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Everything posted by AlmondFarmer

  1. It would be a media goldmine for Desolation county Wyoming to have one person test positive with COVID. This would be 50,000 per 100,000 as only 2 people live in this imaginary county.
  2. Being a numbers person it is hard to not critique an article like that. I will refrain from pointing out likely intentional statistical dishonesty again. Another surprising statistic: 50% of the graduates of Harvard are in the bottom half of their graduating class….I though they were all smart.
  3. Interesting data that would tell more of the story is the number of tests conducted and or the total number of cases. I assume vaccinated people are testing less or not at all. This would explain a higher positivity rate even if total cases are unchanged or even decreasing. A higher positivity rate does not necessitate an increase in cases. Cherry picking statistics can tell almost any story. I did not investigate beyond the article. I’m simply stating that as written it isn’t relevant in terms of statistical validity.
  4. On the bright side- With all the alleged variants to come, Americans will finally learn the Greek alphabet and potentially improve their math and physics competency. In my college fraternity days I could recite the Greek alphabet twice while holding a lit match.
  5. I like Miami, the new terminal A is so much fun. When I see an itinerary that includes Miami, I immediately stop and do a double take.
  6. Since never going on a nudist cruise came up on another thread it brought back a memory: The guy all the gals wanted to talk to on the nudist cruise was holding 2 cups of coffee and 6 donuts
  7. Cheers to this! Although I would rephrase slightly to say, “Government should do what it doesn’t do best, get out of the way.”
  8. Sorry for an assumption. Still give it a try. To be brothers you would be a widower, missed that. Sorry
  9. Best chance is calling yourself domestic partners. Two brothers living together is a partnership and a house is part of domestication….. plead your case. Use some of the new woke buzzwords for added firepower. I’m interested in your result.
  10. I saw this a while back too. I suspected the likely reason but decided to ask anyway for fun. Yes, they did accidentally pack all their clothes and put their suitcase in the hall the night before debarkation. Interested if what you saw was also on debarkation morning.
  11. If they aren’t paid a ‘living wage’ how can one be a crew member for so long? That snark comment aside, I recommend talking to a crew member about their weekly net cruise wages compared to the average weekly wages of their home country for a similar skill set job. I have been told by many crew that net cruise wages are 5-7 times their home country. This is why so many are eager to work on a ship and are so serious about maintaining their employment. Think of the sacrifices they make being away from home and often family. If you think that all crew should be paid what is considered a living wage in the U.S. the cruise fare would increase tremendously and thus less people able to afford cruise travel. This lowers demand for crew as less ships are needed. Thus leaving more people in impoverished countries on a waitlist dreaming for a cruise job, likely never getting one, enabling them to forever improve the opportunities for their family. I consider this scenario evil. My masters in economics likely influences my thinking. Consider the unseen when making economic suggestions.
  12. Market is forward looking. Share price almost hit $100 in February then again in June. Both times optimism was high but shortly after it was realized the price didn’t support reality and share price regressed. I’m playing the long game, I went big when price was in the $20’s and set a sell floor at $15 which wasn’t hit so all shares still owned. I think in a few years the price will be up to $150. This being due to pent up demand resulting in much higher fare prices as well as more large ships which I understand break even at 30-40% passenger load. I purchased because I like to own shares of brands I consume and enjoy. At a bare minimum one can achieve a quasi dividend each time they sail if 100 shares are owned. For what it is worth I’m a farmer not a financial planner so if you are still reading this and have a lawyer, disregard all above information.
  13. There is a damper (resistance) for calorie calculation. Set at 10 the pulls are harder (like a light deadlift) but two cals per pull is possible. Set at 1 the pulls are easy but slow to accrue calories. meters are based only on flywheel speed. When rowing for distance I set damper at 5 Concept 2 rowers are much smoother than water type but make more noise.
  14. Plus private island Deluxe beverage package uses. Long walk back to the ship and up 17 decks to get another cold one.
  15. They are concept 2. Versions vary by ship. Some have one machine, others 2. 5,000m sub 20 min, get after it.
  16. The goodwill gained by honoring existing bookings outweighs the costs of awarding bonus points.
  17. If built, a ship of that design may not pass a buoyancy test.
  18. South Beach is near the floating bar. This influences my desired bed location.
  19. You could dig a tunnel under border before August. If you really love cruising, grab a shovel.
  20. Anyone able to confirm that no caskets are being taken off Freedom following the test voyage?
  21. Symphony passed the buoyancy test in Miami.
  22. Symphony is currently testing and hopefully confirming the theory of buoyancy.
  23. Bring a drinker, I am particularly interested in the new alcoholic drinks that are available.
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