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About Kyle_cardinalsfan51

  • Birthday 08/24/1991

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    St. Louis, MO

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  1. I'll be on with you on this cruise come Sunday! We also booked before we heard of the ship getting AMPed so very excited to see all the new stuff. 4 days....So close I can almost feel the warm sun and hear that ocean. Getting through the work days has been pure torture this week. Hope you guys have an awesome time! Seems like you got it all planned out very well. It will be awesome to read another person's experience of the ship and stops.
  2. I would say calling @twangster an "apologist" of the RC brand is a little far fetched. Yes, he has sailed a bunch with them. He has sailed with other lines as well. Flies just about every airline it seems. He's probably one of the most informed people on this board-- no offense to Matt or anyone else that provides great feedback from their multiple sailings per year to those of us less experienced. The guy just travels a lot. In fact, I remember when RC screwed him over a few months ago and in return he canceled a bunch of sailings (I think the total amount lost was over $10k in rooms). Apologist? Nay, I'd say informed. I feel terrible for this person who had to figure all this out after what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation, but Twangbot was just pointing out the avenue to take should this be an issue in the future. Sure, now after the fact its not helpful to them, but maybe helps someone else out who is reading it. The OP was angry, rightfully so, but had they had their documents in order and been informed, maybe it could have played out different. I know personally I'm sailing next week for the first time as an adult and first time in over 12 years. I've gone over everything I can think of and have a folder with all my docs in it to bring with me. Be as prepared as you can be. Even then, sh*t happens. Also, I believe it's fair to mention that all too often we see people who have zero posts who just create a profile on here to bash the brand and never return for whatever reason. Not saying that this was one of those times, but well you know what they say about ducks. I hope they do come back and "enjoy this overwhelmingly positive forum" as you mention. Sadly, I doubt they will. Then again as a good amount of this info is brought to you by the apologist Twangster, I don't know how willing they would be to receive it anyway. Not trying to cause a stir so take this how you will. My opinion is just that, mine. I just find that unfair from someone who has been around the boards as you have to call out a valued and knowledgeable poster like Twangster.
  3. I'll be getting off on the 12th as you are getting on! We'll try to keep her in one piece for y'all! Enjoy your trip!
  4. Every time I hear of Delta, I always think of the John Mulaney bit: "I'll book a ticket on some garbage airline--I don't want to name an actual airline so let's just make one up. Let's call it "'Delta Airlines'" hahaha Never flown Delta, so nothing against them, it's just the first thing that pops in my head.
  5. Thanks for the heads up on exiting perks. That was a huge reason why I decided to go with it as well, since my flight ended up being rescheduled about 2 hours earlier than I originally purchased. Getting off the boat in good time to get to the airport will ease my worry that day. I can't wait to see what she has in store!
  6. Your set sail pass? Really? Huh just checked mine again and there is no key logo on it. Shows the DX for drink package but nothing about the key.
  7. Sweet thanks! I plan on being in the Key line no matter what-need to start that vacation ASAP. Leaving from Miami on the newly amped Navigator!
  8. This is why its best not to assume lol To be fair, it was a guess. Seem counterproductive to sell it then not know who bought it until after they use part of the benefit. But what do I know haha I'm just excited to have it come April, cuz I'll be there bright and early front of the line!
  9. I'd imagine it is in their system when they go to check you in at the terminal? Not certain, would just assume they would have it in the computer if you pre-purchased or not. Been a long time since I've been on a cruise, but I've seen a key symbol on seapass cards. Not sure at what point you get those though.
  10. That's similar to all the rest of the stories I had heard, cool experience but not worth it for the time. For being a 5 hour excursion, 15 minutes of underwater time is a waste, especially at that price point. Appreciate the review @arebee If anyone has a more positive experience, please let me know. I'm just going to present the group with the info I have and let them decide from there.
  11. Hey fellow RC cruisers! Question for anyone that has done or heard any reviews of the Snuba (not scuba) excursion in Nassua port-thoughts on the experience (worth it) and what can we expect? Little background: Heading to Nassau/Labadee on NOS in April. I already got a bungalow for my friends and I on Labadee, but we are still deciding what to do on the Nassau stop which is the first port of call. With what I've read from others about how Nassau is usually a "stay on the ship" type of port stop and the advisory for safety, I'd rather stick to an RC sponsored excursion or stick to the bars/shops close to pier. Not overly worried about anyone messing with 4 dudes, but better safe than sorry. One of my buddies (all of us are guys in mid 20s) already has his heart set on Snuba Excursion, but I have my reservations on it. I've read mixed reviews on the experience from other ports, so I'm not sure how much I can put into that. I just worry that it will be a let down and for the price of $135pp, it's quite an investment for an excursion when I've read that they lump snorkelers, scuba, and snuba all together and you only get like 20 mins in a 5 hour excursion. It's actually one of the most expensive options, I'd hate for it to suck when that money could be better spent on other excursion(s) and plenty left over. Please let me know if anyone has any experience with this excursion and thank you as always for your insight that has made planning our first group trip a lot easier.
  12. @nrgMike I'm doing the same thing, flying in morning of landing at 9:30am local time. From the research I've done, the airport is about 8 miles (really close) from port and you can use a ride share or the taxis also have a flat rate of $27/ride (not per PERSON) to the Port of Miami. I'd assume they make that jaunt often. It also lists avg Uber/XL and Lyft prices. Here is the website I got my info from when I was looking: https://www.cruzely.com/getting-to-the-miami-cruise-port/ It's always a risk coming in day of, but if you do risk it coming in that early I don't think you'll have a problem. Fingers crossed no issues with my 5:45am flight to Miami come April. I hoped getting in early at 9:30am would give me a little leeway should we get delayed for a couple hours for some reason.
  13. The lunch price looks like a steal for $22 in comparison to dinner. I believe the menu is a touch limited than dinner menu, but still has the basics (filet) that a lot of people go for. I'm excited to try it being a part of the Key I purchased! I had always wanted to check it out when I was younger but my parents were never game for it. Now I'm older going solo (well, with friends), should be a solid 1st experience for a whole lot cheaper.
  14. After I posted that, I thought they probably wouldnt appreciate throwable pointy steel objects to be brought on board lol. All good, we can just have some fun with what they have. Appreciate the follow up @Matt !
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