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Everything posted by Atlantix2000

  1. Repricing may change on board credit if it was part of the price. For example, if you booked during a "Save 30% on the second guest and get $200 OBC" promotion and you reprice under a "$400 off your booking" promotion, then that $200 OBC goes away. However, it's important to look at your final cost because the base price of the cruise is also constantly changing. In my example, there's not enough information to tell which is the better deal. You should only reprice if the final cost actually saves you money.
  2. New life goal. Spend long enough on a cruise ship that getting my sea legs hurts! Apparently, a week isn't enough!
  3. What is this new meaning for "sea legs"? I've only heard (and used) it as being on a ship long enough to get used to the movement of the water so you can walk steadily without looking like you are drunk and falling over whenever a big wave comes by.
  4. Unfortunately, no one knows yet. We probably won't know until the first cruise with a new final payment date reaches its new check in date. Personally, I wouldn't trust Royal's IT department to save the previous check ins but we might be surprised.
  5. @Matt speaking of site issues. Lately I've noticed that when I visit the home page (https://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com) I don't always see the most recent blog post. For example, I just visited and see a post from yesterday but I know I've already seen posts from today. If I hit refresh, then the most recent post is there. At first, I thought this was a cookie problem, but I've now seen it happen from multiple computers. Any ideas?
  6. Actually, on further reflection, on board credit (OBC) might be effected depending on where it came from. If it was part of the promotion/sale that was in effect when you booked, it would be replaced with whatever is in effect when you reprice. So you would want to look at the total cost of the trip including OBC but for a $500 drop in price, you will probably still come out ahead. There are other sources of OBC. If you got it as a bonus from your travel agent, or from owning >100 shares of Royal stock, or some other category I'm forgetting, that would not be effected by a reprice.
  7. Do you want to change rooms? If it's the same category of cabin, you can just call and reprice your current cabin. Either way, it shouldn't effect your deposit or on board credit.
  8. I think it's simply called "saving time". The bill has to pass in both House and Senate before it goes to the President so it is useful to start the process in both chambers at the same time. Of course, it gets complicated when the House and Senate versions of a bill aren't actually the same. Then, they have to work out a compromise version and revote so they actually approve the same thing.
  9. A pre-test might surprise you with the news that you actually have Covid and are asymptomatic but it won't change the odds of a false positive from the required test. If a false positive is your concern, then the only thing you can really do is take multiple tests at the required time. That way, if one test is a false positive you can ignore it and use the negative results.
  10. As far as I can tell, this policy only temporarily appeared in some documentation AFTER the global shutdown (and back when people thought it would last a few weeks and they might need some extra policies while restarting). It has not been reported since then. Somebody replied to the year+ old thread so people are reading about it like it is current news.
  11. Hmm, what happens if I'm a Pinnacle interporting in a Star Class Suite? Do I get a gold, burgundy, and orange striped card?
  12. @Cirasa, can I ask why you put "->" in each of your thread titles? It makes it look like you posted in the wrong sub-forum and a moderator moved it.
  13. Multiple posters have said they get multiple emails about these forms. You can ignore them after your submit once. They are just reminders. OBC (on board credit) from your travel agent (in this case Cruisedirect) usually appears on day 2 of the cruise. OBC from royal appears immediately and can be used for pre-cruise purchases in the Cruise Planner.
  14. Wow, how did you even come across a 7 year old thread!
  15. Computer engineers like me prefer year month day so dates in filenames sort correctly both alphabetically and chronologically. Also makes the most sense to me to get more specific (smaller) as you read. Sadly, we're a tiny minority in this debate!
  16. Kind of sounds like you're looking for a way around the rule about booking dining package reservations onboard. If too many people double booked themselves like that, then Royal would probably rewrite the rules in a way nobody would like. However, yes, in general, you can cancel a reservation for a refund. Just check the fine print for any time limitations.
  17. I can take a stab at that part. There are plenty of people that have gotten or will get COVID and never know it because they have never been tested. Some people just don't experience any symptoms so why would they get a test? Some people who would have gotten symptoms, got the vaccine and it prevented their symptoms, so why would they get a test? Where I work, pre-vaccine they regularly tested employees that still came onsite (remote working for everything possible) and of course there were some positive test results from people who had no idea. These days, you can choose to continue regular testing (whether vaxed or unvaxed) or opt out by submitting proof of vaccination. That means we could miss breakthrough cases and other employees could get it but we don't know. People that want to travel may run into the need for a test. People that want to stay home may not. So all we can say is that the reported cases are the minimum number of cases and minimum breakthrough rate. I compare it to the census which I feel has the same problem. You get the minimum count of people in a region/city/suburb/etc. But how on earth do you prove it is accurate? There are homeless people who are hard to count (and might get under or over counted since they move around). There are people that want to avoid being counted due to immigration status. There are people that think the census violates their freedoms/rights/whatever. So you get the best result you can.
  18. The WOW sale has already "ended" and been "extended" so it may still be here next week. They usually have the same "sale" for a few weeks in a row. Then, they give it a new name, change the wording and promos, and the actual price might go up or down a bit. It's all marketing. Here's the email headlines I've received about the WOW sale in the last week: Thursday 8/12 - Welcome back WOW Sale! Get up to... Sunday 8/15 - ENDS TODAY: Get up to... Monday 8/16 - Here's a Monday Treat: WOW Sale is STILL ON! Get up to... Tuesday 8/17 - WOW Sale is E-N-D-I-N-G! Save up to... You get the idea...
  19. I think Bowen is referring to today's news that a booster shot will be recommended 8 months after your original shots. It's not official yet and it's way too early for Royal to have announced a position on this.
  20. You are right that with Covid, rules are constantly changing. Depending on when you are cruising, you may or may not be able to just get off the ship without a booked excursion. Under normal circumstances, the answer is yes. You can just walk off the ship and wander around the port, do some shopping, grab a taxi to the beach, etc. In fact, many of the touristy things to do can be done cheaper through third party services or doing it completely by yourself from getting your own taxi to standing in line and buying tickets directly at the attraction. However, if it is your first and only cruise, there is some peace of mind in booking an excursion through Royal because the ship will wait if there are delays on the official excursions. If you are on your own and hit traffic and are late for the ship, it WILL leave without you.
  21. Interesting. When it does happen, do they charge the non-suite guests something or does it remain complementary?
  22. Whoops, if I had read all the lines you quoted, I should have realized that!
  23. You hold your cup under the nozzle. You press a virtual button on your phone which causes the machine to fill your cup. You are the only person that touches your cup and you don't have to touch the buttons on the machine. That's why it is more sanitary.
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