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Names disappeared from reservations this morning. Glitch from RCI?

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29 minutes ago, loki007 said:

that's happened to me before. Logged back in after an hour or so and things were fine 

Let's hope this is true. It's been 2 hours without much success. 

Gotta love Royal IT!

BTW: SetSail passes for the affected passengers aren't in the app either. Can you imagine the mess that could cause if this happens during boarding day?

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I called Royal and they could see my missing reservations, so I'm fairly confident that they still exist.

It took 30 minutes to convince the agent that I too should be able to see them. Once that was complete, they created a high priority IT ticket to get it fixed. Let's hope they fix it quickly.

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Our Alaska cruise in two weeks has also disappeared.  It's been missing for two days, and multiple attempts to logout/login has not resolved it. 

I also attempted to re-enter the missing cruise, but the message I received is our cruise is already in the system.🤔

This is not the first time such glitches have occurred.  Eventually they fix themselves. 

These glitches are downplayed.  In my case, all of my cruise planner purchases have been made.  If I was still shopping, I would be unable to.  And with less than two weeks til my cruise, that could be legitimately stressful for folks

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2 minutes ago, Gadget Hackwrench said:

I only get worried about items disappearing when I pull out a family photo and I start to notice my family members slowly disappearing. It's the main reason I never use my time traveling Delorean anymore to visit 1985.  Royal will have the website and application fixed eventually, just relax.


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I tried paying on my cruise, the web site just kept spinning when I hit summit to pay, gave up, called, the computer voice could not understand my expiration date on my card, gave up, called back later, it says , very busy, we can call you back in 22 minutes, that was yesterday, maybe they ment 22 hrs... Ghz.

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21 minutes ago, Dan Curtis said:

I tried paying on my cruise, the web site just kept spinning when I hit summit to pay, gave up, called, the computer voice could not understand my expiration date on my card, gave up, called back later, it says , very busy, we can call you back in 22 minutes, that was yesterday, maybe they ment 22 hrs... Ghz.

Unfortunately that is my experience with RC IT .  They are frustrating.

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