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Everything posted by RWDW1204

  1. Symphony, 2 May 20. Paid less in Dec. Symphony, 21 Nov 20. Don't think we're going in Nov. at that price.
  2. No Zip Line , in their words "This feature crosses above Thrill Waterpark℠ but is separate from the park, with its own cost." Not sure about balloon but probably the same. They want as much money from you as possible.
  3. Have done Navigator and all Oasis class ships. We both like the bigger ones for everything to do on-board. My wife also liked Navigator for the ports we went to. Like @WAAAYTOOO and @Lovetocruise2002 have said, it's about what you're looking for.
  4. Didn't even know that was a thing. Had to Google it and there are so many recipes for it. That's so wrong.??
  5. Wondering the same thing. We were on the same cruise. Walked right by her 1 night when they were on a film break. I thought they were filming an RC commercial, no my wife says, she's that Hallmark actress. Still didn't know who she was until we watched the movie, (my wife is a big Hallmark movie fan, she tapes them all) and I realized, "Hey, we were on that cruise!" LOL.
  6. Art! Found this in an article. On Symphony, the car is a Volkswagon beetle that has been crushed into a round ball, thus becoming a sculpture rather than a classic car.
  7. Found these. Only 2 on 21 July, Oasis, Mariner. Independence on 24 July.
  8. How does that work? Celebrity cruises also, yes?
  9. From Grammarphobia. Q: Why do we have two words for a small island—“key” and “cay”? And are they related to “quay,” the word for a wharf? A: “Key” and “cay” are just different spellings of the same 17th-century word for a small, low island, especially in the Caribbean or off the coast of Florida. “Key” is more common in Florida and “cay” in the Caribbean, and it’s likely that local customs and place names have kept the different spellings alive. As we’ll explain later, both of them are probably derived from “quay,” a word from French that means a wharf. First let’s talk about the pronunciations. “Key” is pronounced KEE, like the unrelated word for something that opens a lock. “Cay” is usually pronounced the same way (KEE), but some dictionaries give an alternate pronunciation, KAY. “Quay” was originally pronounced KEE, and that’s still the preferred pronunciation (it was once spelled “key”). Some dictionaries give only that pronunciation, though in American English two variant pronunciations are recognized as standard: KAY and KWAY.
  10. Look at the really small print bottom left under day 5.
  11. Just posted this on another thread, showing just 2.
  12. Found this. Believe it's fairly current. Hope it helps. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cruisewithgambee.com/royal-caribbean-spa-prices-2/&ved=2ahUKEwiKncPQ5YjnAhVlvFkKHW0VCp4QtaYDegQIARAY&usg=AOvVaw05f9MYDfagnWFK_RFoc71F
  13. From one of @Matt's old blog articles. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com/2013/09/19/best-ways-be-romantic-royal-caribbean-cruise&ved=2ahUKEwi6zJDSzYjnAhXiuFkKHQ_hAHkQFjAPegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw3izvl0VDicm0XR28fleonu&cshid=1579195041001 But like previously said, it's what you make of it and the effort you put into it. Good luck and enjoy your time together. ???
  14. Besides this year's planned ones, my wife is still looking for a Spring 2021 trip. But she's already picked this one out for the fall. Nov 27 - Dec 4, 2021. Eastern, Perfect Day. Miami Symphony Owner's Suite. Like I've said before, my wife is slowly moving us up and closer to Star Class.
  15. Agree. Go to your dining room once on board day 1. There should be the head waiter or someone at the door who can help you with this. We've seen both large round and elongated oval tables that might work for you.
  16. Here's some port info. No problem showing up early. Depending on when they start boarding, if you're in a suite or if you have Crown and Anchor status, you'll probably be on board before 1230, drink in hand. ? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.miamidade.gov/portmiami/parking-information.asp&ved=2ahUKEwihpMPS2oTnAhXxp1kKHQyXCNAQFjAKegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw0Ycsm16iUHCRF5NstzE7QI&cshid=1579061151809
  17. @WAAAYTOOO probably could answer this for you.
  18. Don't know if I did this right but this article. https://cruisearabiaonline.com/2019/05/01/royal-caribbean-says-perfect-day-at-cococay-could-handle-three-oasis-ships-at-once/
  19. Dollars work pretty much everywhere. Just carry small bills because sometimes smaller, local merchants may not have change for big bills.
  20. Nothing wrong with hating raisins. They ruin bread pudding too. Do appreciate your respect for them though, how you capitalize their name. ?
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