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Everything posted by AshleyDillo

  1. Watching my college football team lose badly is made better with using my BOGO Diamond offer.
  2. Right?! They better swag it up for the prices they want for that drink package. Swag will make it hurt much, much less.
  3. These bears were in the car on the Promenade on day one and then disappeared. They've been showing up all over the ship. Some folks we befriended on this cruise said they found them on the carousel..and the sailing's Facebook group also found them as well. Love these little touches!
  4. Just a reminder that we are kicking you off the ship tomorrow, in case you didn't get the message.
  5. I checked out the Solarium sun deck views. It's not quite as windy today up there.
  6. When at El Loco Fresh.. ...we guacamole! Now with 100% more chips than last Thanksgiving on Symphony.
  7. Teach yourself how to play the steel drums at the Lime & Coconut. Impress all your friends!
  8. Time to check out how the other half lives..and by that I mean folks who like the sun and don't have skin that sparkles in sunlight. Living his best life...
  9. Overheard in the Windjammer, "Mom, do I have to eat again?" I feel ya, kiddo.
  10. Elevator piano guy just happened. He gets the funniest reactions. Some folks are all about it and some people are not at all amused.
  11. Series of themed displays along the portside walk from forward to the casino
  12. Finally heeded the siren's call... people always ask if they can use Starbucks gift cards on board. I always tell them yes, they accept the Starbucks gift cards and also the app. You can't redeem any stars though, but you will collect stars for your purchase. I had to make sure I had the most up to date intel. For purely research purposes They keep the good stuff behind the counter! ?
  13. They usually do have Coke Zero and even Sprite Zero. If one bar is out they will try to track down another.
  14. I like to live dangerously. Nothing but steak this morning..with asparagus. They were buttered this time and so much better.
  15. I actually followed and understood The Gift and didn't understand why everyone else didn't get it. Not that it made sense but I saw where they were going with it..and I am sure there are folks who followed along with CATS just fine. I mean it's a Broadway hit for a reason, right? Not everyone needed to turn to the Internet for the Cliffs Notes. https://www.polygon.com/2019/7/18/20696129/cats-2019-musical-trailer-explained This is probably the most informative piece I uncovered in the depths of the internet that summarizies the play and talks about the upcoming movie. Perhaps the last sentence of this capture from the above article should be a PSA? Makes a little more sense now having read this..but perhaps Royal should have gone with a musical that's a little more straight from the package, press play and everyone enjoys as is Hairspray, Grease, and Mamma Mia. I think maybe the lack of dialogue does it for me. I have a bit of trouble understanding lyrics when I can't read them. I want so much to like it because the sets, costuming, and performers were really amazing but it was a struggle to follow along and stay awake because of that for me. Do not sit on an aisle seat. You have been forewarned.
  16. 2am Ashley made the executive decision not to pre-order room service coffee delivery for this morning. 830am Ashley is so upset with her right now. The ship is definitely feeling the ocean waves this morning and rolling back and forth. That pretty much started last night during CATS. I just thought perhaps it was part of the show which makes about as much sense as the plot did. Hoping for a real nice roll to throw me out of bed -- a devine intervention from the coffee gods that I will take as a sign to motivate and be productive for our last relaxing day of the cruise. ... that laundry is not going to fold itself. Well, that's a lie. I gave my mother some of my dirty laundry does shove in her complimentary D+ laundry service bag.
  17. Well that was just about the best filet I've ever eaten at 8am in my bed on a cruise ship.
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