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NextCruise Charge Error

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Yikes!  I was just on Serenade OTS and performed my normal practice of putting down a $200 deposit at NextCruise.  I’m in billing hell.  Much to my dismay when the charge came through on my credit card I had TWO $200 charges on the card for my single Royal Caribbean booking.  One credit card charge under the billing name “Royal Caribbean” and one under the name “Celebrity” on the same date.  Obviously some IT issue occurred since no Celebrity booking happened.  I called Royal and they only see the Royal booking.  They told me to call Celebrity.  Called Celebrity and they said there is no charge they can see since I can’t give them a Celebrity booking number.  Called Royal again and after a long gauntlet run a supervisor said to put the Celebrity charge in dispute with my credit card company which I did.  Now I wait for 45 days to get a response from Royal to credit card company.  Since NextCruise is a direct financial transaction your TA can’t help.  Geez this kind of stuff is exhausting!  I’m not sure the reduced deposit is worth all this. 

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Correct, actual redundant charges that are now billed.  Never have I seen anything like it and truthfully, I am astonished NextCruise on a Royal ship can put a Celebrity charge through.  I’m dreading the response to my credit card company being something like this, “NextCruise deposits are non-refundable”.  Crossing my fingers.  Not sure what the next escalation would be.

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15 hours ago, Doug_Texas said:

Correct, actual redundant charges that are now billed.  Never have I seen anything like it and truthfully, I am astonished NextCruise on a Royal ship can put a Celebrity charge through.  I’m dreading the response to my credit card company being something like this, “NextCruise deposits are non-refundable”.  Crossing my fingers.  Not sure what the next escalation would be.

You can book a Celebrity cruise while on a Royal ship and vice-versa, hence the ability to charge as Celebrity.

It appears to me the NC agent who processed your future cruise booking screwed up.  They must have clicked Celebrity by mistake then realizing what they did they repeated it for Royal.  Even if choose to book a future cruise certificate in the app it is still processed by a human from NC on the ship.  

I would simply report the Celebrity charge as fraudulent.  "I have no idea what that is, I don't do business with Celebrity".  The downside is your CC company may insist on freezing your card and replacing it with a new card with a new number upon a fraudulent transaction report.  

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Sorry this has occurred.  For anyone else reading this thread, I would never trust the app to do a next cruise open booking reservation .  While there are MANY people who swear by it I’ve  read enough complaints about charges not going through and the buyer being without a reservation#. The were no way to fix that.   Yours is the first I’ve read of a Celebrity charge!  Wishing you all the best.  If it’s not resolved easily I’d reach out to MBayley@rccl.com…that’s the ceo office. Include your ship sailing date and reservation number of that sailing you were on and had this issue.  

alternative to the app, do the form, hand it to an agent in next cruise.  I take it one step further I do the form, and sit with them while they they create my open reservation, then I take  a pic of it in case I misplace the paperwork and don’t get the email they send. 

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