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HeWhoWaits last won the day on March 24 2023

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About HeWhoWaits

  • Birthday November 20

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    Winterville, NC

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  1. Cold or not cold is very personal and subjective. At certain temperatures, I am too warm to comfortable in long pants and my wife requires a sweater or jacket.
  2. Just be certain that the new room you book has the ability to sleep 3.
  3. Real chocolate, not American chocolate. For most Americans, that means they're not sweet enough. Whatever strawberries are left over after using the good ones for serving that requires presentation. That means the less ripe or overripe berries. Combine the two factors and lackluster is what you get.
  4. And then grinds them too quickly, further burning them. And then brews at a higher than ideal temperature, sometimes scorching the brewed coffee.
  5. Great fun to watch, probably even more so played by the average cruise passenger.
  6. Day 3 the way Royal calculates it (Saint John) or day 3 the way most people think about it (sea day between Saint John and Charlottetown)?
  7. Even that may be a stretch.
  8. Pennsyltucky - you can buy beer and wine at the same store, you can buy wine and liquor at the same store, you can't buy beer and liquor at the same store. Ohio - you can buy "liquor" at the grocery store but only a watered down version (less than 40 proof). If you're going to mix your liquor with water anyway, not a bad option. If you want a real cocktail, fuhgeddaboudit.
  9. One size fits all, some better than others - the classic conundrum.
  10. We'll also be on this sailing, along with two other couples.
  11. You think most of these one-and-done posters have been on a cruise?
  12. Points are accumulated for sailing, not for how the cruise fare was paid.
  13. The wines available in the suite lounge will be decent, but nothing special. I am not a "wine snob" per se, but I am an afficionado and will often purchase next-level wines in addition to what is available in the suite lounge. The wines included on Diamond vouchers without paying the difference don't qualify as next-level for me.
  14. Coming from anywhere north of Ft. Lauderdale, that port is an hour closer than Miami even before you consider Miami traffic. Unless you're looking for a specific ship or itinerary, FLL>>>>>MIA every time.
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