will add that Royal does not hide this information. It's at the bottom of every page on the cruise planner, and, in the final week or so before your cruise, it's on a banner at the top of the page. They desperately want you to know. Heck, I think they even blast your email with "time's running out" emails....
    1 point
  42. Last night I received the concierge email and activities/entertainment started to populate into the app. Still no menus. The headliners are a juggler, adult comedian, and a singer in addition to the usual Encore ice show, Saturday Night Fever broadway show, and In the Air production show Liberty always has. There will be a family Halloween party at 8pm in the Star Lounge and an adult Halloween party at 10pm in Studio B. Today I'm getting my hair done - I went from purple to magenta with blue lowlights after Allure, and I'm wanting to go back to (what I think) my natural brown is with burgundy ends. We'll see how it turns out. Also need to pick up prescriptions, grocery shop for Friday's classes, and keep the laundry going. Is it just me, or does laundry seem to multiply in the days leading up to a trip?
    1 point
  43. Sailing solo leaving your wife, grown kids, family and dogs home…to reach Pinnacle Club status quicker. Depriving yourself of your loving family and pets just so your wife can enjoy the privileges of Pinnacle with you sooner than if you did it together is an enormously selfless sacrifice. You, sir, are a hero! I salute you!
    1 point
  44. Any cabin but a solo cabin would be an extra point. Obviously sailing in JS or above would be 3pts. You only pay taxes, fees and gratuities for one person. Only the fare is double. Once you reach the 340 threshold it will be 150% as opposed to 200%. Keep in mind that the points aren't cumulative. That means if only you sail, then the points are only yours. Your partner will share status but not points. That means if she sails without you it will be her points.
    1 point
  45. The journey is half done and I am seriously considering flying back. It is 3am and we just had a break in Little Rock. Cell service has been very spotty and sleep has been elusive. My brother, bff, and I can't get comfortable but all the vintages are asleep. Before this, around 8ish, the new vintage was doing her walk to keep loose and singing Teddy Pendergrass. She lucked out because the people in the cart barely spoke English, so it didn't bother them. Her energy is at 1000 and I'm going to need her to bring in to at least 100. The blind gentleman wished he got a sleeper car because he didn't know the train ride was 23hrs . They all keep saying they didn't know this or that as if I didn't not only tell them in person but put it in an email. BFF's mom has scheduled her flight and she gets in at 6. If she comes I hope she is healthy enough. For the fifty-eleventh time I am going to try to sleep.
    1 point
  46. @Lovetocruise2002 I wore this joker, insane shirt particularly for this trip.
    1 point
  47. Yes! this was my big mistake last year before I knew all of the tricks- I paid in full right away, 9 months before the cruise and missed out on quite a few drops.
    1 point
  48. Day 6 Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day It is cold and expected to be rainy when we depart and possible when we arrive in Galveston, so I am going to repack my carry-on to accommodate the weather. We are about 4 days from travel, and I am on edge. My bff is healing and off the crutches but........his mother had a bad reaction that affected her thyroid, and she has been in the hospital since Sept 30th. I kept asking about her when we spoke, and he was like she is fine and then this past Friday he told me he wasn't sure if she would be able to go because they might have to remove her thyroid. I was like WTF. But then I called to check on her and she said they were just waiting on her levels to go down and then she would be released on is Monday, which is today. I will keep you guys posted if 8 turns to 7 or 6. So, I think this if funny but my brother doesn't. My mother said we are not to believe the blind gent when he says he needs help. She said he can see well enough. Those exact words. She said since they met on an online game, he has to be able to see something, therefore she believes that he is just legally blind. She thinks he is just trying to see what we will do for him so he can be lazy........but my mother has a weird relationship with the truth . I can see her point though and I will see what is what. I have one more meeting and then I am officially on vacation. Of course, I may have to answer a few work emails but nothing too big to dampen my vacation. I wanted some relaxing reads, so I settled on Paul Tremblay's Growing things and Joe Hill's Full Throttle. Both are a collection of short stories in the horror genre. I figure they could keep me grounded, because dealing with the vintages has already been scary , what's a few horror stories???? Fur baby is heading to my grandmother today and my grandmother couldn't be more excited.
    1 point
  49. Day 10 We are technically only about a week away from travel and it cannot come fast enough. Work has really put me in the mood for a vacation........even vintage shenanigans don't seem nearly as bad as coworker shenanigans My checked luggage is 100% packed and the carry-on just will need to be filled with technology. I am currently in the process of downloading things for the train ride. So far, I have the last two seasons of the Challenge and the second season of Good Omens. My Kindle has yet to be loaded. I am working on that one, finding books to read during a relaxing cruise is easy but during one with 5 spicy vintages........it's a bit of a feat. In the beginning of the cruise planning process, I asked everyone how they would like to get to the train station. I asked them if they wanted to all meet at a designated spot and get a private shuttle. They said too expensive, it was $230 being split amongst 8 people. Most said they would carpool and park the two cars in a garage. I explained it was at least $25/day downtown for this. Making it more than the private shuttle. Still a no. Whatever, I was like I was planning on just doing Lyft anyway. So fast forward to Tues where the new vintage has rented a limo........well from a limo company. It is $175 and can hold 4 people and 4 luggage. Considering she has 3, it isn't feasible. Wed they asked about doing a private shuttle and I checked, its $400. My mother is now upset because they had planned to carpool and now there is no space for her or the blind gent. In her mind the new vintage did this on purpose because they are upset about him coming. Not saying it isn't possible, but this is why I always make backup plans. Now we are using 4 different/modes of transportation, which is going to cost everyone, but me, more than the private shuttle would have. It also means we will be arriving separately and at random times. My mother's room has gotten 3 emails this week about RUB. I think they need a 4pax room but none of them want to pay to upgrade. When I printed the luggage tags and setsail pass I noticed a couple of things. The luggage tags revert to the highest-ranking C&A member of the room. I don't know why I thought there were separate luggage tags. Even though all the vintages played in the casino on their last sailing, only the one without a C&A number attached says CHOICE. We booked traditional dining, and it is 7:45, not 8pm. Yesterday I saw a table and today it says look for reservation card in room. I also called the C&A desk to choose my D+ gift. On my sailing in Jan on Oasis the UDP and most reservations were sold out months before the sailing. On this cruise the UDP and a lot of reservations for specialty restaurants are wide open. I know as a party of 8, we will have limitations, but I wonder if more people are booking onboard and paying higher prices, since so many cruisers are newbies. I have filled out special need's forms for the new vintage and the blind gent. The last of the Amazon packages will arrive tomorrow. I am now looking forward more to my Jan cruises as packing will be much easier because we fly.
    1 point
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