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  1. Phew, what a day! We arrived at the port around 9:45am, easily dropped off our luggage and got in line for the parking garage. We were only 5 or so cars back from the gate, however there was some commotions so the parking staff had us all reverse back out away from the gate and let someone exit the line. The lady in front of us reversed into us, pushing us into the guy behind us…panic. I apologized at least 5 times to him, while the lady in front of us just went on through. None of the PC staff seemed to have caught the accident, but we had no damage on the front end so DH and I just let it go. I did have a small dent on my back bumper, fortunately the guy behind us had no damage and was so calm and cool about the whole thing. “We’re on vacation! Y’all go have fun!” I offered several times to buy him a drink and he wouldn’t take me up on it. I hope the universe dishes out some good karma somewhere for him. Got in line around 10:10, not too far back from the door. All of a sudden we start seeing several people in full suits. The moment we saw the dress bags we connected the dots. There seemed to be a lot of people a part of this wedding ….it took several buss loads to get them all in. I’ve read that sometimes things can run ahead of schedule, but that wasn’t the case for us today. Once we finally breezed through the check in process we were finally seated in our check in group at 10:45am. That’s when we found out not only was it one wedding, but two! AND apparently one was for an actor - I had to google his name to find he was on the Love Boat (how fitting) and a soap opera? It seemed to take several people coordinating who was just there for the wedding and not sailing, I thought this was a weird concept, but to each their own. By 10:55, we finally hit the walkway into the ship. I have also heard rumors from some B2B people on board that there was a disturbance onboard early this morning. An adult apparently punched a child. I have not heard full details, but police were brought on board and someone was arrested. Quickly found our muster and headed straight to the Solarium for lunch. We figured we’d start off in a quiet spot first and then walk the length of the ship and get our bearings. DH hopped on the Flowrider after a bit of waiting. Definitely feel like they needed two of these instead of the golf area. There was a small issue with kids jumping in front of others in line (parents of course, idle) but DH is a good sport and let them go. There seemed to be an intense brother-sister competition going on. Our room was ready at 12:45. It was hard not to take a nap right then and there. We saved our champagne and strawberries for an after dinner treat, grabbed the waters, and headed back for some Solarium pool time to read and snooze, we stayed there quite a bit today, but it just felt like our vibe. We’re retirees stuck in 30 year old bodies apparently. Dinner was pretty good tonight, I’d say 7.5/10 if you desire a score. Our server Donna is very sweet and assistant Leo was so kind to the table next to us with small kids. One had found a duck, but he must have overheard the other being upset not to have one, so he made a duck out of a napkin and gave it to him. DH did well and explored some options out of his usual palette. The escargot wasn’t for us, but the flavor of the sauce went well with the bread. He was jealous of my crab cake, yeah I could take two more of those. Nothing too exceptional with the fish, but the potatoes we good. Cheesecake is always a winner for me. We came back to the room after dinner to enjoy the rest of sunset with champagne and strawberries. We almost dozed off but had the comedy show booked at 8:30…I applaud you all with children because we were exhausted. Glad we went though because it helped us unwind for the rest of the evening. Clocking out for now
    15 points
  2. DAY 1: Embarkation Day - (SUN, 10/29)… Continued… Let me wrap up Day 1 before we head to the Coco Beach Club for the day! Last night we went to Izumi (Sushi/Restaurant side) for dinner. Our waiter was excellent! With the UDP, you can choose one “small plate”, two “large plates”, and one dessert. If you want to skip dessert, you can pick another “small plate”. I ordered the Shrimp and Pork Wonton Soup, Spicy Crispy Shrimp Roll, Champagne Lobster in Yuzu Wrap Roll, and the Crispy Sesame Balls. The waiter also brought out Edamame, Miso Soup, and 3 different kinds of sake during our meal. My wife the chocoholic went with the Chocolate Lava Cake! The food and service was excellent!!! We have another dinner and a lunch here during this sailing. Can’t wait to try something different! After dinner, we explored the ship and headed to the Boardwalk to watch some football. Love the ship st night! After spending some time at Playmakers, we explored a little more and headed back to the cabin. We skipped Tap Factory this evening (9:45pm) since we’ve seen it twice (once on Odyssey and again on Wonder last January). OK, time to get off the ship! Have a great day everyone!
    11 points
  3. DAY 1: Embarkation Day - Port Canaveral (SUN, 10/29) The shuttle ride to the port was quick with no traffic. Approaching Cruise Terminal 1 and Wonder! The whole process was very efficient. We got off the shuttle, handed our tagged/checked bags directly to the porter, and walked to the entrance of the terminal. Once again, we have the Key and the 10:30am-11:00am boarding window for this sailing. The outside of the terminal had a short, quick moving line… Once we entered the terminal, we were surprised that it was completely full this early! I doubt people were adhering to the boarding times! The regular security lines snaked throughout the terminal. Thankfully, there was signage to the left for the Key which had no line. In this pic, we’re near the beginning of the line for the dedicated security station assigned for the Key guests. You can see there was no line (on the right) for the Key behind us at that time. I think these folks were wondering why we were flying by them! We went through security and up the escalator to check in with the folks handling the Key guests. The ship had already started boarding, so we walked right through and onto the ship. So excited to see the ship again as we approached! Next, we went directly to Izumi to make all of our specialty reservations. We could not believe how long the line was before 11:00am! Once again, this is the first time we have purchased the Unlimited Dining Package. All of our specialty dining reservations were made except for Izumi Hibachi. By the time we got to the podium, they only had late night (9:15pm) available reservations! They explained that the hibachi side (both lunch and dinner) was mostly booked pre-cruise (folks that purchased a-la-carte through the planner). So, we decided to make reservations for Izumi Sushi (table service side) for multiple dates. Next, we headed to MDR and checked in with the Key station. We dropped off our carry-ons and headed into the MDR for our Key lunch (still the same Chops Grille menu). We all had the wild mushroom soup and filet mignon. For dessert, we had the Royal chocolate cake or New York cheese cake. The soup and dessert were excellent, but the filet mignon was just decent (temperature, tenderness, and taste not as good this time). Also, I found it strange that they eliminated the mashed potatoes and mac & cheese and substituted french fries! Overall, it still was a nice way to kick off the cruise, but we remember having a much better experience pre-Covid. We booked Chops Grille for lunch so we’ll have a chance to really experience the difference later this week. I missed when the Key lunch was actually in Chops Grille! The rooms were ready before we finished lunch. We completed the phone app portion of the safety exercise and checked in at our muster station. We cut through the Royal Promenade to grab some Starbucks from the Cafe Promenade (included in the beverage package unlike the actual Starbucks kiosk near Spotlight Karaoke and Boleros). Here is the menu for products available in the Cafe Promenade: You enter a separate line on the left side of the Cafe Promenade to order from this station. I had a Caramel Frappuccino and my wife had a Caramel Cappuccino. A couple of random shots of the Promenade with the balloons prepped for the midnight drop! … one of the quirky murals in the bathrooms… remember this ship was originally designed for deployment in Asia… We headed back to the cabin to unpack and settled in before meeting up with the rest of our group for Sail Away! We met at the aft of the ship near the Ultimate Abyss. This time, unlike during our JAN cruise, the ship was positioned with the bow facing Grills Restaurant. Not much of a view while we waited for the ship to head out. We ordered a few of our favorites at the Wipeout Bar… First, Lava Flows with a Kraken rum floater (more lava than anything else apparently!). … and then frozen mojitos! A couple shots of the coast as we headed out… I’m running out of gas and we have an early day tomorrow at PDCC! I’ll finish up Day 1 when I have the chance. Have a good night everyone!
    10 points
  4. Thanks, same to you! Right! DH and I looked across the pizza covered table and let out a collective sigh that today was over. Dinner was a success! Tomorrow we are going to enjoy our free breakfast and check out the beach in the morning. We booked an escape room for tommorow afternoon, and the kids have requested seafood for dinner. We have a plan! Right now we are all happily in our jammies letting the vacation vibe wash over us.
    10 points
  5. This will be a work in progress. I've reserved replies for each day and I'll come back and add to them. It will take me a few days to complete, but I wanted to show how easy it was to cruise from Venice/Ravenna despite the long travel distance from either Bologna or Venice airports. We are really travel newbies, and we were still able to navigate our first European cruise easily. I'm a butcher, not a scholar, so please overlook typos, grammar issues, etc. Yes, I'm literally a butcher. I've been doing it since I apprenticed at 15. I took pictures of things I found interesting. Others may or may not be interested in them...you've been warned. We kept meaning to take food pictures, but forgot when we started eating because we were hungry. My wife and I are in our mid-50s, pretty frugal, and never started cruising until our youngest was 19 in 2019. We weren't quite prepared to enjoy it as much as we do. We managed three cruises before the shut down. When we were jumping through the hoops to go to Nassau in 2021 to sail on Adventure, we realized we had become "Cruisers". We booked this cruise as soon as the 2023 European itineraries were released (Jan 6, 2022 to be precise). I woke up in the middle of the night every day of release week until they were finally live. We wanted an aft corner balcony cabin and there are only a handful. We ended up with cabin 9690. Aft port corner on deck 9. Total cost for booking (before gratuities) was $2318. Flights were $1412 for Economy, then we had to add the cost of individual seat upgrades for a bit more legroom. We flew in to Venice Marco Polo Airport and returned from Rome Fiumicino. We also paid for post-cruise transfers through Air2Sea at $71.95 each. I'll get in to how we made our way from the Venice Airport to Ravenna (via Venice) on those specific travel days. We went back and forth about whether to check bags or not. We decided to each buy a convertible soft backpack/suitcase and check those. Airtags went in the checked bags, but thankfully we had no problems with our bags arriving. In preparation for traveling to Italy, I started learning some basic Italian through the popular apps like Babbel, and DuoLingo. I moved from there to podcasts, videos, and settled on a paid membership to Coffee Break Italian. I watched a lot of Italian tv shows and movies, some dubbed in Italian (like Friends) and some were actual Italian tv shows (like Un Medico in Famiglia). My prep work helped, but not quite in the way I expected....more on this later. When we decided to cruise out of Italy, we thought we might have bitten off more than we could chew, but we didn't. Trust me...if we can do it, anyone can. Note...I'm using 24 hour clock for times because I'm still screwed up enough with the time zone changes that it's easier for me to keep track of things...plus, that's how I wrote things in my notes I took over the week.
    8 points
  6. Friday October 20 Transportation Strike Day!! We got back to the airport at 500 and had no problems going through security. The process was fast and simple...nothing came off our body or out of our bags. They didn't care about liquids, tablets, etc. In addition, since our flight was within the Schengen Area, we didn't have to go through any kind of passport check. Our flight took off and landed as planned...it was rather uneventful. Two and a half hours of nap time for us. Once we landed, we had to figure out transportation to our hotel since there was a scheduled National Transportation strike in Italy today. Our original plan was to take a water taxi from the airport to our hotel when we arrived, but the canceled flight changed that. Thankfully, one of the bus lines, the ATVO bus is privately operated and we were able to take that from the Venice Airport to Piazzale Roma at the end of the bridge to Venice. The cost was 20 € for the both of us. Tickets can be purchased inside the airport just beyond the baggage claim area or outside at ticket machines in the ground transportation area. We bought ours inside because I wanted to try my hand at Italian. The woman at the ticket counter understood me fine, but replied in English. This was a common theme in the Venice area....people seemed to rather speak English than risk a non-native Italian speaker misunderstanding something. The bus trip was 20 minutes and you get off at Piazzale Roma, right in a big area with lots of bus and car activity. Watch out for vehicles cause they don't seem to watch out for you. There are many vaporetto stops nearby and the train station is a very short walk away. Since no water buses (vaporetti) were running because of the transportation strike, we decided to walk to our hotel....Google Maps said 35 minutes. We didn't have a ton of luggage, and we're both in good physical shape...what could go wrong? This was one of the only real mistakes we made during the whole trip. The walk on the uneven ground and narrow alleys in the heat and humidity was brutal....and the crowds. Holy S the crowds!! The popular areas were shoulder to shoulder people. It's currently the time of “acqua alta” (high water) in Venice so the water was shin deep on me in places...and I'm 6'4”...my wife is 5'2”...she was not impressed. The Rialto Bridge was so crowded that it was an exercise in futility. We ended up finding a reroute which added another 25 minutes to our walk. We were absolutely exhausted when we arrived. On the flip side, the hotel experience was great. We stayed at the Locanda Silva. It's an easy walk (5 mins) from a Vaporetto stop, and the owners are wonderful. I had contacted them the day before to let them know we would be a day late and they said not to worry. I neither expected nor asked about a refund for the missed night of lodging due to our canceled flight. We have trip insurance for that. Our room included a private bathroom, included a breakfast, and ran us 200 € each night. The check in process was easy and the owner spoke good English and humored me while I spoke in Italian. After changing clothes and hydrating, we spent the next few hours walking around Venice...unencumbered by luggage. Our hotel was in the Castello neighborhood and we headed deeper into it, going away from the tourist areas. We love to see normal people like us going about their daily lives rather than fighting the crowds. Dinner tonight was at place recommended to us by the young man who was at the hotel desk. He even called to get us reservations. We ate at 6342 Alla Corte. Dinner ran us 75 € and even our “thrifty” selves thought it was worth it. There are pictures below. The appetizer was a local seafood platter, I had a chicken dish, and my wife had bacon wrapped monkfish. We're not foodies, so I can't tell you the names of the dishes. Sorry. The restaurant was very nice and to be honest, a lot higher class than we're used to. I felt like the proverbial bull in a china shop, but everyone was really nice to us. The owner felt bad that we didn't have a drink and wanted to give us one on the house after dinner, but we don't drink alcohol. This was a recurring theme. We ran into a lot of confusion from people who didn't understand why we wouldn't have a glass of wine or an after dinner drink. The walk back to our hotel from the restaurant was amazing, even in the drizzle. Venice at night is worth seeing. We were in bed by 2230. Tonight, we had two single beds pushed together, so while we could sleep together, there was a light outside our window that shone in on us all night. We were exhausted, so it didn't bother us, but I could see some people complaining about it. It's something to be aware of at least if you consider staying here. Another consideration is there are no elevators at the hotel. You will have to walk up stairs to get to the desk and then more to get to your room. Tomorrow: travel to Ravenna Edit: Added one final picture to this reply...it's of the entrance to our hotel, Locanda Silva. It's the brightly lit open door.
    8 points
  7. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here in Ft Lauderdale. High of 84, and there are a few clouds in the distance. With the rip current warning still in effect, we think we made the right decision to forego surf lessons today. We went to the hotel's included breakfast and were able to catch the sunrise over the pool. The ocean is just on the other side of the pool. Breakfast was the typical just OK free hotel breakfast. A step up from Homewood suites with an omelet station in addition to buffet eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, muffins, bagels, and oatmeal. There was no waffle maker which disappointed the kids. after breakfast we walked over to the beach which was clean and drops off pretty quickly at the foot of the loungers. DS and I are headed to the pool, DH is taking a nap, and DD needs a break from yesterday's over stimulation and is going to watch TV until DH is up. They'll join us at the pool then.
    8 points
  8. Meanwhile....at Celebrity......pouring gas on your own flames.
    7 points
  9. Wednesday October 18 into Thursday October 19, 2023 My wife and I both worked this morning...me 330a-9a and she 7a-10a. I convinced her that we should leave at 10 instead of 11. No real reason for this other than I wanted to start our trip. We went from Maine to Boston's Logan Airport via bus. This was the cheapest way to get there...parking at Logan is crazy, and we knew we wouldn't want to drive two hours north when we finally got back on the 29th....Boston traffic is never light. We are only 7 or so miles from the bus station in Portland, and parking is $5/day. We flew on TAP Air with a connection in Portugal. We booked Economy then paid 50 € each for “Comfort Plus” seats with more leg room and recline. The seats were comfortable. The plane was an Aerobus 321LR. We chose the second row from bulkhead on the port side so we had under seat storage. The third seat was empty so it was just the two of us. I had checked the seating map two days prior and moved us to that row because the third seat was empty. Bathrooms were all the in the back though. The flight was incredibly bumpy. Extreme turbulence doesn't bother me, but I thought my wife broke my hand squeezing it. The people in the row in front of us shrieking didn't help either. We had no hot meal service because of the turbulence. They served cold cheese sandwiches a couple hours out from Lisbon. We departed Boston at 1755. Our scheduled arrival time in Lisbon was 520 and we arrived a bit before 500. We went faster to avoid an incoming storm. We disembarked from the plane on the tarmac and were taken in shuttle buses to the terminal. This was kind of pita, but thankfully it wasn't raining too hard. First impressions: Damn, it's hot and humid here. Passport control was easy...10 minute wait but area was wicked hot....everyone was uncomfortable, not just us. The immigration agent was very brusque...he said two words to us “Come!” and “Go!” I'm assuming there was a language barrier. In any case, we had no problems getting our passports stamped to enter the Schengen Area. Our connecting flight was scheduled to depart at 1420. We had originally planned to go out in Lisbon and be tourists but weather was very windy and rainy, so we booked the TAP Air Lounge for 48 € each. The lounge is upstairs and opens at 0500. Included food, drinks, showers, etc. There's no decent place to lay down, and by 1000 it was packed with people. We ate and napped in a booth until noon then went downstairs to terminal to walk around a bit and wait for a gate to be assigned. We did not have to go through security again since our bags were checked all the way to Venice. We stayed right in the Schengen Area with no problems. At 1330, our flight showed up as canceled. The TAP service desk was swamped because two other flights to Italy were canceled as well. I was on the phone with Air2Sea while my wife waited in the line with some other couples who we met who were going on cruises. Air2Sea couldn't find verification of flight cancellation so the agent asked me to get back in line with my wife while we were still on the call so the Air2Sea agent could talk to the TAP agent. Unfortunately, all cell service and wifi dropped when I got close to the service desk. No one had any service. I was using ATT International Day Plan which worked well everywhere but this spot. Wifi calling using airport wifi was a no-go too. The TAP agent was very helpful. When he saw our boarding passes, he immediately gave us hotel vouchers, meal vouchers for the hotel restaurant, and four vouchers for airport restaurants the next morning....two for the Schengen Area and two for the non-Schengen Area. We were rebooked on a flight to Venice the next morning at 0755. The total wait was around 40 minutes from getting in line to getting our new flight. While in line, we met three other couples who were on the cruise as well. We stayed together as a group since there was a definite "safety in numbers" thing going on with keeping your place in line. TAP Air was trying to separate people into four separate lines because four flights were cancelled, but a lot of people just inserted themselves into whatever line looked like it was moving the quickest. We shared an Uber to hotel with one of the other couples. The hotel we were booked at was the Sana Metropolitan. It was nice hotel with decent rooms, although we had two single beds that couldn't be put together. We definitely felt like there were much nicer rooms in the hotel, but we just wanted a place to shower and sleep. We put our carry on bags in the room and went for a walk in Lisbon. Beautiful city and we felt very safe. All the people we interacted with were very pleasant and welcoming. We used a translator app on my phone and had a great time walking around and seeing that part of the city. The hotel restaurant had a huge buffet filled with local specialties. I have no idea what the things I ate were called because I didn't understand the Portuguese, but it was all excellent. Despite sitting around the airport for 8+ hours before our flight was cancelled, we ended up having a great day. We weren't stressed about getting to Venice a day late because we built extra days into our trip. We also have an annual trip insurance plan so we knew the missed night in Venice, the water taxi ride from the Venice Airport to the hotel, and the Uber in Lisbon would be reimbursed. The little bit of Lisbon we saw left us wanting to go back and spend more time there. **Edited to add this** As soon as we stepped away from the TAP Air service desk after we got our new flight, my phone buzzed with a couple messages. It was Air2Sea trying to call me back after our call was disconnected. I called them back to let them know we were rebooked the next morning. They asked for our updated flight info and thanked us for letting them know were were all set. Then they closed out our incident.
    7 points
  10. Made it to the hotel, and they are renovating. DH said they sent him an email this week about it. First impressions are that they could use an update. We arrived 20 minutes too late for tonight's free happy hour so DH went on a search for a bottle of wine. We do get 2 beach chairs with an umbrella, and 2 tropical drinks of the day each day. We're all tired so we decided to go with a known quantity for dinner and ordered a pizza. Our room has a living room, separate bedroom with 2 queens, and 2 bathrooms. We didn't pay for the upgraded view, so we overlook the pool...of the motel across the street. MIL texted that it sleeted a little back home. Glad we missed it!
    7 points
  11. A few hotel pictures. The spa is closed on Mondays and about half the gym cardio equipment had out of order signs. Looks like drink prices are on point with RC, but you can get pitchers of drinks here.
    6 points
  12. Girl, I live for jalapenos! DH and I were shocked we didn't have the option to have them on our cheesesticks last night. #youknowyourefromtexaswhen
    6 points
  13. Another one? Again? Everybody at this blog knows you can't "accidently" fall overboard
    6 points
  14. DAY 2: Perfect Day Coco Cay - (MON, 10/30) Just returned to the ship, so let’s see if I can catch up a little before I need to get ready for dinner tonight! I got up early enough to watch the ship dock. Thank God the winds/waves were not severe enough to cause Wonder to skip PDCC! Photo dump! A bunch of pics of the area under construction for Hideaway Beach… sorry about the smoke from the exhaust trail! After we docked, I met many wife at El Loco Fresh for breakfast. I wish we have known about this mini-breakfast buffet last January! We usually rotate through the Windjammer, Solarium Bistro, Johnny Rockets, and Central Park Cafe. Why did you all hide this from us? I spoke to a crew member and he explained they serve breakfast starting at 6:00am on port days and 8:00am on sea days. A solid selection of basic hot breakfast items including: huevos rancheros, scrambled eggs, ham & cheese omelets, cheese omelets, pork sausage, chicken sausage, bacon, corned beef hash, sautéed mushrooms, hash browns, pancakes, French toast, waffles, etc. They have a selection of baked goods including: danish, muffins, bread, rolls, fruit cups, parfaits, etc. Also, coffee and juices of course! I drove my wife crazy constantly playing the Wonder of the Seas commercial this year between the two sailings. I tease her and compare her excitement level to the little girl in the commercial, so she did her best attempt at a re-enactment! LOL! I’ll pick up later with our day at Coco Beach Club! Time to start getting ready for dinner before my wife kills me!
    5 points
  15. "Hey I've got an idea. Let's build a beach for adults only that looks like a blue empanada from above!
    5 points
  16. What a perfect Day (part 1) We woke up pretty early after turning it in last night. By 7am we were having breakfast in the windjammer and had already arrived at Coco Cay. It looked a bit cloudy at first, but the sun finally peaked out right as we hit the pier at 8am. Headed straight for our Beach Bed on South Beach, #54 was a perfect spot right in the front middle portion of daybeds. The two attendants there were so incredibly kind and decorated it for us! We didn’t catch their names but chatted with them throughout the day and were so grateful. The water was crisp and cool, absolutely perfect weather! We spent our entire day on South Beach snorkeling, snoozing, and reading. Apparently some string rays were there super early but we didn’t catch any. We both are admittedly not big “beach” people, but we had an amazing time and I thankfully didn’t get burnt (just lightly toasted) We found it interesting that many of the day beds were reserved, but no one ever came to claim them. Only about six or seven groups checked in but then left fairly early. We stayed until 2pm so we could shower off and do a little shopping on the boat. (I did not bring nearly enough moisturizer and forgot socks) Tonights menu in main dining seems to have flipped. It’s Taste of France tonight, and Italy tomorrow. Originally it was Italy tonight, so I had booked 150 CP for tomorrow since we weren’t impressed with the taste of France menu. Oh well, if we’re actually unimpressed well just head to WJ. After dinner we have inTENse and we’re really looking forward to that.
    5 points
  17. This sign would've been float tested if I had seen it :)
    5 points
  18. smokeybandit

    2025 Alaska

    It has been unofficially reported elsewhere that it'll be Nov 1 as the actual release date.
    5 points
  19. Big fan of the jalapeno pineapple margarita from Playmakers and the jalapeno cucumber one from Sabor the other night was good too. Bacon wrapped chicken jalapeno app at Sabor is also my favorite thing on the whole menu. We had the nicest server who brought me a triple order when I told her that, lol. May you find many jalapenos on Liberty!
    5 points
  20. That one always boggles my mind too. Get as many as you need to feel full. I wouldn't mind seeing that Moroccan Ahi Tuna Steak re-appear. Lamb Shank is renamed Braised Lamb but it is the same dish and is readily available.
    5 points
  21. I hope they really are taking a dip. If this is just about hogging the chair when they are away, it's really shameful. Us humans are a strange breed. One of the first things we teach our children is how to share, but as we age into adulthood, as a society, it becomes clear we were only faking it the entire time.
    5 points
  22. Fuzzywuzzy

    Diamond Recognition

    If you ever feel that you're not being recognized enough just announce yourself to everybody on your own!
    5 points
  23. Our “Fall Foliage” cruise on Jewel has turned into a “Winter Wonderland” trip. Not enough snow to remain on decks but plenty to greet us around Quebec this morning. A beautiful change from last week on Wonder.
    4 points
  24. Matt

    2025 Alaska

    They are to be released "The week of Oct 30", not necessarily today. That means it could be any day between now and Friday.
    4 points
  25. Ooh a jalapeno and spinach omelet would not have me ready for the day
    4 points
  26. When there’s a will, there’s a way. I am even contemplating driving there when we sail out of Miami in March, and we are staying at the Intercontinental! I know, I am nuts!
    4 points
  27. Person was found and in medical facilitie
    4 points
  28. okay friends, that’s what i will do!! service will likely be iffy anyway so bear with me also @DDaley that pasta was the ultimate. i dream of it still.
    4 points
  29. Anthem of the Seas is a day out of Bayonne on their Transatlantic Voyage. If this is the same cruise, which I know many of our members are on, can you update us when you get back? And if you are the person that believes God placed you on earth solely for the rest of us to admire, adore and be in awe.....would you like to claim ownership of this?
    3 points
  30. We've been really lucky with our RU bids! We start with a "free" cruise offer from the casino usually a balcony or jr. suite. Then we submit offers to several suites, and so far i think we've won every time. I say "won" because of course this makes our free cabin not free at all?!? But, we're very happy to pay a little to cruise in a beautiful suite. So far, we've won RU bids for a crown loft (twice), and royal crown loft (once), an owners suite (once) and grand suites (twice). I think our bids are usually in the mid'range.....
    3 points
  31. I'd bet they'll honor it. As for the app vs. the restaurant experience, we ran into the same thing but the other way around. We wanted to push our 6:00 reservation at Sabor back an hour or so the night we had it booked. The app said nothing but 8:45 available. Knowing not to trust the app, we went to Sabor during lunch hours... and the hostess offered us every 15 minute increment except exactly 7:00 (obviously fine by us). So the app said practically full but they had tons of openings. We chatted with our server (she was super nice) about it and she asked us to please mention that in our surveys. The restaurant was empty, costing her tip money, costing Royal money, and if anyone wanted to eat there but trusted the app, they didn't get to.
    3 points
  32. @melmar02 you and my brother would best friends. Those drinks sound delicious, I hope the pitchers are at least 4 drinks because then it becomes a pretty good deal. The weather looks perfect, it's like 40 degrees in Chicago, even my cat is trying to stay warm.
    3 points
  33. It may well just mean they have more large balcony rooms available that would be typical based on whatever algorithm they use, so they lower the price.
    3 points
  34. I am D+ and I figure there's little chance of us making Pinnacle. We got a very late start into the cruising lifestyle, and we lost some momentum during the Covid cruise curtailments. I cruised extra heavy to make D and D+, but now I'm just gonna cruise to cruise. And knowing I probably wont make Pinnacle, I can spend more time trying the other cruise lines.
    3 points
  35. They said during the earnings call last week they are not getting paid by US government "The evacuation services of Rhapsody of the Seas provided pro bono to the U.S. government, and these costs are included in our financial forecasts."
    3 points
  36. Love the little food hacks like that. My wife isn't really a drinker and often gets a banana from WJ and asks a bartender (usually while in the Solarium) to add it to her virgin strawberry daiquiri. Comes out somewhere between a daiquiri and a smoothie. She's also grabbed chocolate chips from the WJ waffle station to add to things, lol.
    3 points
  37. Thank you! Funny thing, I have never been able to get jalapenos in an omelet in the suite breakfast. I have had them kind of figure out what I wanted and add fresh around day four. One of the reasons we like the Freedom and Voyager class is the WJ being right next to Chops where the suite breakfast is held. I can get a little cup of jalapenos from the buffet to add to my breakfast. 🌶
    3 points
  38. Would be funny if it had to be removed due to breach of copyright! 100% correct Some people talk about kids having no manners! Blame the parents for not bringing them up correctly then behave like spoilt brats themselves when things are not to their liking.
    3 points
  39. Lots of school break sailings in my signature... WJ is on me!
    3 points
  40. Sounds like you are fully leveraging the meals and drinks packages !!! Awesome pix. So glad you are having fun.
    3 points
  41. Love the pics so far! This is making me miss Wonder a lot! Need to find a way to sail her again.
    3 points
  42. Oh my gosh I also had a crush on him in my much younger years! Even better…my high school boyfriend had a striking resemblance to him…lol. Memories!!
    3 points
  43. I don't get it, the menus are not that different to what there were previously. And the number of complaints about the size of the meal astounds me. Get another one or try something else. And there is never a lobster night when cruising in Europe. Night one symphony cruise 2020. Not much difference to current menus.
    3 points
  44. I am glad you all made it safe without much delay. I love when travel is over and I am at my destination, pizza also usually a safe option.
    3 points
  45. Now if this person has gone this far to create a special "this is my chair sign" for just 1 cruise, one would think they would also have the courtesy of making additional smaller plaques with the time of day (I'll be nice and say in 15 minute increments) on them (be sure to say either AM or PM). Those could be attached to the bottom of the sign. Left chair at 9:45 AM for example. Yea I know, that would be asking too much.
    3 points
  46. Ok!!! It's me!!!! Guilty! I book every cruise without Hubby knowing! lmao
    3 points
  47. Dropped off the pupper and made it halfway to Orlando! The excitement has doubled and we’re so ready to get on the boat.
    3 points
  48. Two checked bags, two carry on backpacks, and enough sunscreen to sponsor Beach Addicts Anonymous…or 7ish days for me. Irish skin problems. Covid tests negative. I work in healthcare so it was for our peace of mind. Driving half way down tomorrow to the Alabama countryside, where the worlds best potato soup awaits at Mamaw Janns.
    3 points
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