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Everything posted by ellcee

  1. I'm setting up a bar crawl for mine based off one I saw on another site - having some specific drinks on it could make it interesting. I'm not participating in said crawl since I don't have the tolerance needed but it's fun anyway.
  2. Let's just say I've never had more than 2.
  3. I live on Long Island - near to Fire Island (basically a teeny tiny island with almost no cars- kind of like Key West but still NY) and everyone here knows Rocket Fuel. Rocket Fuel is a Pina Colada with 151 and an amaretto floater. Delicious and dangerous.
  4. This is kinda awesome! Thanks for posting.
  5. St Maarten - I think we just took a cab to the beaches - walked along the beach until we found a good spot that included drinks and a chair. We ordered food and swam and did nothing in the sun. It was lovely.
  6. 3-4 lbs is nothing for a trip! Good job!!!
  7. Silly request but if you see an ice bar could you let my know?
  8. Following!!! Jet Blue is my preference when flying coach - it doesn't feel like coach.
  9. I've basically done #3 with one swap out, I loved it, those were my favorite beaches. The only thing is it's very port heavy. I love being on the ship doing nothing for a few days.
  10. I roll my dresses - I roll anything that can have creases. That and a little shower steam have kept the iron away for me. (not speaking about your suit - speaking to your wife and daughters).
  11. I'm huge on not having my name fully out there. There are some very strange people. I've been "found" online when using my full name on sites and harassed. Very long and super creepy story short - I have a physical disability (that means nothing in my daily life) and there is a fetish associated with it that took me until I was 33 to find out about THANKS INTERNETS. Someone saw a picture and my name and him and his girlfriend found me on multiple social media sites. Plus I work in the entertainment business and my name used to be in the credits of a few shows. I go in and check every year to see what loveliness google pulls up and delete what I can. While my story is a more than a little crazy and over the top I just like a little privacy. I think it's better you changed your name.
  12. Adventure 2016 I was able to board with my friend who was Diamond.
  13. I've heard of this fairy! Glad it hit you.
  14. If you're not looking for a refund I THINK you can act as though he's a no show and everything will stay the same.
  15. Loved reading your blog and sorry it's over for you!!! I took my first cruise years ago out of there in June. As much as I loved the convenience (I'm on Long Island - about an hour and change from port) I'm not a fan of leaving from the Northeast. I would do it for cost reasons again to avoid flights and hotel but it's not my favorite. It's the only time I've ever been sea sick - and I grew up on the water. Just a heads up, it's really cold this morning. It'll get to mid forties (7c?) later today.
  16. I haven't seen prices yet but if it was affordable, I'd jump at the chance. One of my all time favorite experiences flying was with Virgin Atlantic. I liked the American Virgin too but VA was a wonderful experience.
  17. Yes. I do a low carb/no extra sugar thing to get down a few. My first cruise was in 2007 and I had a VERY fitted and expensive dress to fit in 2 weeks after the cruise- it was the only way I could enjoy myself without worrying about looking like a stuffed sausage walking down the aisle as a bridesmaid. I also work out most days of cruise. I like to eat what I want when I'm on vacation and not worry too much.
  18. Following! I love Charleston. A bunch of friends have moved there from NY and it's a great place to visit. I feel like it's going to be a lot of fun on St Patty's day there.
  19. I'm an hour from Cape Liberty and the convenience is great but I've only left from there once, in the summer. Too many sea days!!!
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