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Changing Prices Onboard


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I know it shouldn't really matter because regardless if something is on sale or gone up the price is the price and at the end of the day it's just about if the cost of the object is in line to your values. BUT  it still irks me when I see a cost just poorly sharpied out. Makes it feel like they are just increasing the price because they think we won't care. In this case, the item had only gone up $5 on the sticker they attached to the tag but they had done the same thing on multiple items and as someone who has worked in retail their entire life (it's horrible please stay in school kids) this just comes off as a bit gaugey. Or maybe nobody cares and neither should I but I know that when this happens in brick and mortar stores people lose their minds. 


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That’s old fashioned thinking.

I have an high school diploma and a smidge over 4 decades in supermarkets (I started at 13).   My retail career (along with my hs educated wife who has a work from home job she’s been in for 25+ years) allowed us to raise three kids and live wonderful, debt free lives.  To keep it cruise related, we cruise multiple times a year.

While I do agree that retail has become absolutely horrible over the past 4-5 years, staying in school has nothing to do with working it.

Full disclosure, I hit my breaking point a month ago and jumped ship.  I parlayed my hobby of 25+ years into a better paying job….all with my high school education. The pandemic changed the rules of retail and I’m tired of playing. 

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9 minutes ago, teddy said:

That’s old fashioned thinking.

I have an high school diploma and a smidge over 4 decades in supermarkets (I started at 13).   My retail career (along with my hs educated wife who has a work from home job she’s been in for 25+ years) allowed us to raise three kids and live wonderful, debt free lives.  To keep it cruise related, we cruise multiple times a year.

While I do agree that retail has become absolutely horrible over the past 4-5 years, staying in school has nothing to do with working it.

Full disclosure, I hit my breaking point a month ago and jumped ship.  I parlayed my hobby of 25+ years into a better paying job….all with my high school education. The pandemic changed the rules of retail and I’m tired of playing. 

Congratulations on your new career! I am curious about the changed rules of retail comment,  but as it's not cruise related,  it's none of my business.  Best of luck!

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Well, I do not, and have never worked in retail, but I LOVE to shop, so I have to keep up with prices on everything.

Perhaps the vendor that shipped the pants told RC that the price had increased due to the increase in the price of fabrics, or printing, or salaries, or delivery. I am sure RC really wants to sell those pants, but the pricing may be beyond its control.

I agree that clothes have a short full-price life span--wait six months and it will be on sale.

However, I love gold jewelry, and the price can change DAILY in stores due to the fluctuations on the commodity market. So sadly, my days of impulse jewelry shopping are long gone.  If I really wanted those pants, I would pay the extra five dollars.

By the way, I come from a family of educators, so we always support school experiences, but there are many well-paying careers that require hands-on experience versus education. And any job you do not really enjoy can be horrible, so know your strengths and interests!


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On 9/6/2024 at 7:55 PM, smokeybandit said:

No onboard merchandise is worth paying for unless it's on the clearance rack anyway.

I ALWAYS wait for that last day, hectic mess of a promenade sale for a tshirt or two. 

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