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Everything posted by cruisellama

  1. Wouldn't say it's "worse" - it is the only one with the original Oasis configuration. I would agree it needs updating - would really like to see Playmakers installed.
  2. Very weather dependent related to wind conditions. I've done it once, but other times the breezes closed it down. Of course could be for other reasons. World helium supplies have been very low (hence very expensive) since the pandemic and it might actually might not be cost effective for operate at this time - that's just a guess.
  3. Despite the show, I continue to be impressed by the skills of the skaters on such a small rink. There are times it looks like they might end up in the front rows.
  4. You'll receive Diamond level benefits as Elite (lounge, drinks etc). Your 16 C&A points don't matter in the reciprocity. Your set sail pass will show you as Diamond - enjoy.
  5. Utopia really looks like a floating CocoCay. Almost redundant. They could sail into a port (empty) and just use it as a shoreside entertainment venue. Floating amusement park that comes to a port near you.
  6. Yes - we do that all the time. Easiest if you just give them a note with your "wishlist" for entertainment and dining and it can be set up when you board. You can make any corrections if necessary when you board. We put together a matrix with days and times we wish reservations. They can even reserve the late comedy show when its not published in the cruise planner.
  7. I hope they don't start charging for all "warm food". Oops - allows for an out - if you get cold food, it's complimentary, if you want it warm, you'll get a $2 + gratuity surcharge. Can just see it now in the MDR - my entree is cold - sorry sir - its a $2 upcharge for warm food.
  8. A charge for "warm" fresh from the oven. What happens when they cool down? Shouldn't depreciation kick in? Seems much of these "tests" are poking guests in the eye.
  9. Very interesting observations. Had a sense there was a process that could be followed to "ladder up". I'm not a gambler, but I have family members who are at that level. I enjoy watching.
  10. Will RCL seek a gaming license for a land based casino?
  11. Seems to be a few ships all getting redeployment orders: Apex, Summit, Equinox, Reflection. Some are from the south and central American rotation. Wondering if they can't get the bookings they want. New president has to make her numbers.
  12. I was surprised they even serve popcorn as it tends to be something that can get all over the place like in a movie theater.
  13. Executive Contacts Primary Contact Carlos Jimenez Sr. Manager, Guest Experience 1050 Caribbean Way Miami, FL 33132 [email protected] Secondary Contact Aurora Yera–Rodriguez AVP, Guest Experience 1050 Caribbean Way Miami, FL 33132 [email protected] Chief Executive Michael Bayley President and CEO 1050 Caribbean Way Miami, FL 33132 [email protected]
  14. Give the D and D+'s a couple of extra drink coupons and give the lounge to the Pinnacles.
  15. This might be a strategy to cull Diamonds and above....
  16. Thousands of sailors an marines have sailed on US nuclear powered vessels. Carriers have as many on board as an Oasis class ship.
  17. https://www.jacksonprogress-argus.com/arena/thestreet/royal-caribbean-makes-big-change-passengers-will-love/article_3446e71d-3ff5-5b88-89e1-6354fa7552ff.html Found a link...
  18. Always thought Celebrity was pretty stingy in the the BC area.
  19. Has anyone heard if the APP will now allow you to view onboard photos to select for purchase? Heard that you won't have to go to a kiosk to view anymore.
  20. This year I've been observing points about 7-days from disembarkation of previous cruise. That's just what me and my wife have seen this year, can't speak for across the board.
  21. It was a great experience when we sailed with them. (Just as the sale happened). They have on-board destination "history buffs" who provide pre-excursion review of local history and politics. Very interesting small ship - you'll probably recognize all your fellow passengers by the end of the cruise.
  22. For some reason - I really like the "Floating Island" dessert offered in CK. Always make sure I make the serving day and time.
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