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Everything posted by Floski

  1. Fabulous blog, as always! I'm so upset with myself since I don't have any cruises on the book. You're giving me the YOLO fever, though.
  2. Dude, this is an outstanding blog! I can't believe I'm just getting to it. Thank you for taking the time to write all of this up and post your pictures. I had every intention of doing it last month and just got caught up in the majesty of Lady O. Keep up the great work!
  3. Thank you for spelling St. Maarten correctly. Seeing it spelled "Marteen" makes my skin crawl. ?
  4. We ate at Gladys' as well. Nice place and there were a number of cruisers from Oasis and Horizon so there was a fun tete a tete going on. I wish I had known about her hurricane relief efforts; pretty awesome.
  5. Odd. For Caribbean itineraries, now it's taking me into Dec '19, but no further. Honestly I wish I could cruise next week...
  6. Is it just me or are they not out yet? I can find them all day on Vacations to Go, but RC's website doesn't go past September '19. I'm really frustrated right now, as I want to book something so I can take advantage of the BF/CM deals but Royal certainly isn't making this very easy.
  7. I got really lucky in that I happened to be in the Champagne Bar on Tuesday(?) evening and Patrick told me about it. It was super easy to make; I'll try to get that recipe and post it.
  8. I wish my wife would be so enthusiastic. It's always me having to talk her into it, but she has the best time once we go!
  9. We got off Lady O last Sunday (it was a fabulous cruise) and I took two of the 3 available martini classes that were held by Patrick in the Champagne Bar. The first class was on departure day and I didn't know about it but the two I did take were a lot of fun and quite the learning experience. I love mixed drinks but basically suck at creating them; this was my first time with actual teaching. Patrick was smart and engaging, and got nearly everyone to participate with making drinks. I highly recommend it. There is a $15 cost per class if you don't have a drink package and $10 if you do. I've been making them all weekend! Here is one of my best so far - the Toblerone Martini:
  10. We just got off from this itinerary last Sunday. I hope you and yours have a wonderful time and that you get as wonderful weather as we did!! If you're into such things, I believe there are three martini-making classes, the first being this afternoon, with Patrick in the Champagne bar. Have fun and smooth sailing!!! My favorite spot on the ship: Second favorite, in the evening after dinner - they have a piano/violin duo playing classical music and it's heavenly.
  11. Apologies for being late to this great blog, but it has been an excellent read/see so far. We just got off of Oasis last Sunday on an Eastern itinerary and it was fabulous. Seriously wonderful. The weather was great and the seas were ridiculously calm all week. I took two martini-making classes from Patrick in the Champagne Bar and they were lots of fun (woulda done the first one but wasn't even aware they had one). I made my first two today - a Coco Chanel and a Coconut martini, which were darn good. We took Lady O on her western cruise in January and it wasn't nearly as nice, weather-wise. I'm not really sure why RC continues to go to Falmouth, as it seems like most people either stay on the ship or just get off for a couple of hours to shop in the "safe area", which is what we did and bought a lot of rum. Congratulations on your weight loss - I can't imagine how difficult it must be to see all that "free" food and have to remain disciplined. More power to you!! dave
  12. What the hell....hold the phone....what manner of sorcery is this??? Twangster Fan???
  13. Man, I do love me some New Jersey beers. Have you tried Magnify (pretty sure they're in NJ and not the city)? Excellent
  14. Looks more like a nudge to me. You say "ships collide" and I'm thinking PT-109!
  15. Man, that is one disappointing list. Makes me so thankful that I have the deluxe package and will drink nothing but likker drinks next week. I'm thinking of making my first drink a Kraken Colada; I know it will be my wife's! Oh...and Joe - 7.9% is just a tease!
  16. My first was on Freedon in 2015, and if I'm not on a ship, I'm reading this blog or reading about on the FB pages I belong to. It's a sickness. I know that, because my wife told me after I booked next week's cruise on Lady O right after we got back from her in January. If I had the money, and my wife had more time off, I'd be going a lot more.
  17. Man, I'm so torn on this subject. I really want to go into town and see a few things and go to Watling's for some rum, but I'm not sure if it's at all worth it. It will just be the wife and me, and I'm not much of an imposing presence ( I guess I could gut them into the wall or something), so perhaps we'll stay onboard. I love to get off at every port, but in Falmouth, all we did was stay in the shopping area. How is the shopping area in Nassau? Any compelling reason to go?
  18. What happens when you end up with this, though?
  19. Besides the one that never ends.... ...perhaps one that starts in St. Petersburg, Russia, and hits all the cool ports in Scandinavia and Europe, then continues into the Med in a semi-circle ending in Alexandria. I figure 2 months would be cool...
  20. I didn't even know there was a 2-night option...I woulda probably gone with it had I seen it.
  21. Sky Class??? Hell, I'm still in dirt class.... ?
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