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There seems to be a lot of hype on the new Icon of the Seas. Bloggers,vloggers youtube influencers and the author/moderator of this blog make statements like they cant wait to sail on it and no doubt will either be invited or make a reservation on this ship come this Wednesday Oct 25 when bookings begin.  What many people fail to realize is that these first cruises are a "shake down" cruise. Not everything will run smoothly. It just won't , so dont expect it to. Not every thing will be open.  Staff are new to the ship and still in learning mode.  Shows, performers, last minute rehearsals, are all in test mode.  Dinner reservations, wait times, room service will all be a challenge.  Oh you might meet some famous people, top cruise line execs, and get to try out some new stuff., and of course you get the bragging rights that you were one of the first people to be on a inaugural voyage.  For me the cons outweighs the pros. I can wait. I will wait. 


Seems its a common occurrence to experience intoxicated cruisers aboard .   They can become loud, obnoxious, annoying, angry, and get involved in fights.  Personally I think this is due to the offering of the Unlimited Drink Plan.  People simply want to take liberties and drink as much as they possibly can. Then come the consequences .   Time to stop this plan or change it?  

10 minutes ago, Censored said:

Seems its a common occurrence to experience intoxicated cruisers aboard .   They can become loud, obnoxious, annoying, angry, and get involved in fights.  Personally I think this is due to the offering of the Unlimited Drink Plan.  People simply want to take liberties and drink as much as they possibly can. Then come the consequences .   Time to stop this plan or change it?  

I would wager that 99% of people using the UDP are perfectly calm, quiet, responsible people who are just enjoying their vacation. Maybe they get a little loud and rambunctious at night, but they probably would without the UDP anyways. I can only imagine what small percentage of UDP customers are causing issues. 

10 minutes ago, CrimsonCruiser said:

...wait but what does all of that have to do with stopping the unlimited drink plan....?

umm people will not be inclined to drink as much. When you have to pay for each drink, that will change, they will drink less and become less annoying in their drunkeness .  

11 minutes ago, Zacharius said:

I would wager that 99% of people using the UDP are perfectly calm, quiet, responsible people who are just enjoying their vacation. Maybe they get a little loud and rambunctious at night, but they probably would without the UDP anyways. I can only imagine what small percentage of UDP customers are causing issues. 

Ive cruised enough and sat in enough hot tubs on board and pools and bars to witness the absurd amount of drinks people order with the plan. One guy was up to 21 drinks on my last cruise.   I think there needs to be a cut off point.  I have to disagree with you.,

13 minutes ago, CruizIan said:

Seems the title was classic click bait so people would read the post. Strange axe to grind but everyone is entitled to their opinions. Other fun tags to get your post viewed next time "Royal Caribbean going out of Business" or "Coco Cay suffers the fate of Atlantis and sinks beneath the waves."

Click bait? I have nothing to gain by getting followers in here. Nothing.  Matt's opinion on seeing more drunken adults than misbehaving children was the issue. Is that click bait?   I suggest you put me on block and do not follow me... thx 

32 minutes ago, Zacharius said:

I would wager that 99% of people using the UDP are perfectly calm, quiet, responsible people who are just enjoying their vacation. Maybe they get a little loud and rambunctious at night, but they probably would without the UDP anyways. I can only imagine what small percentage of UDP customers are causing issues. 

I agree with you.

I recognize you were just going off "Unlimited Drink Plan" when you arrived at your acronym of UDP, but that one is already used for Unlimited Dining Package.  I think we need DBP  For "Deluxe Beverage Package"

I'd hate to see this thread become more confusing than it already is with the apparent pasting of a post from another thread to start this one when the OP seems to have intended a discussion about drinking and not about taking the inaugural voyage as posted.


42 minutes ago, Censored said:

There seems to be a lot of hype on the new Icon of the Seas. Bloggers,vloggers youtube influencers and the author/moderator of this blog make statements like they cant wait to sail on it and no doubt will either be invited or make a reservation on this ship come this Wednesday Oct 25 when bookings begin.  What many people fail to realize is that these first cruises are a "shake down" cruise. Not everything will run smoothly. It just won't , so dont expect it to. Not every thing will be open.  Staff are new to the ship and still in learning mode.  Shows, performers, last minute rehearsals, are all in test mode.  Dinner reservations, wait times, room service will all be a challenge.  Oh you might meet some famous people, top cruise line execs, and get to try out some new stuff., and of course you get the bragging rights that you were one of the first people to be on a inaugural voyage.  For me the cons outweighs the pros. I can wait. I will wait. 


42 minutes ago, Censored said:

Ive cruised enough and sat in enough hot tubs on board and pools and bars to witness the absurd amount of drinks people order with the plan. One guy was up to 21 drinks on my last cruise.   I think there needs to be a cut off point.  I have to disagree with you.,

Was that person causing any issues? 

54 minutes ago, Censored said:

Ive cruised enough and sat in enough hot tubs on board and pools and bars to witness the absurd amount of drinks people order with the plan. One guy was up to 21 drinks on my last cruise.   I think there needs to be a cut off point.  I have to disagree with you.,

Did you stay in the hot tub after hearing that? More than likely Mr. 21 Drinks hasn't left it all day so....ew.

55 minutes ago, Censored said:

Click bait? I have nothing to gain by getting followers in here. Nothing.  Matt's opinion on seeing more drunken adults than misbehaving children was the issue. Is that click bait?   I suggest you put me on block and do not follow me... thx 

I think the confusion is that your subject is about the drink package but your initial post has NOTHING to do with the drink package

1 hour ago, Censored said:

Time to stop this plan or change it?  


I have not ever encountered people so intoxicated that they cause the most troubling of the issues you are referring to; anger and fighting. Some loudness and a bit of obnoxiousness, sure. Asking to not encounter intoxicated people on a cruise (or any other vacation destination, for that matter) is just not feasible. 

And I must agree with @Zacharius . I think that only a VERY small percentage of us that buy the DBP cause such issues. Even without it, those personality types would still be inclined to drink in excess because once inhibitions are lowered, spending habits also tend to loosen up.

Are you counting how many drinks another guest ordered or was that just overheard? That seems like time that could be better spent doing something more enjoyable on your vacation.

1 hour ago, Censored said:

There seems to be a lot of hype on the new Icon of the Seas. Bloggers,vloggers youtube influencers and the author/moderator of this blog make statements like they cant wait to sail on it and no doubt will either be invited or make a reservation on this ship come this Wednesday Oct 25 when bookings begin.  

Do I sense some dislike, maybe even contempt, for these people?

What many people fail to realize is that these first cruises are a "shake down" cruise. Not everything will run smoothly. It just won't , so dont expect it to. Not every thing will be open.  Staff are new to the ship and still in learning mode.  Shows, performers, last minute rehearsals, are all in test mode.  Dinner reservations, wait times, room service will all be a challenge

No, many of us realize this.  We don't expect everything will run smoothly.

Oh you might meet some famous people, top cruise line execs, and get to try out some new stuff., and of course you get the bragging rights that you were one of the first people to be on a inaugural voyage.  For me the cons outweighs the pros. I can wait. I will wait

Good for you, I hope you do find a quieter cruise experience.



Yo' Dude... 

--Unaffiliated paying passengers book the inaugural sailings (or yearly Presidential Cruise) because they know they are going to get free crap every single day of the cruise. Yes, that branded swag is responsible for filling a ship.

--Bloggers, Youtubers, TA's, influencers are on these inaugural sailings because their cruise fares, dining packages, or experiences are wholly or in part complimentary from Royal Caribbean. And for the portions that are not a give away; they are a business expense. The large part of Royal Caribbeans marketing strategy is for bloggers, Youtubers, and influencers to do the marketing work for them and thus the invitations they receive for advance bookings before they are opened up to anyone else. Who turns away a party invitation when you are considered a VIP?

--A dirty little secret: Yes, pre-cruise, and for the first 3 days of a cruise; every single person who has purchased a drink package has getting their money's worth on their mind. But as the cruise progresses, those same drink package holders regress to much more moderate state of consumption. Not that they don't consume, it's just far less than days 1, 2, and 3. The polish wears off and the uniqueness of just ordering a beverage becomes normalized. I challenge anyone to have a conversation with a bartender onboard and ask them about the overall quantity they serve and the intensity of business on the first 3 days of a sailing compared to the last 3 days of a sailing. 

--The majority of folks who read this blog daily drink like fish. They are also adults. Adults who have chosen a cruise line that the cruise fare is slightly above average. They are adults who can well afford this type of vacation and do so a few times a year. That's why you don't see the problems on Royal that the lower priced cruise lines have-- they simply have better customers. And for the instances these better customers "get out of hand"; their "get out of hand" of singing Karaoke poorly, loud talk at a hot tub, or even flashing their boobs during Quest......SO WHAT?????


20 minutes ago, bobroo said:

Yo' Dude... 

--Unaffiliated paying passengers book the inaugural sailings (or yearly Presidential Cruise) because they know they are going to get free crap every single day of the cruise. Yes, that branded swag is responsible for filling a ship.

--Bloggers, Youtubers, TA's, influencers are on these inaugural sailings because their cruise fares, dining packages, or experiences are wholly or in part complimentary from Royal Caribbean. And for the portions that are not a give away; they are a business expense. The large part of Royal Caribbeans marketing strategy is for bloggers, Youtubers, and influencers to do the marketing work for them and thus the invitations they receive for advance bookings before they are opened up to anyone else. Who turns away a party invitation when you are considered a VIP?

--A dirty little secret: Yes, pre-cruise, and for the first 3 days of a cruise; every single person who has purchased a drink package has getting their money's worth on their mind. But as the cruise progresses, those same drink package holders regress to much more moderate state of consumption. Not that they don't consume, it's just far less than days 1, 2, and 3. The polish wears off and the uniqueness of just ordering a beverage becomes normalized. I challenge anyone to have a conversation with a bartender onboard and ask them about the overall quantity they serve and the intensity of business on the first 3 days of a sailing compared to the last 3 days of a sailing. 

--The majority of folks who read this blog daily drink like fish. They are also adults. Adults who have chosen a cruise line that the cruise fare is slightly above average. They are adults who can well afford this type of vacation and do so a few times a year. That's why you don't see the problems on Royal that the lower priced cruise lines have-- they simply have better customers. And for the instances these better customers "get out of hand"; their "get out of hand" of singing Karaoke poorly, loud talk at a hot tub, or even flashing their boobs during Quest......SO WHAT?????


Well, you seem to have it all summed up. Drink, knock yourself out. thx.

35 minutes ago, wordell1 said:

Some people just like to get into other people's business. 

I have seen very few people who were drunk to the point of being a problem 

I would suggest that you ask the bartenders, cruise directors etc about that. 

50 minutes ago, SPS said:


I have not ever encountered people so intoxicated that they cause the most troubling of the issues you are referring to; anger and fighting. Some loudness and a bit of obnoxiousness, sure. Asking to not encounter intoxicated people on a cruise (or any other vacation destination, for that matter) is just not feasible. 

And I must agree with @Zacharius . I think that only a VERY small percentage of us that buy the DBP cause such issues. Even without it, those personality types would still be inclined to drink in excess because once inhibitions are lowered, spending habits also tend to loosen up.

Are you counting how many drinks another guest ordered or was that just overheard? That seems like time that could be better spent doing something more enjoyable on your vacation.

lol, I seem to be upsetting all the drinkers. 

2 hours ago, Censored said:

Click bait? I have nothing to gain by getting followers in here. Nothing.  Matt's opinion on seeing more drunken adults than misbehaving children was the issue. Is that click bait?   I suggest you put me on block and do not follow me... thx 

The title doesn't match the content of the post.

2 hours ago, Censored said:

Ive cruised enough and sat in enough hot tubs on board and pools and bars to witness the absurd amount of drinks people order with the plan. One guy was up to 21 drinks on my last cruise.   I think there needs to be a cut off point.  I have to disagree with you.,

Being a non drinker I really have little say here but someone clarify if I am wrong here.  Isn't the unlimited drink package actually "Limited" to 15 drinks a day?


Okay..I'm finally gonna do it..

@Censored...I've seen you at the helm of quite a lot of topics, which, at least to me, seem like "controversial" topics and I have to ask...why? Like...are you just looking for a place to vent your opinions? Are you trying to get under people's skins? Are you after conversation/discussion/ new view points? I'm genuinely curious...


I have never cruised. It never seemed like my kind of vacation. I signed up for one because some friends are going and I really enjoy hanging out with them. We make our own fun. We also enjoy a drink.

My friend group is the #1 reason I want to go on this cruise. The unlimited drinks package is the #2 reason. I would still go without the drink package, but I wouldn't be as giddy about it.

I don't plan to get drunk on my trip. I learned in high school that drinking too much makes me feel bad, and I don't want to waste my vacation feeling bad.

If I have a good time, the drinks package might be the reason I come back for a second cruise. So RCI may want to hang onto that.

28 minutes ago, twangster said:

Why would they stop selling something that generates huge amounts of revenue?  

 And then they would have to do something to make up for the loss of the beverage packages. And that would be to jack up the prices of everything else, including cruise fare, excursions, souvenirs, spa services, exercise classes, minimum bets in the casino, specialty dining. Did I miss anything???????? oh yea, individual drinks, including coffee, soda, non-alcoholic and especially alcoholic drinks😉  

23 minutes ago, twangster said:

Carnival has a 15 drink daily limit.

Carnival has more issues with drunken buffoonery.   

Ergo daily drink limits don't prevent drunken buffoonery.  

I actually think the drink limit might be WHY Carnival has this issue. One thing I've seen over and over with people who get the DBP on Royal is that they love the freedom to try a new drink (beer, wine or cocktail) and if they don't like it, they can just not finish it. BUT I'd imagine with drink limits people wouldn't want to "waste" a "slot" so they would be more likely to finish every drink they get AND maybe even feel challenged to meet that 15-drink limit every day.

Just a thought.

1 hour ago, CrimsonCruiser said:

Okay..I'm finally gonna do it..

@Censored...I've seen you at the helm of quite a lot of topics, which, at least to me, seem like "controversial" topics and I have to ask...why? Like...are you just looking for a place to vent your opinions? Are you trying to get under people's skins? Are you after conversation/discussion/ new view points? I'm genuinely curious...

Simon Cowell Wow GIF by America's Got Talent




@Censored Well I tell ya, I am a Recovering Alcoholic. One of the ones who goes looking for the "Friends of Bill" meetings when I am on board. I have cruised both before and after I became sober and, when I was drinking, I cruised both with and without the DBP.

I can assure you cost of the drink had absolutely nothing to do with how much I drank or weather or not I got "drunk and obnoxious". The only thing having the DBP did for me was allowed me to get my drunk on without the worry of what my wife would say when we got the balance sheet being charged to our card on the last night. The getting drunk part was a foregone conclusion.

These days I call and get the DBP for my wife and I get the Refreshment package. You can do that if you call and tell them why. (Yes, I am in recovery and my wife drinks, it happens all the time)  The DBP makes it easy and we don't worry about when or how many Margarita's she can have or how it will impact that balance sheet. We get on the ship and don't worry about anything till we pick up our luggage when we disembark. 

It's called "Being on vacation" you might have heard of it.


Oh just a reminder..... your first post had nothing to do with the DBP..

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