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Skid last won the day on July 6 2019

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  1. Sounds PERFECT! ENJOY! Did hubs ever get the hang of you and this blog? My wife still gives the the "what the heck are doing on there so much" look and we're not even on a cruise now! I'm guessing that in the future when you think back, that may be the favorite sentence you ever said! Congrats and happy sailing.
  2. All the walls, doors and even the ceiling in the cabins are metal. The hooks can be used for robes, bags, coverups, swim suits, etc. These are the ones we got and they were great. Just know that the posted weights refer to when they are on the ceiling. They hold less when on the walls, but still work fine. Happy sailing! Also, there a great thread here about packing
  3. @kittysoul, I would think any refundable airfare will be a LOT more money than non-refundable. Hopefully you will get trip insurance anyway, so maybe it's worth checking the cost of the "cancel for any reason" clause and then booking the nonrefundable air.
  4. This is great...we are booked there in a couple of months (oops, no in May, got my dates mixed up). Are you going to La Bamba? @Lovetocruise2002 will never forgive us if we don't try it. It's her favorite restaurant there (maybe anywhere).
  5. Tell him we are the people that want to borrow him to ward off the chair hogs! Good job!
  6. Even with all the food around, I still miss that along with the midnight buffets!
  7. @IslandBoundMama, amazing blog, amazing vacation and most of all amazing family! Continued happy sailing and safe travels.
  8. OMG, Joe...every time I see "you" on the beach I say to myself, I would HATE that! When the kids were young we'd always go to a beach that had little walking from car to sand/water. Sorry for the minor hijack @DDaley . Can't wait to hear about your cruise!
  9. @ScottL, welcome to the forums! Just a suggestion. The county where I live provides us with veterans I.D. cards. It has our picture, name and address, branch of service, birth date, discharge date and county seal. The DD214 has so much other personal data that I'd either want to cross out or not carry with me. Plus thankfully, so many places now offer military discounts and it's so easy to just show this card.
  10. @raahc, There are members of this blog that can be (maybe are) professional photographers, but here is my 2 cents worth. I use a resizer app called Photo and Picture Resizer. The welcome picture above started as 4M. I then resized to the smallest choice which was 25% (although there is an option to put in your own size, pixels, etc). That brought it to 2M. I saved it and did it one more time which brought it to 49kb. That actually came out to 258 x 194. So try just resizing your original to those numbers. I probably made this way more complicated than need be. I'm sure someone else will chime in and provide some better help. Again, welcome to the forums! Tagging @JLMoran and @twangster
  11. Very sad. A story here, although no details. https://youtu.be/EMXziRoVxfM
  12. Nope--12 night ABC, Antigua, St Thomas, 6 sea days. Repo from FLL to Cape Liberty.
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