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1 hour ago, Ampurp85 said:

Since its now only once a day service I was told there was no more service on embarkation unless multiple beds needed to be made. I.e there was 3+in a room and berths/sofas needed to be made.

Question, was your room wide open on embarkation day?

I guess that makes sense, re: embarkation day.

When I got to my room, it was not open. In fact, no rooms on that deck were open.

1 hour ago, WAAAYTOOO said:

I've arrived at my cabin the first time to find the doors open....but normally, the door is shut.  Since I always sneak in to get my keys early, then the doors are ALWAYS all wide open.  I suspect, but do not know for sure, that the doors are NOT supposed to be open when you arrive.

I know we are weird this way but I absolutely LOVE the once a day service and we always ask for morning service so that our room is reasonably clean all day.  So far, no problem whatsoever with this arrangement.  Is it spotless ?  Probably not....but we are pretty clean folks ourselves so it would have to be pretty bad for us to notice. So far, that has not happened.  With a VERY few exceptions, our attendant(s) has always been very friendly and efficient.  I really hate to make a generalization like this....but our male attendants are, in general, better than those that are female.  I do realize that female attendants are pretty scarce so it's hardly a fair proportional analysis but that is my general impression.  The single exception to this rule was the absolutely WONDERFUL lady we had on OA right before the pause.  I wish I could remember her name.  She was incredible.  So much so that we gave her a gift, along with the Genie.

Look at you, you sneaky sneak. 😉 I feel like I rarely have a moment to go to my room until they announce that you can go to the rooms. I'm usually running around looking at the ship, having lunch, checking on certain things, etc. I'm a fairly clean person too, so that's why I was noticing all of these holes this time around. I'm hoping it was just a fluke.


1 hour ago, OCSC Mike said:

We had no issues the one time we had once/day service so far and I don't expect any going forward unless we happen to get a subpar attendant (which, knock on wood, we've never have). Morning service for us as well for pretty much the same reasons.

One of the only requests I ever make is for more hangers (I'm just OCD about hanging up stuff rather than using drawers/shelves) so I do like to meet our attendant on day one. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I can always call or just make do. It's certainly not going to ruin my cruise if I don't get extra hangers on day one.

This is why I pack travel hangers, so I don't have to worry about it. Actually, in my hotel right now, there were literally three hangers in the closet. I am so glad I brought a 24 pack of travel hangers, because I needed all of them!


Now that the cruise is over, I can comment on one of the funniest things that kept happening. I was assigned to cabin #1234. Since I got this on a Royal Up bid, I actually thought for a few days that it was just a placeholder number. Then, I looked on deck plans and realized that that was the actual number! Every single time I had to give someone my room number, they would giggle and/or get a funny look on their face. One crew member commented that it's going to be the easiest room for me to remember ever. Another commented that he thought I was giving him a fake number! Highly recommended room, especially for the reaction people get from the room number. 🤣


29 minutes ago, Cactus527 said:

This is why I pack travel hangers

I loathe packing anything extra... let alone spending money on something they will give me for free, lol, but I get it. We did see our cabin attendant on day 1 on Allure in October and I got my hangers even with the once/day service so I'm not too concerned.

  • 2 weeks later...

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