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22 minutes ago, Lovetocruise2002 said:

We have had good service in all Playmakers except Odyssey. No one was even around to take an order. Then it took forever for the order to come out. Then all service disappeared completely when we asked for the bill. That was the first, and only restaurant we walked out on without signing. We figured they already knew our room number so let them sort it out. 

Same experience. 

1 hour ago, GatorCruiser said:

Maybes it’s just me , and correct me if I’m wrong, but playmakers service across the fleet leaves a lot to desire. I love the place but man the service blows. Worst was icon of all ships. It’s just maddening. 

20 minutes ago, Lovetocruise2002 said:

We have had good service in all Playmakers except Odyssey. No one was even around to take an order. Then it took forever for the order to come out. Then all service disappeared completely when we asked for the bill. That was the first, and only restaurant we walked out on without signing.

i would agree. 

also double agree about playmakers on odyssey — it was the only venue J and i have ever walked out of. after 10 mins with no one coming over to the table, even my patience was beyond stretched and i did not trust myself to interact with anyone. 

the only good playmakers experience i have had was on symphony, i got a campfire cookie to go from the bartender. he was great. 


10 days and 13 days to go! It's getting super exciting. 

Bookworm got picked to be a part of her team's regional competition team, which happens 1/31-2/1 3 hours from here. I knew it was always a possibility, but...now it's set. I told her we might not make the drive to watch her competition, but we'd definitely go to the state competition at the end of February (much closer, and she's guaranteed a spot on it). Parent guilt is the worst. So, she'll probably be videocalling me throughout the cruise to double check on her outfits, packing list, and panic/stress. Yay? 😛

I'm starting to be a bit concerned about going into LA next week. With all the fires still burning (and I feel horrible for everyone there dealing with it, truly), I'm wondering what the air quality is going to be like. I may end up digging around in the garage for the N95s we put there after the pandemic for my overnight in Long Beach. Then again, it may be a moot issue. There's still a week for everything to change.

It was 28°F/-2°C this morning when I took DQ to the bus stop. CACTI AREN'T BUILT FOR THESE TEMPERATURES. I'm glad it's finally winter around here, but can we please stop dipping below freezing?!?!?

In related news, DQ said she wants to go to the (unheated) pool in our neighborhood this weekend. Who wants to tell her she's going to turn into a popsicle? I'd much rather a cruise ship pool that stands a chance of being semi warm!

Photos from December's 3-night cruise for fun...


Port of Los Angeles with Navigator OTS. I've always thought the LA port building looked like a giant blown-up marshmallow (far right). The little tent in the center with the purple banner/sign in front of it? Is a waiting area for if you show up too early (don't worry, there's more inside the actual building, but this is pre-building-waiting-area tent). Definitely not as lovely as Miami or Galveston's waiting areas!


Ensenada by night as we were leaving port. Dinner at Chops! Loved it.


Gosh I love holiday decorations on the ships. Spouse and I honeymooned on Jewel right before Christmas the year we got married. This brought back so many great memories. I took a selfie in front of the tree every night because I thought it was so beautiful.

On 1/13/2025 at 6:12 PM, asquared17 said:

bold of you to assume i don’t already travel with a soap dish tray for the shower 🤣😂😆

but thank you for this!!! 🥰

listen i agree with sabrina - it has to do with the container but ALSO!!!!

the person who you are with. 

for example, there are some folks (who shall remain…. nameless) who drop their soap back into the dish SOAKING WET. 

(the heathens.)

and others, more civilized, who attempt to at least get the bulk of the water off before dropping into the dish. 


rather than fighting this battle!!!!!!

i invoke the honor of liquid soap. 

You are something esle...😂 You make me laugh..


9 days until Cruise #1, 12 days until Cruise #2, and 8 days until I blow this popsicle stand and head to burning sunny California. I feel like there are so many things that are like "I just need to get through this and then...cruise!" and the list keeps growing. ARGH. 

Someone mentioned Daft Punk on @Ampurp85's liveblog and it got me thinking - I'm a musician, and I feel like my trips are all connected to certain bands. Does that make sense? I listen to certain music when I'm on trips (either intentionally or not) and then I associate that music with that place. Last summer, my cruise on Allure became associated with Taylor Swift's Midnights album (thanks, daughters). Our road trip this past summer through the Great Lakes region will always make me think of Oliva Rodrigo (thanks again, daughters). Whenever I think of long-haul flights (like the one we took to London in October), I think of Starset, or Wage War, or 30 Seconds to Mars. Anyone else, or am I the crazy musician?

On a related note, I'm currently ensuring I have new music to listen to on this trip. I got amazing headphones for my birthday this past year and they make it feel like I'm in a concert with whatever I'm listening to, even Matt's Monday livestreams (LOL). Any recommendations?

DQ had a choir concert last night that ended up with Spouse and MIL having an argument. SHE contends that since she and FIL are helping with the girls while I'm gone, Spouse needs to know NOW what they are needed for and let them know. I agree. Spouse couldn't put two words together in a response, which looked really bad. So, I ended up putting together a mock schedule just now so we can all go over it this weekend. 😒 I feel like if I don't do the planning, NOTHING HAPPENS. I don't think Spouse has any clue what I have or haven't booked for our Alaska trip this summer yet either. Excuse me while I go scream in a paper bag...

Is it cruise day yet? No? How about now? Now? ....how about now? 😭

11 minutes ago, Cactus527 said:

I feel like my trips are all connected to certain bands. Does that make sense? I listen to certain music when I'm on trips (either intentionally or not) and then I associate that music with that place. Last summer, my cruise on Allure became associated with Taylor Swift's Midnights album (thanks, daughters). Our road trip this past summer through the Great Lakes region will always make me think of Oliva Rodrigo (thanks again, daughters). Whenever I think of long-haul flights (like the one we took to London in October), I think of Starset, or Wage War, or 30 Seconds to Mars. Anyone else, or am I the crazy musician?

I'm oddly not into music hardly at all (can we still be friends?) but that makes sense to me. If you've ever looked at my overly long signature here you'll see 🎵 Love Today 🎵 next to my 5th anniversary cruise from 2007. I had never even heard of the song (or the singer, Mika) but on that cruise it was EVERYWHERE! The cruise director must have been a huge fan b/c it played before every single show, every event, and at other random times. My wife ended up buying the album after the cruise and that song has been my ringtone for her ever since.

5 hours ago, OCSC Mike said:

@Cactus527 In case you didn't see this, someone posted that the Bamboo Room on Navigator is getting a bit of a Pesky Parrot makeover. I've never been in a Bamboo Room but I can't wait to try some of the new Pesky Parrot drinks on Utopia.


Woot woot! I've been looking for an excuse to check out Bamboo Room - this might be it!!!!

25 minutes ago, Cactus527 said:

What's on here that reminds people of The Pesky Parrot?

This thread shows and discusses the PP menu... A few of the drinks you posted are from there, many aren't though.



5 days and 8 days until the B2B, and 4 days to travel! 

The last few days have been nothing but busy. Dobby went to his new home yesterday, and the new family has been sending us photos of how happy he is. It feels so good but it also feels so hard to let him go. I came downstairs this morning, saw his empty crate, and...oof. The feels. The girls have said multiple times today they miss him. Even Spouse said the house feels weird with only two dogs now instead of three. I'm happy for less chaos, but...I miss him. Also spent the day at a workshop yesterday (so Spouse and the girls took care of Dobby's departure), running around with last-minute errands and visits to people before I disappear for a week, and am still trying to stay on top of my 30-day pilates challenge.

I've been on the fence about whether to pack more short sleeve or long sleeve shirts since it's been chilly here. I realize that CA is warmer than AZ at the moment, but it still gets cold! So Bezos has been getting my $$ as I sift through things and try to decide what I want. I guess there goes my resolve to do less Amazon shopping this year. 🙄

The daily schedule has repopulated over the weekend and I now need to reinput my schedule of things I want to do. On one hand, ugh. On the other, yay! It keeps the excitement level up. 

Bookworm has a friend over tonight and they're currently surveying Spouse's DVD and PS4 collections. It's funny to me - Spouse hoards these kind of things, and I think I have...3? movies that I purchased on my own. No games. I've just never had much of an attachment to anything that I watch on a television/movie screen.

Packing begins in earnest tomorrow!!!!


4 days and 7 days to go until cruising, 3 days until travel. In completely non-cruise related news, the book review I wrote was published and distributed today! I think it's the 3rd or 4th one I've written for this professional magazine, but it gives me a thrill every single time to see my name in print. So, that's my celebration for the day. 🥳🥳🥳 Maybe someday I'll write something that gets published and it's more than 600 words. 🤣


3 minutes ago, Cactus527 said:

4 days and 7 days to go until cruising, 3 days until travel. In completely non-cruise related news, the book review I wrote was published and distributed today! I think it's the 3rd or 4th one I've written for this professional magazine, but it gives me a thrill every single time to see my name in print. So, that's my celebration for the day. 🥳🥳🥳 Maybe someday I'll write something that gets published and it's more than 600 words. 🤣


I'm not a writer but I had a small quote in an article of a fairly large magazine once, lol. My next biggest literary claim to fame is being quoted in a couple of Matt's articles here. He also used my wife's picture of the new (at the time) CL signage once... but I also received credit for that. 🤣


Looking through the schedule right now for my 3-day, there's some new things that I haven't seen before as well as things at times that are kind of ludicrous.


I've never seen this before on any of my cruises. Maybe because there are so many newbies cruising nowadays? Could be interesting, I may pop by just to see what they are talking about. 


This just sounds dangerous. I'm clumsy as it is, so this could be a recipe for disaster. Later on. In the description, it says no alcohol. 🤣 Obviously. 


This has to be a mistake in terms of what time the show starts. The previous show starts at 7:00 p.m. I would suspect that the second show is actually supposed to be around 9:00 p.m., yet here we are at midnight...on the last night of the cruise! 


I have no idea if this is actually the normal time for crazy quest, but it seems rather late to me. #old

17 minutes ago, Cactus527 said:

I have no idea if this is actually the normal time for crazy quest, but it seems rather late to me. #old

Yeah, it's usually somewhere around there. We both got tired of it after going so many times and also started having more vintage tendencies and going to bed on the earlier side (I will not say old yet, lol).


Oh, and the theme nights for the 3-nighter appear to be:

Day 1 - Casual

Day 2 - Formal

Day 3 - Tropical

70s Disco Inferno party is the night of Day 3. 

Another funny I saw in the planner - they're still doing a holiday movie! The Santa Clause is being shown on the pool deck. So, on tropical night, you can go to the pool and enjoy a snowy holiday classic with Tim Allen. 🤣


3 DAYS TO GO!!!!!! I actually packed up a majority of my stuff last night, now I just have the nicer stuff that I don't want to get wrinkled and things I'm still using to do on Wednesday/Thursday. All the emails have started coming in, so the excitement is definitely building. Now it's just a game of What Have I Forgotten? So far it is water bottle, liquid detergent, and yoga mat...







2 hours ago, InmyElement said:

Good for you..A Group 😂 the proud, the few...lol

Safe Travels and looking forward to hearing about your trip..

LMAO now I'm picturing all the A boarding group as Marines getting ready for a sortie. 🤣

1 hour ago, lovetheplaya said:

flying southwest gives me so much anxiety! we are flying them next month and I wish I could make one of the kids lose a few years to be 6 or under 🤪🤣

you got good boarding numbers!

I used to have that anxiety with my kiddos once we got past age 6 too; however, we're also more comfortable toward the back of the plane. There's ALWAYS seats toward the back of the plane. As long as we can score something B30 or earlier, it's always fine. 

11 hours ago, Cactus527 said:

LMAO now I'm picturing all the A boarding group as Marines getting ready for a sortie. 🤣

I used to have that anxiety with my kiddos once we got past age 6 too; however, we're also more comfortable toward the back of the plane. There's ALWAYS seats toward the back of the plane. As long as we can score something B30 or earlier, it's always fine. 

I always fly southwest. James has a back injury from his football playing years. We always get pre boarding.


Packed and ready to go! It all fit, and I LOVE my new Monos medium suitcase! Ocean Blue is the way to go. When I was traveling back from LA last time, I almost attacked a guy I saw with a headphone case for his cans asking him where he got them. Amazon, of course. So, I asked for a case for Christmas, got it, and now can use it. I love that I can just hang it outside my backpack instead of taking up precious inside space!

A bit concerned about the flights now. I only put 45 minutes between my first and second flights, and they've already delayed my first flight. Not TOO terribly concerned because I know there are 3 more flights from LAS to LGB this afternoon after mine, but...I'd rather not get shuffled.


18 minutes ago, Cactus527 said:

I only put 45 minutes between my first and second flights, and they've already delayed my first flight. Not TOO terribly concerned because I know there are 3 more flights from LAS to LGB this afternoon after mine, but...I'd rather not get shuffled.

You're braver than I would be... but I also never fly. Hope it works out for ya!

Because our 2018 Alaska trip was so special and planned out with 10 days of traveling on land pre-cruise on a set train schedule with bucket list activities, you don't want to know how excessively long our layover in MSP was on the way from Orlando to Fairbanks. Let's just say we had enough time to check out the Mall of America for a good couple of hours, lol, and almost did. Instead, we had some really good coal-fired pizza and took a very very slow walk around the airport.

15 minutes ago, Cactus527 said:

Black Lightening and The Potato

Sounds like a superhero cartoon. 🤣

2 minutes ago, OCSC Mike said:

Sounds like a superhero cartoon. 🤣

They ARE a cartoon to watch together. Black Lightening recently had to have a toe removed (mid December) and has recovered really well. Potato is just...a potato. I love that they love each other.

3 minutes ago, OCSC Mike said:

You're braver than I would be... but I also never fly. Hope it works out for ya!

I was comfortable doing it because I knew the other flights were happening. Otherwise, no way.

Just now, Cactus527 said:

I was comfortable doing it because I knew the other flights were happening. Otherwise, no way.

Totally makes logical sense... I'm just super averse to having to deal with stuff. We're all wired differently. If I flew more than once a decade I'd probably be more OK with it too.

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