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Everything posted by ellcee

  1. sitting anywhere but my home would be nice right now. At least we can make the best of it and eventually will all be on those beaches. Cheers.
  2. It's pretty good and comparable to the good hard seltzers.
  3. Also, couldn't help myself, my supermarket last week ran out of eggs, bananas, chicken and my favorite crystal light but had this:
  4. I made these over the weekend and called it a Quarantini - coconut rum, raspberry vodka, vanilla vodka and pineapple juice.
  5. It's not harsh. Also, are you sure you're in the US? We do NOT have the best healthcare system. We may have the best doctors and nurses, I wouldn't know how to qualify that though, but the system itself isn't the best. Many people don't have full access and you said it yourself, people WITH $$ come here. I have family who are in the local hospitals. We're not ready for this. If you watch any news, we don't have the equipment needed at the moment. A good attitude is super helpful but you've got to pay attention to what's actually happening.
  6. I’ve been home - now on my 11th day with one breakout. My original date to go back was April 3rd. Today we were told that date is indefinite. My job is in NYC. I can only hope cruises go back soon. I need something to look forward to and I’m tired of being home. This one needs a grooming.
  7. I think even playing around that it's a conspiracy is dangerous and quite frankly, stupid. I've said this before but I still don't believe the media has blown this out of proportion. I live and work in the high concentrated areas and the misinformation I've gotten was largely from social media, not the news...unless it was an official who was speaking out of turn and had to be immediately corrected.
  8. Not much. I already am a little crazy about wiping things down. I'm a nail biter so I'm working on that and have learned to wash my hands longer.
  9. I work on a bunch of tv shows. My live one was canceled this weekend. Another show we watch live from the UK was canceled this week. This is gonna effect our air dates of shows at some point.
  10. HA! I'm still mad about this one. Royal has since changed the description but I did this a few years ago. Mine was basically jogging up the mountain and I only made it halfway. I would describe myself as a chubby runner, I'm not fast but the other day I jogged about 4 miles with a few 30 second breaks and a little walking in between. I cannot run UP a mountain. A hill, sure. If this was plain hiking I could have done it - but even that. I have a hand disability that, quite honestly, I forget about - There was a part I had to climb which was not the easiest for me considering I only had one good hand to hold with. Saying that, there were people in their 60's and 70's who ran right up that mountain and made it back down. bless you all.
  11. I'm not a huge optimist but this has the potential to bring us together, as it is with the other countries.
  12. I'm not sure I was supposed to laugh at this! ?
  13. I don't think you will know the classes and times until you're on the ship. ^^^^ That.
  14. Me neither. I never get insurance until the cruise, flight AND hotel are booked. Thank you. Good to know for the future.
  15. Will you and your family do anything fun to make up for this week (now, I mean)?
  16. I think this would be my bucket list trip. Gotta start playing the lotto or something.
  17. I’ve not had an issue with the tap.
  18. Just a heads up that my FCC came a month after - and that was with Michelle at MEI reaching out to them.
  19. Me! I got it the same day one time. That was a while ago though. The time Before that I got it within a few weeks.
  20. Bring your own. Carry it with you. I found out last year I have a ton of chemical allergies - I will have to carry my own soap from now on. (Your wife’s reaction is dangerous, mine is just frustrating- my body breaks out in itchy bumps). Instead of having the conversation just carry it with you. You’ll still probably have to say something to a few people but if you have a small sanitizer hanging from your lanyard you should be better off.
  21. Your decision makes sense. The offending comments (from what I've read and posted myself) are not meant for people in your situation.
  22. loaded question. People I know who've gotten the flu shot and the flu, due to a different strain or whatever else would disagree. Tamiflu only works if you get it in time...and you still have the flu.
  23. runs to online dictionary. Now THAT is a word.
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