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What is the difference between MTD and Traditional dining?


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Traditional - You only have two choices, early or late, and will be assigned the same table at the same time for every dinner with the same servers.

MTD - You make reservations for each night in a certain time frame (can be same time or different each night) and your table and servers may change nightly. Some people ask for the same time & table for the whole week which may or may not be granted.

Caveat: I’ve never actually used MTD but pretty sure my answer was correct.

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Standard or traditional dining is at a set time - currently, at least on US sailings, I believe, Early dining is 5pm (changed from 530) & Late dining is 730pm (changed from 8).  You are supposed to show up within 15 minutes of your scheduled time so that the room can be cleared for the next service.

My Time Dining is a little of a misnomer. It used to be you just showed up at whatever time you wanted, at anytime within the traditional dining hours (ie, 530-9pm) and could get seated. It was usually in one of the Main dining rooms NOT being used for traditional dining. You were not always immediately seated, depending on the crowd, but basically it was similar to going to a land restaurant.  Most recently, most of the ships (I can actually only speak about Anthem, since that's the only one I've sailed recently), MTD didn't start until 645pm - in other words, after early dining - and continued start time til 845 or 9pm. You could either just walk up during those times, OR you could try to make a reservation for a particular time.  Unfortunately, the earliest times - ie, 645-730 - got snapped up quickly, and some people ended up getting very late times, which is problematic for those who didn't want to eat that late, or had small children, etc.

We have used traditional in the past because my DD has Celiac disease, and it's safer and easier not to have to explain it to a new set of waiters each night, if you don't end up at the same table every night.  We also used to do early because other DD had medical issues and generally was not awake all that late, so earlier was better.  It all depends on what you like or need. Some people don't like being tied to a specific time on vacation, or are flexible enough not to care

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1 hour ago, Pooch said:

We have used MTD on both of our cruises last year and will again next week.  Great success, minimal wait, same table & waitstaff every night.  The Dining Gods must like me.  We have had absolutely no issues.

This is our experience as well, but I will add that we eat at the same time every night…so I think this helps

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24 minutes ago, asquared17 said:

we’re about to try our MTD reservation tonite for the first time. we have the 5:15 traditional dining (unbeknownst to me) and then i booked 6:30 MTD reservations in the CP all week long. 🙃 so i guess we have our choice 😂

MTD and traditional dining are 2 separate things. If you had traditional dining, I don't see how it would have let you book MTD

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1 hour ago, MaryCS62 said:

yes, I edited the answer once I realized that. Still don't know how you can make MTD reservations if you are assigned early dining


Normally a person cannot but on some occasions guest are assigned both. If you do not have MTD the CP won't allow you to make reservations. In @asquared17 case she made all her MTD reservations in CP and then boarded and learned she was also assigned a 5:15 traditional time. 

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