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WONDERing about D+, Roatan, and how my wife has put up with me for 22 years - June 2-9, 2024


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7 minutes ago, Sweety said:

Can you go to mason jar just for the drinks? James will want one or two per night.

Absolutely. I had at least 3-4 Mississippi Moonlights outside of my 2 at brunch so far. The WJ pic looking out at the water behind a drink from last night is one. I like that the MJ bar is right next to WJ.

The MJ bar is very popular at night, especially if the country trio is playing.

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11 hours ago, Lovetocruise2002 said:

There is a running joke among teachers….teachers of little ones have no clue how we deal with the hormonal teenagers. Teachers of hormonal teachers run scared and freeze as soon as they approach the hallways that house the little ones. 😂 that is what life is like in a K-8 school in Ontario lol

I missed this, but i get it! I've probably mentioned that i was actually supposed to be an English teacher and did my student teaching for a full semester. I had Grades 9-12. Back then it was all note passing. That's how i knew who had a crush on whom, who the suspected fart culprit was, and that i accidentally had my dress on backwards one day ....


They were seriously a handful then. I don't know how you do it now with smart phones and social media. 

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39 minutes ago, SweetPea said:

I missed this, but i get it! I've probably mentioned that i was actually supposed to be an English teacher and did my student teaching for a full semester. I had Grades 9-12. Back then it was all note passing. That's how i knew who had a crush on whom, who the suspected fart culprit was, and that i accidentally had my dress on backwards one day ....


They were seriously a handful then. I don't know how you do it now with smart phones and social media. 

We have phone lockers

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6 hours ago, SweetPea said:

i was actually supposed to be an English teacher

I too went to college and was going to teach HS biology....I got all the way to student teaching, then realized...I hate kids, well not all kids....but enough of them that I realized, maybe teaching isn't for me. I salute all you educators out there. I can run into burning buildings and have no issues with the blood and guts in my job, but I cannot deal with moody teenagers all day. 

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We had an amazing private tour of Roatán. Saw & learned a lot from our guide, a gentleman named Cardy (yes, like the rum or the rapper).

He’s a scuba divemaster & worked as an EMT of sorts amongst other things in the past. He had so much interesting info to share & was much more than just a nice guy who drove us around to see sloths & beaches. He got us into a resort that normally charges $20pp for the day. We didn’t really spend time there but we walked around… very nice resort.

I’ll go through sloth & monkey pics later… a monkey tried to eat my wife’s Apple watch but was far more interested in eating my head. 🤣🤷‍♂️

It was very hot out. Thankfully we were only out for an extended period at Manawakie Eco Park to see the animals. The rest of the day was spent hopping in & out of his air conditioned car.

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Grabbed some drinks to cool off when we got back onboard & had ELF & my first kummelweck in a while. Wife didn’t find much but we’re going to Playmakers tonight so she’s ok with it. We’ll probably eat on the later side (for us anyway).

Just failed at movie poster trivia. Gonna relax for a while before dinner.

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1 hour ago, GregD said:

I too went to college and was going to teach HS biology....I got all the way to student teaching, then realized...I hate kids, well not all kids....but enough of them that I realized, maybe teaching isn't for me

Sub English for Biology and exactly the same! I also did a complete career pivot. I kept my license, just in case but after 30 years, nope. No flipping way! God bless all you teachers!

Also, @OCSC Mike, it's late but you should probably get cracking on those vouchers. This might get old. For you. Just remember you ASKED me to do this. 😅


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Great server, gave us each extra fries & a few onion rings on the side just because. Back to stuffed, lol. Playmakers isn’t supposed to be that big of a meal.


Time for a post-dinner break. No real plans tonight. Gonna find some music somewhere if my wife comes out of her food coma. She loves the garlic parm fries & almost finished them.

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15 hours ago, OCSC Mike said:

Waiting for the announcement to go ashore with our donation bag…


How did your donation of the school supplies go? That was a substantial bag of supplies you were toting with you! 

I loved your sloth and monkey interactions! I’d love to see them but my main goal is to get in the water and see some of ther reefs on Routan. I’ve never been to Routan but I’m told they’re pretty good. I did take a look at Rony’s Tours website but as of now we’re booked on the ship’s tour to Maya Key. 

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School visit went well. They had split shifts at the one Cardy took us to (near his house where his grandkids go). The younger kids (K-3) went from 1-5:30pm local time (older in the morning) & ship time was an hour ahead so we couldn’t wait to see the little ones. My wife had collected mostly markers, crayons, pencils, etc. so after we told Cardy of course he could take some for his grandkids as well as keep the rolling duffel bag which was old but in great shape (he was so nice & appreciative), we dropped the supplies off in the school office & then popped into a 4th & 5th grade classroom briefly just to say hi. The kids weren’t impressed with my broken Spanish as much as I was, lol. I was close to fluent in college then sadly lost a lot of it from lack of use.

So anyway, we didn't get to actually give the kids the supplies directly since they were more for the younger ones but that wasn’t the point. I’m sure they will be appreciated & my wife enjoyed seeing the school. She couldn’t get over how you can just walk up to a school there given all the security in place in US schools now for obvious reasons.

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Back to 1st world problems… we called it an early night thanks to our overly generous Playmakers server and the mountain of garlic parm fries. Too much food & garlic for my wife. I was ready to go chill in Music Hall or somewhere for a little while with a couple more drinks but we had no big plans, as I said, and I was more tired from Roatán than I realized so it’s fine.

Worst voucher usage yet but of course we weren’t on the ship to use them until like 2-3pm so whatever. This is practice for next month. 😉

Not sure how my wife slept. She’s out as I type this. We’re going to walk around the port in Costa Maya for a bit then just get back on the ship. We’d normally go early but I’ll see how she’s doing when she gets up. I’ve been pushing back my early AM CL coffee runs so as not to wake here.

We’re having a good time as always but we’ll have a better plan for next month now that we know how to order at GK without going overboard & no more po’ boys for me at Mason Jar. Playmakers wasn't our fault other than having no self-control with the fries, lol. We love it there but have never considered it a huge meal. I keep saying I’ve always enjoyed eating lots of small meals/snacks throughout the day/evening so I just need to cut down on how much I eat at our few specialty meals.

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1 hour ago, OCSC Mike said:

Back to 1st world problems… we called it an early night thanks to our overly generous Playmakers server and the mountain of garlic parm fries. Too much food & garlic for my wife. I was ready to go chill in Music Hall or somewhere for a little while with a couple more drinks but we had no big plans, as I said, and I was more tired from Roatán than I realized so it’s fine.

Worst voucher usage yet but of course we weren’t on the ship to use them until like 2-3pm so whatever. This is practice for next month. 😉

Not sure how my wife slept. She’s out as I type this. We’re going to walk around the port in Costa Maya for a bit then just get back on the ship. We’d normally go early but I’ll see how she’s doing when she gets up. I’ve been pushing back my early AM CL coffee runs so as not to wake here.

We’re having a good time as always but we’ll have a better plan for next month now that we know how to order at GK without going overboard & no more po’ boys for me at Mason Jar. Playmakers wasn't our fault other than having no self-control with the fries, lol. We love it there but have never considered it a huge meal. I keep saying I’ve always enjoyed eating lots of small meals/snacks throughout the day/evening so I just need to cut down on how much I eat at our few specialty meals.

This whole episode is what we call "food coma" my friend lol

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15 hours ago, OCSC Mike said:

Did you play the game with the stick & the toilet paper “hole”? 🙈 IYKYK

We did not play this game. This sounds like story time for later though!

I'm loving all the pictures. Your wife has the same smile mine does when holding sloths.


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It was cloudy & raining earlier so we decided to go chill in the Solarium & walk the port if the weather improves. I’m fine with no sun, Solarium temp is nice, but did want to go out for a bit so off to find a better weather report than the one the basic iPhone weather app has which said no rain. It was storming at one point. 

EDIT: Forget that idea, lol.

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