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  1. I was saving the tales of the 900 as a separate post but I will mention it all now. Also there was a group of swingers, but they will be mentioned in the recap. Yes, there was a large group that kicked off in two ports actually. I was waiting to hear about whether the alpha, alpha, alpha was okay because some said the person died. I am still unsure because my brother also witnessed them fighting in Costa Maya and several were removed from the ship. These are the things I know from experiencing........ There was a guy claiming to be someone important to Jadakiss hitting on women/underage girls, he took several back to his suite and parents complained so he was kicked off in Cozumel. There was a group filming their OnlyFans on the decks, card room, and hallways when it was after 1am The third day there was a girl giving you know what to men on deck 5 when it got dark and was removed from the ship, she was crying because she had no money and was put off in the rain in Roatan. They would get drunk and smoke and argue everywhere, the time I went up to the WJ for pictures, they were smoking and screaming in there. Several women were slapped in public and/or told they would be getting something in the room. They had roofies.......I will leave that there. I saw a woman fall out in the casino and didn't put two and two together until this aggressive "stud" kept trying to give me drinks. My brother went to Blaze for the night club experience and had to leave after having a nice time when one pulled out a knife they had kept from dinner. I wasn't privy to all the shenanigans; I heard more and don't know what was true or not.
    15 points
  2. Okay so some things I missed. First day we got our room steward, I asked if he would be doing all three rooms and he said no he had from 12680 on....so just mine and bffs. He said his name was Iwanyen, the vintages would have a different steward. I only wanted to know so we could tip properly. When the new vintage flirted with Iwanyen I said he lied to me we have the same steward......turn out the stewards had the same name, and one was just taller than the other . I had called this poor man a liar. I was the last person to get my luggage and it was because it was delivered to the wrong room. That person tried hard to open my luggage, despite it not being the color of theirs, they had been drinking. There was a pinnacle who wore pineapple attire, she was part of that large swinging group. She would randomly go to people and say I wear this because I am pinnacle. Then when you ask she will try to lure you in......... When I was in the casino there was an aggressive stud, for those not in the know that is a lesbian that identifies as masculine without being male. She said she liked my hair, I thanked her, and she kept trying to buy me drinks she was getting from the bar. Being prime and D+ I didn't need her drinks. I was also suspicious she wouldn't order from the crew. She was eventually kicked off. My bff befriended some guys from the 900. They believed everything was included in the price they paid to the agency, so they didn't tip on anything, despite being difficult to the crew. One even was so drunk they poop in their room. I almost gotten taken in by the swingers. I was at the casino chatting with couple, showing them how to use their freeplay. They were staying in a CLS and asked if I wanted to come take photos. I did but they said I should bring my partner too, aka my brother, and I knew they weren't just being nice to allow me to take pictures. I was hugged by almost every crew member we had for specialty dining. We had several crew members comment about how nice we were and that they appreciated the tips. It made me feel a smidge sadden. They mentioned some rude entitled guest. One day new vintage had to "curse out" a guy because he was berating the crew at JR over some bacon. We saw that guy do it in Giovanni's and then Chops and on the last night when we were getting takeout from JR. That's when she lost it, I thought the crew member was going to cry. He was so happy she stood up for him he brought her a double sundae. They also didn't enforce any rules with us. The blind gent can eat. He got multiple entrees at Chops, 150CP and Izumi. They never limited us. After that first day we weren't charged for drinks at any place. I never used my D+ vouchers and my brother would get sodas each night to use his. At Chops our waiter John cut up the blind gent's food and made sure we got everything we wanted. The crew are always outstanding, but they went above and beyond. They even took the blind gent on a special tour so he could get acclimated to the ship. I don't think I have even seen the cruise police out like I had for this sailing, we all know why.
    13 points
  3. Disembarkation and train travel. It is so funny. I say I won't sail this ship or out of this port and then I have an experience that doesn't make that bad experience seem so bad. But I don't think I will sail out of Galveston again. The town is beautiful, but that terminal is a mess. It is way worse than PC and might take the trophy from Port LAX. It is really the logistics of Galveston, the train ride from hell didn't help. As I stated there was a vintage couple who got hurt and they had to shut down one of the three escalators. It was a gory situation and I pray that they have a smooth recovery, but it was very bad. Made more so by people gawking and blaming. The two ambulances messed up traffic. There were people who scheduled their Ubers/Lyfts the night before and most were over an hour late. I had so many cancellations. Plus, the long wait, only for drivers to cancel. I had three drivers tell me I needed walk to end of the parking lot or else they would cancel on me........they did because I had two vintages with me. I one guy hang up in my face, I was getting frustrated and also standing in the hot sun. We got the most wonderful driver who made it work with all our bags and plump bodies. We tipped him 30% on the app and $35 extra in cash. He was so nice, and it only ended up being a 15min ride because of traffic. I will say there were so many friendly Texans, who would stop and chat us up, tell us places to see and visit, and mostly comment on all our luggage Some of the large family had made it to the bus stop before us. But they were waiting in the shade. The bust stopped in front of us and while he started loading our luggage one of the girls jumped in front of me to get on. But we were in line, and she didn't have her ticket. The rest of her family was still trying to get an Uber/Lyft from the port. We boarded and then she came on because it was the same driver from our last trip, and he remember her screaming children. She tried to sit by us, and new vintage was not having it. Bus was full and made 4 total stops, with two being rest stops that lasted 45min so people could stretch their legs and get food. The food was like the stuff you get at 7/11 or Circle K, so all bad for you. We only got chips and drinks. I mostly enjoyed the bus ride because I slept and had a seat to myself. The large family and their screaming children were horrid. During the rest stop when the driver went to use the bathroom, a little girl was up pressing the buttons, nobody was paying attention to her. I had to say something. A vintage got on in Houston and when we had a bathroom stop, she jumped in the bathroom in front of me and pulled her pants down, saying she was elderly and needed to go before me. The train was not good at all. As I stated it was late. But everything leading up to the arrival was crazy. The bus driver and station rep couldn't leave until the train came. The system kept saying it was coming at this time and they would come out and say nope, don't listen. We were convinced it would come around 9, so at 8:30 I lined up. Of course, the same girl came and got in front of me. The new vintage wasn't having it, she told the girl to get behind us, the girl and her son were tired of their family. They wanted to sit with us to get some peace . The train came at 8:40 and while we were in line the new vintage flirted with the ticket guy and a man staying in a roomette looking out his window. We were the only people going to Chicago and given seats on the lower level, it was pretty much a car to ourselves......so we thought. There were only twelve seats, we had 6 and then there was four other people inside. That girl was mad, she apparently talked about us the whole train ride. We were bougie and stuck up. It wouldn't have been so bad except it was hot, like insanely hot and included a rude woman. She had draped her jackets across the seats blocking the tables. I moved it to get my table and she said not to touch her stuff. Then she reclined all the way back on my mother, knocking her stuff all the tray. She had loud conversations, watched movies and listened to music without headphones until midnight. We were all sleeping then. But we were directly across from the restrooms and exit doors. We could smell people smoking cigarettes and weed. There was a naked crying baby on the upper level. They let it walk around in onesie sans pamper. The crew member on our level said the baby had peed on the steps and carpet several times. And the train wanted to make up the time, so it sped, I felt all the lumps and bumps. Whenever people would get on, they always tried to come in our car, despite their ticket saying upper level and there only being one or two empty seats at a time. We made it to Chicago 15 minutes before the original scheduled time. I have never been happier to take a shower and lay in my bed. I will do final thoughts and last stray observations tomorrow.
    11 points
  4. I can not agree more with @OCSC Mike @Ampurp85 could and should write some books, I would purchase in a heartbeat. Shenanigans of the Seas! The Vintage Brigade's take over of our Cruise Holiday! Pointers on how to Coral Cats, otherwise known as Vintages! Tomfoolery on the High Seas, narrated by Ampurp85! Ampurp85 Complete Guide to sailing with Vintages! Ampurp85; TA to the Stars, by Stars we mean Vintages! @Ampurp85 observations & the way she expresses them are something I always look forward to, but it does make me sad that she had a true *Demon ship experience! I wish those sailings on no one. This blog report had me internally being pulled in opposite directions, on one side what in the world is going on in society that being polite and respectful is the exception not the rule, as well as in the same breath, oh please let this sailing get better for our newly minted D+ Once again thank you again for bringing us along & I truly wish for you peace, relaxation & an amazing next sailing:) *Shout out to @asquared17 for teaching me this perfect descriptive....and if there was one saving grace (shout out to @SweetPea & Batman) there were zero underwear ordeals....that we know of! My next blog will be named, Did I pack enough underwear for my Adventure of the Seas!!
    9 points
  5. They’re making money on me. I never EVER use all of my vouchers. Most days I don’t use any of them. I’m sure I’m not the only one…
    9 points
  6. Just spotted in my cruise planner
    9 points
  7. Okay final thoughts and stray observations. Allure looks good. I didn't get enough photos, but I will be back on her in Jan. The library had books and there was ample space to play games in the card room. The rooms lacked storage though, having been on amped ships, I am accustomed to having a bit more storage options. I also just learned I could use the phones to call other rooms........ The crew were amazing throughout and the service from our stewards was fantastic. He did come twice a day even though we had only requested evening service. The Evian water was so good. The 1L bottles proved to be too much even for heavy water drinkers like me and my brother. We took home 6 bottles out of the 24. The other water was really nasty until it was put over ice. But the ship water was, as usual, amazing. So was the lemonade. ELF at Wipeout Cafe was not good, it was the cheese they used. Bands and live music were great. We had dinner in Central Park a few nights and would go and listen to Miguel and other musicians before dinner. New vintage loved the Champagne Bar, she had several photos taken in the big chair. She also loved one of the bartenders there. Before we left, she treated him to a snack giftbag, we left many of the crew snacks and they really appreciated them. The only thing that felt crowded was the upper decks and elevators. Which often went rouge, there was one aft elevator that would never pick anyone up and every other day would be out of service. Almost 7000 people and more than 2000 were children. Those children liked to play on the elevator and stairs. A couple of teens were put in cruise jail for climbing/jumping off stuff. I was told in the Crown lounge that more than 4k people were new cruisers. I did have some relaxing moments and I did enjoy myself minus the traveling part. I even enjoyed the vintages in their own ways.......I am sailing Allure in Jan on a 4N, so of course I would sail her again. Since I will be solo, it will give me time to catch all the shows. Stray Observations. The WJ had pretty much the same selections each night according to my brother. He said this was the worst buffet he has experienced. At lunch and dinner, he couldn't find anything. But he said breakfast was on point. He said staff would make him plates and bring them until he told them to stop. He said one morning he had 8 ojs, 14 apple juices and 5 of the morning smoothies. He said he would sometimes share his table and the people would ask why he was tipping...by which he would wave his arms at the stack of cups and plates. Despite being busy, the WJ was sparsely filled on certain items and times. I liked that they had non-traditional desserts but most of the desserts were pretty bad. I never saw regular chocolate chip cookies, only sugar free. There were also hardly any items in the carving area. I am not saying you are required to tip but if you are doing the most, say thank you with your mouth and/or cash. C&A was a wash. I only got two welcome waters, then on day two the fruit plate. I waited and waited on my amenity. I finally got it day 7 by going to the ambassador. I had to have the concierge push the ball on the D+ pin and Emerald pin for my mother, who also hadn't gotten her platinum pin. I must mention again the lack of couth in attire.......so many butt cheeks......old, young and in-between just hanging out. I am not policing anyone's clothes but that has to be a sanitation issue. If you sit down and your butt ends up bruised or bleeding, then that outfit is not for you. Bathroom behavior is always insane to me. Both my mother and brother saw people bring food into a bathroom and were appalled. The new vintage said she saw a lady finish her dessert while waiting in the bathroom. This happened while we were docked next to carnival. Three dudes in speedos putting on a show. The cost of a bucket of 5 Trulys or domestic beers is $34/37 with grats. Your best bang is that Fosters can. The casino would give me unopened cans at the bar. I enjoy a Blue Moon on occasion, and they would always serve it to me unopened, so I always had an extra one. Several people had staff watching their children in the pools while they got drinks or did other things. Formal night was insane, so many stairs blocked off to take photos. Which as diamond and above members we totally forgot about, so we didn't utilize our free photos. Everyone was thirsty for that lobster, especially the 900, the line for the MDR was crazy that night. Lastly, this past July Next Cruise stopped booking casino comps. You need to purchase the book later option and then give the casino rep your booking number to get all the extras associated with the certificate. The rep said the commission wasn't worth it. So, another trip is in the bag. I am 83 days away from my next sailing and 328 days from a sailing with the vintages. I know I said I wouldn't plan anything else for them, but they told me they had the time of their lives and wanted me to plan them something even if I don't go with them. I set some ground rules and thankfully I have removed the headaches (bff and his mother.......and possibly mine) from this sailing. The next vintage included sailing will be on Quantum of the seas September 16th, 2024, from Seattle Washington. They wanted Norwegian but after I quoted prices and then excursion prices, they are happy to stay with Royal. I might just meet @SweetPea on another type of Norwegian sailing.
    7 points
  8. My budget? YOLO Book It! Not aware of any budget Hubby's budget? $0 Our actual budget? Somewhere in between those two Jokes aside, as our girls are getting older, we realize how limited our time is as a family of 4. That has prompted us to up our number of cruises to as often as we can swing it. I am the limiting factor. Because I am a teacher, I can only go in March, July, August, December. So the last few years, that is when we cruise. While the cost is high right now, we don't plan to back down either because we won't get this time back with girls. A year from now, I might only have one kid sailing with us (cheaper), and soon after that, it might just be Hubby and I (even cheaper). So things like that will affect how much, and what we spend on as well.
    6 points
  9. Heavens…I hope you have a restful return and I hope the crew can recover from that nonsense as well. I’ve heard of rambunctious crowds but this has been absolute madness. Does RC have a “no cruise list” like airlines do?
    6 points
  10. @OCSC Mike, i found that thread you were talking about on the dark side of Cruising. In true CC form, it's been deleted! Not locked. Deleted. @Ampurp85,i think you endure the worst because it's as you said, you do have a kind face! And so you attract all sorts you wouldn't otherwise hang or interact with. I could give you lessons on having a proper RBF if you'd like! Either way, I'm relieved you're home, safe, and were never roofied .....
    6 points
  11. I have to tell you, I laughed SO HARD at this. After the planning/travel to/actual cruise/travel from you've endured, you even had SWINGERS coming after you! Oh, you're a peach (but not a pineapple).
    6 points
  12. my friend, this has officially FAR and AWAY, surpassed my demon ship sailing (nautical term that @Neesa knows is also) and i am equal parts horrified — but also — relieved that you are alive and well. also i feel absolutely HORRIBLE for the crew. i can’t imagine what last week must have been like for them. my god.
    6 points
  13. anyone else with me, hoping alicia sleeps for a week tbh lord knows she’s earned it after this wild week i know the tales are soon to come upon her recovery and reentry into life this sailing seemed beyond the normal levels of crazy, even for her observations!
    6 points
  14. UPDATE: Now I'm reading it was not swingers, it was the group @Ampurp85 mentioned and they were apparently openly smoking weed, caused damage to the arcade, and all types of other stuff. This report says when a parent asked one of them to stop smoking in front of his children, he was severely beaten and required an ambulance. It also mentioned 200 being kicked off in Cozumel. I think this officially was the cruise from hell on many levels and I look forward to hopefully sailing with lots of retirees and families who took their kids out of school for a couple days when I board Allure on Wednesday.
    6 points
  15. $30,000/year. Two Star class week long sailings for my family of 5. There, I said it. P.S. please keep buying almonds.
    5 points
  16. I’m truly so sorry you endured so much craziness while on this vacation…BUT you have certainly entertained me so I thank you for that. You have also helped me to become more aware of my surroundings in all my future travels! Rest up and enjoy home! So the saying goes…”There Is NO Place Like Home”!!!
    5 points
  17. So my wife works in analytics for a car rental company, mainly dealing with customer reviews and the like and has always said that if there are 100 reviews 80% as a minimum will be negative. Because it only takes 1 small thing to set certain people off and they will complain while the majority who are satisfied don't feel the need to complain and don't do a review. I decided to do a test on a current cruise group I'm in (ovation Transpacific - was going to be aboard but work got in the way so have decided to go the other way in April - still have 2 others to look forward to in the meantime - Ovation to NZ and Brilliance to South Pacific) I just put a simple question saying not on this cruise but was curious on the food situation on board as have heard mixed reviews Replies so far. Extremely Positive - 19 Positive - 34 Satisfied - 27 Slightly negative - 2 (1 was small portions, 1 was too much seafood in wonderland) Negative - 0 Havent looked at it in more detail with regards to age, nationality or cruise experience which I believe will all play a part.
    5 points
  18. It's being reported on CC that there was a group of approximately 500 swingers on this cruise and, when confronted by a passenger for being too loud and disruptive, beat and severely injured the passenger... then about 200 of them were kicked off the ship in Roatan. @Ampurp85 Did you somehow miss this or fake news? You sure know how to pick and plan a cruise!
    5 points
  19. I got a FedEX package this morning filled with cruise brochures. It looks like a travel agent kit. I have no idea how or why it was sent to me and there was no letter or explanation included. I am not complaining - it has a full guide to all the ships, deck plans & cruises for the 2024-2025 season. I am, however, taking it as a sign that I should be doing more cruising...
    4 points
  20. We weren't excited about Labadee anyway. CocoCay looked very windy for Thursday too and we love it there so I am not upset. Off to make plans for Cozumel...
    4 points
  21. I don't have a ballpark figure. I just cruise because I love it. I'm lucky to have made decisions in my life that have allowed me to be able to afford my cruising addiction. I didn't get the cruise bug until after I retired and a friend who was employed on a cruise ship invited me to experience what it was like. His intention was to get me to accept a position like his. Unfortunately for him....but very fortunate for me....I really enjoyed being a passenger. Much more than he enjoyed being an employee. So I turned down the offer and never looked back. I was hooked. I live near the ports in Bayonne and Manhattan. Easy drive...especially on weekends. My budget is personal and inconsequential...however I'm very appreciative of my ability to be able to enjoy as much time aboard as I do...and will continue to do so as much as I like. Hello. My name is Brian and I'm a Cruisaholic....*I love that line!*
    4 points
  22. Looks like we are in for a windy week on the first few days of our cruise. We are officially in packing mode and overly exited to head down to Orlando. There’s also a Starlink launch apparently Saturday night and DH is super exited to see that. Also if anyone is interested, these were our Royal Up bid prices. I did have a number in my head I’d be willing to throw at a junior or even grand suite, but these unfortunately were a bit over what I felt was worth it. One day I’d love to experience a grand suite at least. The suite neighborhood looks fantastic on Wonder.
    4 points
  23. That's a rather personal question.
    4 points
  24. I admit when I read about the cruise on other sites I was very skeptical. Thank you for confirming that some of it was true by your own experiences. Please fill out the survey. They need to know what happened on all fronts. I would also send something to corporate. You have such a great writing style and it was a true pleasure reading this.
    4 points
  25. I am glad you are home. The 900 group is the worst. I am sure Royal had some "words" with the travel agency. We go on vacation to relax and have fun. Thank you for enduring with the negative issues with a smile. I hope the 900 group wasn't on a plane together. Relax and look forward to your next cruise.
    4 points
  26. Last night I received the concierge email and activities/entertainment started to populate into the app. Still no menus. The headliners are a juggler, adult comedian, and a singer in addition to the usual Encore ice show, Saturday Night Fever broadway show, and In the Air production show Liberty always has. There will be a family Halloween party at 8pm in the Star Lounge and an adult Halloween party at 10pm in Studio B. Today I'm getting my hair done - I went from purple to magenta with blue lowlights after Allure, and I'm wanting to go back to (what I think) my natural brown is with burgundy ends. We'll see how it turns out. Also need to pick up prescriptions, grocery shop for Friday's classes, and keep the laundry going. Is it just me, or does laundry seem to multiply in the days leading up to a trip?
    4 points
  27. Our our cruise in Aug. RC dropped Bar Harbor, and we added an overnight in St. John, NB... so glad that they did this- we loved the place, loved having dinner out instead of lunch (as we do in most ports). The people were so kind, there was a surprising amount to do (loved our whale watch excursion and the BEST OF ST. JOHN tour). All in all, a win in our book!
    4 points
  28. The account here had more and better info anyway... with a much better writing style too.
    4 points
  29. Bazza


    Be aware not beware??!
    4 points
  30. Especially on a port day we may not even redeem a voucher. After dinner, we are usually at the casino anyways get the Prime tier benefits at the casino bar.
    4 points
  31. This live blog is the gift that keeps on giving ️
    4 points
  32. Well I am glad to say we LOVE Liberty. This is such a great itinerary, its about our favorite. Every port is awesome, Boston we made it to the AMAZING aquarium. Taxi was very reasonable I thought, 20 bucks. I take the blame because I thought the rain would hold off so we tried to walk back but half way it down pored! I mean big time. But honestly I thought it was fun in a way. Portland was also fun, we had an excursion to Freeport but that wasn't till 1PM which we didn't like. Next year we gonna get our own way there and much earlier and spend the whole day in Freeport. It also rained when we were there. We had lunch at Linda Bean's across the street from LL Bean, delicious. Bar Harbor is impossible not to fall in love with. Did an excellent walking tour but next year going on our own and literally explorer every inch of the town. Oh we had lunch at this awesome place called Side street cafe. Cannot recommend it enough. The food on Liberty has been exceptional. I think we, me included beat up Royal too much on food quality. Its been excellent, buffet included. Sorrentos excellent as well.
    4 points
  33. OCSC Mike


    Sorry you weren't aware that the cruise planner closes 48 hours prior to embarkation day. What exactly is making it impossible? You just go to WJ or anywhere else that has cups of ice water and fill your water bottle with them. Good to hear those other issues aren't keeping you from having a great time. Enjoy the rest of your cruise!
    4 points
  34. My thoughts on Liberty OTS so far after boarding yesterday. Yes, she needs some love for sure, a nice updating but she is still awesome. Absolutely LOVE her so far. Crew is absolutely spectacular and I have to say I LOVE cruise ship crews in general. They are for the most part extraordinary people. The main dining room first night I have to say also was excellent. Really alleviated some of the fears some have put out there about the "new menu". The food was excellent and I thought a step up from before but I am not super picky. I know when some is terrible and not cooked right or cold and none of that last night. It was all delicious and the bread especially was better than I remember, extremely soft and delicious. Again crew in MDR was incredible. We are back to traditional dining and will NEVER go back to MTD. Tonight we have Sabor and the next 2 nights Giovannis. Then right back to MDR for the rest. Tomorrow we are in Boston where its going to be pouring rain unfortunately. Gonna still try somehow to get to the aquarium but have no idea how with the rain. With a baby it might be tough. Oh this particular cruise is very, very old. I mean VERY but I quite like it. Some yes are bit too much but overall very, very nice, quiet too. There are very few kids, I mean like a handful. So that is my thoughts so far. I will add more as we go. This is a nice long 9 night cruise so more to come....
    3 points
  35. I got a marketing email last week telling me that an Internet package would make my Labadee excursions more enjoyable!
    3 points
  36. Oh man! Vintages…the sequel You must have a heart of gold
    3 points
  37. 20 foot seas may have made docking in Labadee a bit iffy. https://www.windy.com/-Waves-waves?waves,24.427,-75.608,6 Have a great time anyway!
    3 points
  38. Yes and I would have to assume and hope that getting kicked off and left in foreign country gets you on that list!
    3 points
  39. I wish I had a ballpark to spend money on cruises. We don't really budget per year, we just book to two a year we can afford or at a price that is digestible to us.
    3 points
  40. Agreed. I'm not sure if you ever mentioned your profession (not asking you to), but I could easily see you doing some freelance writing on the side if that's not part of your current profession.
    3 points
  41. I think you're more likely to get general answers (if any), more similar to how you phrased it at the end... Are people cruising more or less at increased prices? The dollar amounts aren't really relevant. One person may be used to be spending <$2000 per cruise while another may be used to spending >$5000 depending on # of people, ship, dates, cabin type, etc. Even then, it will depend on personal finances and spending decisions. If someone just got a big raise, new job, inheritance, hit a scratcher for big money, etc., they may be willing to spend more than someone whose income hasn't changed or has run into financial difficulty compared to the past. Not sure if you find that helpful, but personally, my general answer is I am willing to spend a bit more than I have in the past to continue cruising as often as my finances and schedule allows.
    3 points
  42. I’ve said “I have no words” more in this thread than in my whole life. Glad you’re finally home. Also glad the poor crew will have had 3 days to recover (and hopefully deep clean the ship) before I board tomorrow.
    3 points
  43. Oh My Goodness! That is beyond crazy stuff! Actually scary! Just glad you and your “entourage” were able to find some enjoyable moments throughout all the chaos! Also glad you noticed that casino activity in order to avoid being slipped something! I will definitely keep my awareness level at full force for future cruises! As @asquared17mentioned I hope you caught a few and if not….make it a point to do so! You deserve it! Lol…still looking forward to your recap!
    3 points
  44. Can’t wait for @Ampurp85to chime in on these last several posts! The hurt guy must have been the AlphaAlphaAlpha she heard??
    3 points
  45. It will be interesting to see what she has to say after she finally gets home. @Ampurp85 I have been following your trials and tribulations all this time and I have to jump in now and say what others have been saying all along: You are amazing. I don't how you managed. I have been my family's unofficial TA in the past but never for such a complicated group as yours. I would have been a total wreck by the end of the first day. I hope you're able to get some well deserved rest and relaxation in the next few days and that you'll be able to tell them all firmly to take a running jump next time they ask you to be their group TA!
    3 points
  46. Agreed... but I feel like she might be upset that she missed it, lol.... or at least just finding out they were swingers.
    3 points
  47. Repeat after me.... I WILL NEVER BE VINTAGES' TA EVER AGAIN!!! Repeat that several times a day for the next 365 days. I bet you will feel better. Thank you for your BLOG. I loved it all. The stories, the food porn.
    3 points
  48. Xaa


    If you're talking about filling water bottles from the Freestyle machine it's because the cup has an RFID chip so the machine knows you are allowed to use it. Beware, poor planning can result in increased out of pocket costs.
    3 points
  49. This past April when we went on Allure, I thought it would be a good idea to squeeze in just one more wedding before we went on vacation, and I delivered a cake the morning that we left town. Then we got back and I had a wedding 4 days later. We tried to do all the things on the bigger ship. Not going to lie...our genie was an enabler who kept getting us access to all the things too. That whole vacation felt rushed and stressful. This time, I am doing it right. I'm done with deliveries and consultations until we get back, and the emails are under control. I am making the kids do school this week (we homeschool), but DS has worked ahead in anticipation and has a very light week. DD needs to work on her time management skills, so she still has a full week. We have our homeschool co-op on Friday, but I am only teaching two classes this semester. DD is taking a logic class that will require her to work a little bit while we are out of town, but the homework and test can be turned in online and should only take 30 minutes or so each. I already feel much more relaxed than our last trip. DH won't start to relax until we are seated on the plane - we're flying Southwest. I pre-packed the kids yesterday and once again they decided to grow since our last cruise. Today I'll be updating DS's t-shirt collection, and, thanks to DH's 6'4" genes, DD needs some longer athletic shorts. Time to start the final cycles of laundry and drag out the ironing board. The only time it makes an appearance at our house is when we pack for a cruise. I forgot to mention our other pre-cruise purchases. We all have the refreshment package and will use our D vouchers and the suite lounge happy hour for adult beverages. MTD - I made reservations for 7:15 each night. DH and I are doing Chef's Table on night 3 of the first leg. Photo packages and internet have been bought as well. I'm sure we'll hit up Johnny Rockets for lunch one day. Since we sailed star class in April, we haven't tried the new menus yet, so the plan right now is the MDR for all our other dinners. We decided to stay at the Embassy Suites in Deerfield Beach about 40 minutes north of Ft. Lauderdale. The hotel was cheaper than the Embassy Suites in FLL, and it is right on the beach. We plan to Uber/Lyft to the port the morning of the cruise.
    3 points
  50. Oh I forgot to add, Chops for lunch on embarkation is always awesome. It's just a great, great way to start a cruise. We started it on Oasis last year and will do some specialty restaurant on embarkation day. We have Jamie's for lunch on Anthem embarkation day in February. Chops was absolutely delicious and I'm not a steak guy. I got organic roasted chicken and the mushroom soup oh my goodness! We also went to see the ice show this s afternoon and it was also incredible. What an amazing performance. Got there early and got good seats. It kinda bothers me a bit people "savings seats" but we were there early so it didn't bother us as we had good seats. We got there 45 minutes early. Overall having a great time. Oh and I have learned on many cruises to basically not worry about what other people are doing or what they think. That's not in a rude way, just a let's enjoy and not worry thing.
    3 points
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