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  1. I am currently on Indy. I wore my red first night and won 400. I wore my purple second night and won 600. Wore my green third night and won 900. Today I will be wearing my gold pair. Stay tuned. Please put in correct category. Just updating for research.
  2. @WAAAYTOOO and @Ampurp85 please advise! I always have free play and in all this time have never used it, I'm not familiar with casino things. If you were me, very first time...armed with 12.00$$ free play, I'm using Cabash/Vintage Magnets as well, what would you play? Where would you start? Adventure of the Seas I am going to dip my toe in so to speak, thanks for the suggestions
  3. Questions regarding a comped cruise through the casino royale players program. I've always booked through a travel agency or directly with royal caribbean but for the first time I booked through casino royale for a comped cruise. The process was fairly easy, the agent asked me for the code provided on the e-mail and my C&A # to confirm my comp cruise. This is for Icon OTS in early March 2024 ocean view balcony room 7-nights western caribbean. Shortly after agent had me pay port/tax fees to lock in the booking the information was already showing on the royal caribbean app and website with my booking reservation #. Everything sounded too good to be true so I wanted to confirm, since they e-mailed a PDF statement of what it would have costed and it was well over $10,000usd for 2 people. All I had to cover was port/tax fees, prepaid gratuities and flight cost to from LAX to MIA. Questions: Am I allowed to change my sailing date after it was booked? Am I allowed to upgrade my cabin and pay the difference? Are there any limitations or difference compared to booking directly with royal caribbean or travel agency? If there are problems would I have to go through casino royale instead of royal caribbean? Has anyone else successfully/consistently booked through casino royale? If anyone has any additional input to add to this topic it would be much appreciated!
  4. Hello Everyone, I have recently been looking into the various Credit Card / OBC / Stocks / Casino Rewards (other?) options offered by Royal / Celebrity. What is the most useful option or combination of programs to earn discounts/ credits / and the illusive 'Free Cruise'? May your ship lead you to warm sands, TwoCanSailAway
  5. Does anyone know if they have self service machines for cashing in vouchers from the casino on Liberty? The only ship I’ve personally seen them on is Oasis but it’s been years since I’ve been on Liberty. thanks!
  6. During the last few months there were many questions and new post around the casino “free cruises” system , how it is working and how to use it. Here is the information I gathered and the way I understand it , feel free to add to it /correct me. Club Royale which is the name of the Royal Caribbean casino loyalty plan offers three different kind of free cruise offers/certificates: Annual cruise – Any one that is qualify to one of the three tree upper loyalty tiers are entitled for Annual cruise: Prime (2500 to 24999 points) – Inside cabin. Signature -(25000 – 99999 points) – Balcony. Master – (100000+ points) – Grand suite. The Annual cruise can be booked from mid-April to end of March on the next casino year you got qualified for the tier. For example, if you got to be Prefer at December 2022 you will be entitle for the free cruise from April 2023 to March 2024. The current offer is good for any 7 nights (or less) cruise with some blackout dates (like holidays) and not available on the newest ships (like Icon). Instance certificate- During a cruise you can get two kind of certificates : 1 – instance certificate for people that cruised in the past and played in the casino , this certificate might be in your cabin at the first day of the current cruise and based on your pervious cruise level of playing in the casino. Many time people are not getting it and there is not any clear rule who gets it and who not. 2 – instance certificate at the end of the cruise which you will get based on your play at the current cruise and the points you accumulate. It can start from low as 1500 points up to 25000 points for a Grand suite and 2000 free play. The number of points that are required for getting discounts/free cruise can change from cruise to cruise so its better to verify it while you are on the cruise(you will have the information in the Casino host desk). On the night before the last night of the cruise or during the last day ,your casino host will send your room the certificate. If you continued to gamble during the last day you can ask the host later to re print you a new certificate incase you past some point threshold (for example you got certificate for 4000 points and you now have 5000) . Free play – The current on board certificates also can includes some free play for the cruise you will book with this offer , to be entitle to get it you must book the cruise using next cruise option. To make it simple, if you think you are entitled for a free cruise and a free play you can go to the next cruise location and book your specific cruise from the offer list or book a wildcard next cruise (which is good for booking any cruise) and use it later to book the cruise you choose .Such booking need to be done no later then 30 days after your cruise (please note it used to be 7 days so better to check it every time). If you failed to book it in 30 days , you can still use the next cruise open booking to book a cruise up to one year but you will not get the free play. To get the list of cruises you can choose from or ask of the host can print it or (And much better) wait a day or 2 and check for the offer in the club royal offers site - clubroyaleoffers.com enter your last name and C&A number to check for the offer name number , it will show you all the different itinerary you can choose from. Mail/club royale ite offers - From time to time Club Royal can send offers using snail mail , emails or just load it to the club offers site (clubroyaleoffers.com). The Logic / algorithm behind the system of who gets the offers is really not clear , mainly I guess its 10% based on player activity, 5 % last cruise points accumulation , 5% reviewing customer current booked cruises and 80% using voodoo . The number of offers and number of cabins available is based on current not sells cabins status and inventory , the speculation is that RCL using this kind of offers to fill up empty cabins. In other words , successful selling efforts = less comped casino offers. There are few things that might impact receiving offers such as wrong email (the usual excuse), two accounts which are using the same email (for example if you opened account for a family member and use your email), already heaving many offers booked and not being a us resident). Q&A (as per my understanding the program): · What do I need to pay ? – IF it is fully comped cruise you will need to pay only port fees and taxes. · Can I add people to the free cabin offer ? – Yes , usually offers are for two (although lately they came up with single person offer) you can add more people to the cabin but it will be most likely with full price. · Can I use the offer to use on a cruise which is not in the list ? – Some of the offers/certificate comes with dollar values, with this kind of offers/certificates you can ask to use the dollar value for another cruise (but usually without many discounts so not all the time it will be cheaper than just book a regular cruise). · Can I give the certificate to someone else ? – No the certificate is not transferable. · Can I upgrade an offer/certificate – Yes you can try to upgrade , most of the time the upgrade will cost the casino rate differences between the upgraded cabin and the cabin in the offer, sometimes the price might surprise you (for both directions). · Can my travel agent book the offer for me – Yes , but take into consideration , as far as I understand that most likely the commission the TA is getting for such booking is much less · Do I get C&A points for a casino comp cruise? – Yes, you are getting full C&A points including double points for being in suite. · Can I combined offers for a better offer – Yes, sometime , depends who you are asking but only if the offer is of the same kind (like two annual offers) . Its always good to try. · How I am getting the free play ? – During the first day of the cruise when the Casino is open go to the casino cashier and ask to use the free points , they will load it to your account. · Are free casino cruise entitle for royal up offers ? - Yes most of the time you will get the Royal Up offer. As always , play for fun not for the offers
  7. Just putting feelers out. Is there a forum for solo crusiers to plan activities as a group ashore or similar on board?
  8. We have a western Mediterranean cruise in June, and there are shore excursions to Monaco from both Cannes and Nice (Villefranche). We want very much to place a few bets at the Casino there, and are packing appropriate attire to go in. If we do a Monaco hop-on-hop-off bus tour excursion, will there be enough time to gamble at Casino Monte Carlo, if it opens at 2pm? Would it be a better idea, if we want to spend some time in the Casino, to book a private ride into Monaco and back to the ship? Does anyone who has been on excursion at Cannes or Nice remember when you needed to be back on the ship? I realize that this is extremely ambitious for first-time cruisers to attempt, but any experience you can share related to this would be valued. Thanks in advance!
  9. Hi everyone! I’ve got a few questions about how the points work with Club Royale. My husband and I just got off Oasis on Friday and had started building up some points. Our current offer is for money off of our next cruise. Which leads me to the questions…. 1. If we redeem this offer do those points go away? Or do they accrue throughout the year towards the next tier? 2. I read that you need to redeem your offers within 30 days or they expire… is this accurate? (So basically the $$$ off our next booking from what we accrued this past week is only good for 30 days and we should book now to take advantage?) 3. Will we keep receiving offers over time even though we’re new members at the lowest tier? Thanks for any clarification you’re able to give, I just want to make sure I’m understanding this correctly.
  10. Hello fellow RCCL cruisers The year before the shutdown we received at least 2 emails offering us free cruises via the casino based on moderate, but consistent, use of the casino (mostly video poker). At the time, I was surprised to get those offers since my use was not what I would have considered high. I would assume I am at a Choice level in Club Royale. But since the restart, we have received no offers at all (even since our S2S cruises in November where I spent more in the casino per cruise than I had during past cruises). At first I assumed that with so much FCC out there, the offers stopped because of a supply and demand issue. However, others have been receiving these offers recently and so that cannot be the problem. My new working hypothesis is that Royal is not sending them to us because we have FCC remaining. Has anyone received an offer (not directly a result of status, such a free cruise directly earned) since the restart that *does* have FCC remaining? We didn’t get to use the free offers prior to the shutdown as we already had paid cruises left to take and not enough free time available, I was hoping that we could in 2022. Thanks for sharing your experience!
  11. There have been a few people who suggested that the casino promo that has been running (the one shown in the attachment below offering free cruises / money-off offers from 800 pts and up during a single cruise) would bite the dust on May 1. Some hosts denied this was coming, others claimed the opposite. So for those on any RCCL ship now, does the promo continue, has it been replaced, or was it trashed?!
  12. This summer [July 22 - 29] I am taking my 1st ever cruise on Oasis of the Seas with my family! I am looking for information for first timers but don’t know where to look just yet. I just became an “insider” if that helps find the information I need for planning and learning about this cruise line. I’ve sailed with Disney 6 times so we are not new to cruising, just new to all the different offerings and options with Royal. I do have a travel agent but I really want to learn about this on my own and save the unusual questions for her. Can someone point me in the right direction? Also a big fan of the podcast, including the old days from WDW Today - thanks for everything over all the years Matt! Please help - thank you in advance!
  13. I was on the official website for royal and looking in my cruise information [july 22-29] and did not see any information regarding the casino. Anyone know where I can find information about the casino on Oasis? Specifically I am wondering if they have “bubble craps” - this is an automated version of the table game. If not, do they have craps tables? Any information or details on where else I can look would be great. Thanks in advance for the help
  14. What are your tips and tricks for the Casinos on board...other than great social fun. Slot machines to avoid or try? Other fun machine games? (Scratch off, coin pusher, video poker, etc.) What perks or rewards can you get if you win? (free drinks, credits) Learn to play- is it worth it if you already have a basic knowledge of games? you get 2 free drinks so it might be just for that. Tables - minimums to join? (Craps, Roulette, Texas Hold'em, Blackjack) Anyone have any good stories?
  15. I was on a cruise last week (feb 2020) and got my club royale prime membership. I want to ask if my prime status ends on march 31 this year and resets to zero or is it valid Until next year which is march 31, 2021? Thanks!!
  16. What is YOUR opinion?! Personally, I have no incentive to gamble on a cruise when I am handed an Instant FREE Jr. Suite as soon as I walk into a casino. For one reason, if I earn 8K points, I don't get a 2nd FREE Jr. Suite cruise & for another reason, getting a mere $500 or $750, if I do earn 8K points is an insult to my intelligence (it costs thousands to get 8K points). I also think that this Pilot Program was thrown together very sloppy. Not only can I not get a copy of the written rules & guidelines, but there are errors on the actual certificates being issued. (see attached) How does everyone else feel about Royal Caribbean's Pilot Program?!
  17. Well, look at what showed back up in MyVegas today. I don't think it's indicative of anything in particular, but it's good to see nonetheless.
  18. We got our first casino offer for a 'free' cruise!! Just now! So I called the casino folks and they had a pretty large selection of ships out of 3 Florida ports to choose from over the summer, I was kind of surprised at the big selection and that I even got the offer, they must have lowered the standards to get the offer haha Anyhoo, although the 7 night on Symphony (OMG!) or Harmony (wow really?!) are both included, DH is going to want to do a quick weekend trip to not miss as much work. What do I need to know about booking a casino cruise? I know we need to pay taxes and fees which came out to $177 for both of us, is it really that simple? I did check on upgrade price to go to a JS and it was about half the price that we were going to pay for us to take the same cruise before the offer so I'm pretty excited. Anything I need to know? Tips, things I haven't thought of? is it really that simple?
  19. Something very unexpectedly happened a few minutes ago. I got an email from the Celebrity Blue Chip Club, which is Celebrity's casino rewards program. I have never sailed on Celebrity yet I am showing as an "Elite" member. Now, I have no idea what level that is...probably the lowest...but as I have never set food in a Celebrity casino before, I was quite surprised to see this. The email is an offer to receive 20% off rooms and up to $125 in food/beverage credit at an MGM property. Not particularly interested in the offer but I am interested in how I managed to become enrolled in the Celebrity program. There has been chatter on CC about Royal and Celebrity combining their casino rewards programs and this is the first indication I have seen that maybe that has happened. We have hesitated to cruise on Celebrity b/c our casino status with Royal offers some perks that we don't want to sail without...but if they are reciprocating now (which was NOT the case in the past) then that could open up some options that we had not entertained (pun intended) before. I will ask Michelle to look into this when she returns from her cruise on Edge.
  20. I am hoping for some information. I heard that Grandeur's casino doesn't open on the first night when leaving Baltimore and closes the last day at 4. I have been on a cruise out of Baltimore on another line and their casino was open. Is this true? If so, my husband is NOT going to be happy. Any information would be appreciated!
  21. So, I just called to book my free annual prime cruise and then upgrade to a balcony or suite. In the past, we have always paid around 40% of the total cruise fare for the cabin we want to go to. So, for example, we booked a Grand Suite with last year's prime offer and paid $1,800 which was 40% of the current rate for that room. This year however, the prices to upgrade have increased significantly and we are now paying 70% of the going rate. I asked about it and she said that is the pricing they have and she couldn't tell me anything more. When I received the price, the "math" doesn't work either. If I get a free interior and only have to pay for taxes and fees, I am getting a discount of $1,220 (Total interior (cheapest) for the cruise we are looking at is 1,678 less taxes and fees of $398). When she priced out the upgrade to a balcony, the discount I received was less than the $1,220 which doesn't seem right! Currently annoyed because apparently they are taking away more perks from us again!!!! Has anyone else experienced this yet?
  22. I am on the June 10 sailing, and I was playing around with the app. It says the Casino is smoke free. I am almost certain this is wrong (WHAAAAAAAT, something on the new app is wrong???). Has anyone been on her lately that can confirm or deny this?
  23. hello, Would love ur opinion. So, the thing is is that we want to play at casino on cruise. But. Since port is not driving distance I would prefer not to bring lot of cash on me. And would prefer not to pay fee on taking out cash on debit card. So my question is about a royal Caribbean gift card. Do u know anything about the gift cards and if they are available for purchase now before cruise and then be available for use in casino on cruise. How would all that work. Please advise thanks.
  24. Hello All, Looking at the schedule of me and my boyfriends upcoming cruise in Dec 2019. And thinking it seems kinda hectic to me. Have few nights of specialty dinning planned, a Shore excursion for each of the 4 ports, and spa activities for at least 3 nights of the cruise. Having day and night planned with an activity seems like it would be exhausting. Am I overbooking me and my boyfriend? My question is is with a full day and a 2 hour dinner and hopefully see a show at night for entertainment, will me and my boyfriend be to tired to hit the casino at night? I wanna know anyone else who has planned most of the cruise days and the pros and cons. And any advice would be appreciated. Happy Cruising.
  25. Hello All, Second cruise with RC will be with my boyfriend again in Dec 2019 out of Tampa. We have a Shore excursion at every port and are doing a fun cheap Sushi class on a sea day and a cupcake decoration fun cheap class on the other sea day. Needless to say we are excited for this cruise in 300+ days. My question is is since we are flying to Tampa from NY day of the cruise how long is the Tampa airplane terminal to the cruise terminal by cab? Like half hour/hour? The cruise leaves at 4pm Dec 7, 2019. Also, side note called RC and turns out my boyfriend can purchase the deluxe bev package and I can purchace tge refreshment package since I don't drink due to meds I take. And any info on the casino on Rhapsody of the Seas we would love. Attached is the itinerary. We are so excited! Any info would be appreciated.
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