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JohnK6404 last won the day on May 12

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About JohnK6404

  • Birthday 11/29/1969

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  1. Happy Anniversary in advance!!!!! Enjoy your time together without the "freeloaders", LOL!
  2. Please add: - Odyssey OTS, 1/15/26-1/26/26 (11-night Southern Caribbean) Thank you!
  3. We're thinking this may be the way to go... thank you!
  4. Can't wait to sail on her again next year after the amplification!
  5. Thanks! ANY insight is greatly appreciated. The first time through this process is a PITA! The booking number Air2Sea gave me on the confirmation e-mail for BA was not the reservation number they have established for this trip! BA could not find that number and had to search by passenger names/flight numbers, etc.
  6. OK... time to resurrect an Air2Sea post! We booked our flights today through Air2Sea for our Western Med sailing next year (roundtrip Barcelona in May). This is our first time using Air2Sea. Booked flights on British Airways... the flight over is all BA (JFK-LHR-BCN), but the return flight is on/operated by American Airlines (BCN non-stop to JFK). (1) I'm assuming it will take a day or so before this reservation appears in the BA system so I can "manage" our booking (add any additional info since it only asks for the primary traveler's KTN, etc.). Will we have to also access the reservation through American Airlines for the return flight? I apologize for my international flight ignorance as this is my first trip overseas and my wife has not been overseas in decades. (2) One more question for now... on BA, do we have to pay the airfare in full before we can look at the seating options (through TA I'm assuming as the airfare has already appeared on our booking online)? I know they can charge fees for certain seats. We also want to make sure we are seated next to each other... we're not sure if purchasing seats earlier on is necessary. Any thoughts/recommendations? Thank you all in advance!!!
  7. Uggghhh... at least it's spread out throughout all of 2025 starting this Christmas from what I read! Thank you for the heads up! It looks like the whole season/year is going to be unusually busy with all of the visitors. Organized excursions only for us... no wandering around on our own in Rome this trip! They mention that Rome will be at it's most beautiful as so many restoration and public projects are underway this year to spruce up the city for next year! I found a calendar of events... Hopefully, since we're in port on 5/15/25, we'll miss out on a little of the craziness!
  8. Completely agree! Next summer is the Western Med roundtrip Barcelona itinerary for us. Our hope is to return to Europe a few years laterand do the roundtrip Rome Greek Isles itinerary so we can really explore Rome and the surrounding areas pre/post cruise once we've done the whirlwind tours next summer and had a taste of Italy!
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