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  1. Today was a pretty fun day. After trying to shower and discovering our shower was broken and no one came to fix it. We went out to try and meet up with the cruise critic meet and greet if it wasn't too late. Got to meet some nice people that were still there when we got there. After that we for some lunch in the MDR (mainly because of my allergies but also because its sooo good). I got the Caeser Salad with grilled chicken to start, the beef strip loin for my main and the berry crapes with custard for my desert (it was amazing). Sandra got the roasted burundi over rice for her starter, enchiladas for her main and she also got the crapes for desert. Once we finished lunch we went to the casino to see how much credit we had waiting for us on our cards for the slot machine. Spoiler it wasn't much lol. I ended up with $4 and Sandra had $2 lol. We were done within minutes lol. After that we headed to the newly added laser tag in Studio B (side note the stage that was here was removed and the photo center moved into its place). After I killed it in laser tag (I was KUMA in our game) we went to watch a presentation on Alaska (We are planning Alaska for our next cruise but still trying to make a game plan) and hoped to win some free stuff (we didn't). We came back to our cabin to do some work and get ready for formal night (bad news shower was still broken, thankfully our room attendant who was frustrated with the plumbers found a temporary solution). Formal night was saved. For dinner I had ordered last night to ensure I got some good desert. I had the pumpkin soup to start, for my main I actually ordered 2, lemon-butter baked cod and roast beef tenderloin. For desert I had the Royal Cheesecake. Sandra also had the pumpkin soup to start, she had the roast beef tenderloin for her main and the grand marnier soufflé for desert. To end the night we went to see Freedoms new show called Marquee (although someone said they had seen this before but not when we were on last). It is a fun musical with a wide range of styles. After that I went to the adult comedy show by Louis Johnson. He was a blast for sure.
  2. MDR staff said its at least 300 people canceled. Ya, its not letting it stop anyone. Although if someone sneezes everyone stares at them lol.
  3. I see you mentioned you go this month so I'm a little late but 7-mile or rum point/star fish point are very nice. I can recommend a few spots on 7-mile if that's what you want to do. I also can recommend some liquor stores to hit before to save some money but still enjoy some drinks lol (except at private property locations). Stingray City is great and is something we do every time we have guests down (my preference is Captain Marvin's but there are many many others out there).
  4. @gi333 I would still try, you may get lucky. I started posting my live blog you can check out for posts for those not following on periscope. I haven't posted everything yet (gotta keep you on edge :p) but its coming soon.
  5. I know everyone loves food so I thought my next post would be of our Day 1 dinner. To start with we had Caeser salad (no photo since everyone knows what that looks like lol). For my main I had the Slow Roaster Prime Rib was supposed to come with potato croquette, but they ended up giving me a baked potato because of my allergies. For desert I just had berries as nothing was safe for me to eat :(. Sandra also had a Caeser salad for the starter. For a main she had the Southern Fried Chicken. She also had the berries as she had some sweets in the Windjammer. I also got you guys some photos of the Windjammer dinner options. Hope you enjoyed ?
  6. Hey Guys, I haven't been on in awhile but wanted to give you guys some peeks into Freedom since this is its first cruise after being amped. For those on Periscope I have been doing some posting there too. But there are somethings I know you guys love that cant be easily put on there. Yesterday was a good day. When we got on they gave everyone a glass of bubbles (If you were lucky you could also get more :)). Since the ship had been in port for a few days it was available right away. We were also able to board right away. Sadly, the rooms weren't updated and ours had a leak in the shower. Some changes are subtle and some are huge. (More ship photos to come or check out my scopes) After touring for the morning ended up at Lime and Coconut for a Lava Flow. After that they had some free shots in the promenade so I had to get in on that. Little sample shots, but hey, they are free lol. Then we just pretty much relaxed, explored a little and went to dinner (Food photos will be in my next post). Not too much was going on as it was raining out. The coolest part of the balloon drop was when the new addition of a platform that comes down from the ceiling. (Will need to find a good way to post the video) For a ship that was practically sold out online, it is very empty. Super easy to find spots in the windjammer, not many lines, dinner was also pretty empty. After that we pretty much just relaxed and toured the trip until dinner time. (Food post to follow) Everything has been pretty nice. Many of the staff do seem brand new though but are fighting their way through it pretty well. The ship does feel empty though since it was sold out online prior to sailing. Many people have been saying their bids were won around the minimum. It was super easy to get a table at dinner time, the MDR was empty except for window seats. I think a lot of people didn't make it due to the virus. (Not gonna stop me though lol). I did forget to get some photos while I was scoping yesterday so will try to get those to post. I also need to find a good way to post the video of the balloon drop I took because they added a cool feature where the cruise director is on a platform that dropped from the ceiling (don't remember that from before). Let me know if there is anything you guys really want to see and I will try and get it.
  7. We are considering doing this in March. Looks fun and we love sushi.
  8. Illy has changed me. I never really was huge into fancy coffee until I discovered Illy thanks to royal lol.
  9. Leave it to our government to give away info lol. So I guess it won't be too big for tendering because even if they started building it today I don't think it would be ready by then and the port is still not finalized yet.
  10. Nope and my fear is more people will just go eat back on the ship because its so pricey here taking away the income we are supposed to be getting from it.
  11. I also wonder if they would be picky if you were in the adult area.
  12. I have seen people playing card games and stuff like that during things like music shows in the lounges. I personally plan on bringing the card version of monopoly and clue (has an app add-on you can get for ios) when my wife and I go next. Long as you don't mind the sound and aren't loud you'll be fine. And if you have a few drinks while you are there then they will be very happy lol.
  13. Just make sure you reserve with the right location. I accidentally booked the wrong one once however, it worked out alright for us as they gave us a better car for the same price but if you need a larger car it may not work out for you.
  14. Even better tasting regular coffee. Its more like buying from a coffee store instead of a gas station type coffee. Just note it does not work at Starbucks stands on Oasis class.
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