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Everything posted by wstephensi

  1. Yes. They have several sunken planes and ships with great fish in about 8-10 feet of water about 100 yards off the beach. Also the rock breakers have great fish as well. Life guards are on duty. There are several floats for resting as well. Gear can be rented on the island.
  2. I have had this problem in the past when booking with RCI. I ask for a booking supervisor and have him/her override the 4 person issue. It has always solved the problem.
  3. If you are a suite quest or a Diamond member, check with the respective concierge. They may be able to help.
  4. My general rule is anything over 8 hours in the car is worth a flight. Ft. Lauderdale is right at that limit for us. Based on what you have posted, I'd fly. If the question is which cruise to take, I'd do the Harmony out of PC. Only 5-6 hours from my house and two extra days on the ship.
  5. Is not The Key a way of buying into the upper levels of the loyalty program, at least for one cruise? At least that is how I see it.
  6. I've had to call and get a booking supervisor to override the computer booking in the past when I could not book 2 in a room that could sleep 4. Although the ghost booking idea sounds easier.
  7. Porter at the end worth every penny. Through Customs in no time. Had a female porter in Ft. Lauderdale years ago. She was "6 foot four and full of muscles." Some guy tried to jump the line in front of us at the Customs line. She asked him nicely to move to the back of the line. He refused. She said "I will knock you out." He moved. My money was on her for the KO.
  8. On our Alaskan land tour RCI only offered a few additional/optional land excursions. In Fairbanks we had the option to do a river cruise. (Well worth it.) In Denali we could take the regular bus tour or the extended bus tour. (The extended tour was long, but we saw many more animals and scenery. I would not do the extended tour again because of time on the bus.) As I recall the options were offered through the guide and not listed on any RCI web site.
  9. I like sailing in October. Prices are lower as well as the temperatures. I have had itineraries altered due to weather. It can be disappointing. Also a sea day in bad weather is no fun. The Captain and Royal does everything to find fair seas and sunshine. I've missed the old CocoCay several times due to high wind and seas and Jamaica once due to Hurricane Sandy. Still had a great time on my cruises.
  10. Thanks for all the photos. I can't wait until we go in August.
  11. After the tour you are allowed to stay and revisit the aquarium, the casino and shops.
  12. I always play for the free cruise. I always get the electronic pads. I always lose. ?
  13. They have both electronic and cards. They have daubers but often run out. Bring your own if you plan on using the cards. Electronic cards cost extra I think.
  14. I've just put the heavy chair to hold it open in the past.
  15. We always stay at the Residence Inn about a mile away from the terminal.
  16. RCI shore excursion to Atlantis used to include the water taxi. I do not know if it still does. You left from outside the terminal building, traveled over to Atlantis dock. Took about 30 minutes. You got a little tour along the way. The walk to Atlantis is a little ways, but not impossible 5-10 minutes. I don't recall how often the taxi left Atlantis. Every 30 minutes I think, but could be wrong.
  17. Should be one just past the Country Inn and Suites and Residence Inn on the same side of the road. I think it is the Race Trac station that is pictured. It is only like 100 yards from the Hertz.
  18. RCCL usually offers a shore excursion to view "the Dig" and the rest of the aquarium. Check your cruise planner. Includes transportation to and from Atlantis. Cost less than $100 per person. Currently listed for $55.99 on my up coming cruise. Atlantis also has a beach break for about $70 pp. Includes access to aquarium and I think includes a fast food lunch. You can purchase on their web site. Does not include transportation.
  19. The hotel at the terminal is very nice. Pan Pacific. Stanley park is close. Can ride the red tour bus and get off anywhere and get back on all day. We visited the aquarium in Stanley Park. Spent the night in VC due connecting flight issues. It was fun and glad we did.
  20. I do not believe so. RCI will not allow you to cancel/combine other rooms if you bid is accepted. Your bid is only good for those in the room you are book in at the time of the bid.
  21. I've got two DD. We for years have gotten them a connecting room for just your reasoning. Many ships have a JS with connecting OB. Usually only one or two of these per ship. May also be a GS with OB?. We are doing the Mariner double dip in Aug 2020 on Mariner.
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