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Everything posted by RWDW1204

  1. So with this 95% threshold. When is this number decided? Day of sailing? If so, may your cruise have to go to wearing masks when you thought you didn't have to? And if it's some predetermined pre-cruise date, for every unvaccinated guest sailing do they need more vaccinated ones and sell/open more cabins? Am I overthinking this? I'm so confused. And it's late and I've been drinking.
  2. Don't know if this is a change, but we're 59 days out and we got our Royal Up offer today. Never got it this far out before.
  3. This is what's showing for our April Vision sailing.
  4. Us too. Totally agree with the gastropub. Used the Metromover to go to Bayside Park and Marketplace. It's also an easy drive to the port. A couple rights and lefts and you're on the bridge leading to the tunnel. Depending on traffic you could be in the parking garage in 15 minutes.
  5. An article here by @Matthttps://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com/2022/02/03/royal-caribbean-removes-deadline-redeem-future-cruise-credits
  6. No. Download the Navica app and set up an account. When you're ready to test just scan the barcode on the test box wuth your cell phone or laptop camera and it will take you through the steps and connect you with a test proctor who will guide you through the whole thing. On YouTube, la lido loca has a good video of him going through testing process. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D7Q0HWzCE9lw&ved=2ahUKEwic_bih-Ob1AhWQRzABHfCCBecQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0jgbTw_8oae1L1q3Lja3GS
  7. Ordered ours 18 Jan. Received 29 Jan. Same USPS tracking info as @PG Cruiser.
  8. This shows how bad the app can be at times. 3 different responses minutes apart. Just keep checking back often.
  9. We're with you. We know what we like and don't like. And while I'm more adventurous in trying something different, my wife not so much, no matter who tells her how good it is or how much different/better it tastes than anywhere else.
  10. Can't you just keep both? Put your fiancee's name on the 2nd cabin, consider the kids no shows at the port and at least get some money back. And then get double points? for sailing single. And if they're connecting cabins, you get to keep the bigger balcony. @Matt, @AshleyDillo, @twangster. Does this sound doable?
  11. This is my phone app, Android. I know the app itself is glitchy. Sometimes it doesn't show the check-in date, that area won't be there.
  12. Our Vision sailing in April is showing 45 days out and Independence in June showing 46 days out. So, inconsistent. Guess we'll wait and see.
  13. @Tara182 welcome to the blog! Agree with @JohnK6404and @Poochfor a place to start. @Matt is an awesome resource for information, but there is so many others here who can give you answers you're looking for. Just ask away.
  14. This is from pre-Covid, 2019 photos. Don't know what they're doing now but gives an idea of what it looks like. @Mattdid an article a few years back that I can’t add, but gives good info about here
  15. Think it's always that way. But if you click on it anyway it will show the current price. If its any cheaper then cancel your current package and you can reorder with the lower price. This is ours right now.
  16. @ChrisK2793 recently posted on another post what is just starting by other cruise lines and might be followed by the bigger ones. We'll all have to wait and see.
  17. Agree, but have seen less time frame availability, just a couple of hours during the morning and afternoon. But always have a schedule when they'll be there on their desk and contact information if needed.
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