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Everything posted by HeWhoWaits

  1. Not being able to "do my own thing" would be a hard NO to cruising. I enjoy visiting the ports but take an excursion (RC or private) at only half the ports on any given itinerary.
  2. Q: What time do the cows go to bed? A: When it's pasture bed time!
  3. An Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a Ghurkha, a Latvian, a Turk, an Aussie, two Kiwis, a German, an American, a South African, a Cypriot, an Egyptian, a Japanese, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Russian, a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Swede, a Finn, an Israeli, a Dane, a Romanian, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Swiss, a Greek, a Singaporean, an Italian, a Norwegian, a Libyan, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist and an Ethiopian went to a night club. The bouncer said, "Sorry, I can't let you in without a Thai.
  4. Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzalez. "How was he killed?" asked one detective. "With a golf gun," the other detective replied. "A golf gun! What is a golf gun?" "I don't know. But it sure made a hole in Juan."
  5. Two pretzels were walking down the street. One was assaulted.
  6. How do you find Will Smith in a snowstorm? Just look for fresh prints.
  7. The problem with Italian food is that you're hungry again just five or six days after you eat it.
  8. I had to decide between making salad with my wife or playing catch with my grandson. It was a toss-up.
  9. What percentage of the chairs had been grabbed by the chair hogs who never used them?
  10. Lots of "should" in the recommendations. The word "should" makes all those things optional. Can't see any official requirements using that term.
  11. Have to include two because it's a complete toss up. Freedom Southern Caribbean June 2019 (SO long ago!) 1) Experiencing sunrise on deck every morning with our 1.5 year old grandson (his first cruise). I had done the same thing with his sister on her first cruise at 11 months and it's a really special time. Sunrises are beautiful but nothing compared to sharing the wonder with a young one. 2) Eagle Beach in Aruba with our 3.5 year old granddaughter. Expected a timid response to the crashing waves (as reported about a previous trip to Myrtle Beach with her parents and other grandparents). It took about 2 minutes before she wanted to "go out more, Gramps" - into water over my waist and waves cresting over my shoulders. The feeling of having one so vulnerable trust you so completely is priceless.
  12. Windsor would be perfect - it would allow folks who want to go to Detroit (why, I don't really know unless your favorite sports team is playing there) easy access and meet the requirement.
  13. As Canada's Thanksgiving this year is Monday, October 12 @twangstereither transposed the figures when typing or really did mean 2021.
  14. The hand means the individual recently joined. (I hovered my mouse over the icon to see what it was).
  15. $800 per vessel, per trip? That's less than $1 per passenger once you reach 800 on board. To get those cruises going again, I'll pay the $1.
  16. Up through the temporary disappearance of the forums yesterday, IE 11 was just as good here as anything else. I will just have to be shift the forums to another browser going forward.
  17. Clicking the "quote" button doesn't open a quote/response box. Clicking on "reply to this topic" doesn't open a response box. Both open a new version of the same page at the top of the page. The look on IE has also changed significantly (doesn't look like it does in other browsers). IE 11
  18. Normally I would agree, but while connecting via VPN things work faster by spreading items across multiple browsers. These forums were one of the few sites that worked equally well on IE so it was an easy default. No longer true so Chrome, Edge, or Firefox it is.
  19. In Barbados, I feel that THE must-do is a visit to the Mount Gay Rum distillery. Very informative tour and a great selection of rums. My favorite is the XO Triple Cask - best enjoyed like a fine single-malt Scotch.
  20. BTW, the visual on IE is TERRIBLE and quote/reply to this topic DO NOT WORK.
  21. Hover over the area where you used to see the icon. It's still there, even if you can't see it. Same issue using IE.
  22. Did you notice what the character limit is in the "Please provide any additional feedback about the website" field? Might require some creative abbreviations, acronyms, and bastardization of proper grammar to make it all fit.
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