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Everything posted by Cactus527

  1. More mother shenanigans might be in store if you do this!
  2. 3 DAYS TO GO!!!!!! I actually packed up a majority of my stuff last night, now I just have the nicer stuff that I don't want to get wrinkled and things I'm still using to do on Wednesday/Thursday. All the emails have started coming in, so the excitement is definitely building. Now it's just a game of What Have I Forgotten? So far it is water bottle, liquid detergent, and yoga mat...
  3. I love Indy and I love the JS on there. I think I had one on Deck 9 on the bump out starboard - it was absolutely delightful. Excited for you and your family to thaw on this cruise!
  4. I would definitely have a talk with guest services about this. That's kind of unacceptable!
  5. I'm curious- how were the temperatures in Cabo today?
  6. Oh, and the theme nights for the 3-nighter appear to be: Day 1 - Casual Day 2 - Formal Day 3 - Tropical 70s Disco Inferno party is the night of Day 3. Another funny I saw in the planner - they're still doing a holiday movie! The Santa Clause is being shown on the pool deck. So, on tropical night, you can go to the pool and enjoy a snowy holiday classic with Tim Allen.
  7. Looking through the schedule right now for my 3-day, there's some new things that I haven't seen before as well as things at times that are kind of ludicrous. I've never seen this before on any of my cruises. Maybe because there are so many newbies cruising nowadays? Could be interesting, I may pop by just to see what they are talking about. This just sounds dangerous. I'm clumsy as it is, so this could be a recipe for disaster. Later on. In the description, it says no alcohol. Obviously. This has to be a mistake in terms of what time the show starts. The previous show starts at 7:00 p.m. I would suspect that the second show is actually supposed to be around 9:00 p.m., yet here we are at midnight...on the last night of the cruise! I have no idea if this is actually the normal time for crazy quest, but it seems rather late to me. #old
  8. I had pictures of my water bottles that I got on Allure in one of his articles! Definitely felt famous.
  9. 4 days and 7 days to go until cruising, 3 days until travel. In completely non-cruise related news, the book review I wrote was published and distributed today! I think it's the 3rd or 4th one I've written for this professional magazine, but it gives me a thrill every single time to see my name in print. So, that's my celebration for the day. Maybe someday I'll write something that gets published and it's more than 600 words.
  10. I get having work stuff and traveling for it - it takes a lot of energy and concentration. I love that Away shipped you a new carryon! Monos did that for me this fall and I was so pleased that they honored their warranty - so used to being screwed over. This is going to be a fun cruise! Like others, I've been considering Celebrity as well but haven't been willing to bit the bullet yet until I make Diamond status at RC. We'll see where it takes me in a few years. We've got a Princess cruise booked to Alaska this summer too, so...maybe that way? Who knows. Pneumonia. Blech. Everyone seems to have The Crud right now. Keeping my fingers crossed everyone recovers nicely!
  11. That glass blowing looks SO cool!!!!
  12. 5 days and 8 days until the B2B, and 4 days to travel! The last few days have been nothing but busy. Dobby went to his new home yesterday, and the new family has been sending us photos of how happy he is. It feels so good but it also feels so hard to let him go. I came downstairs this morning, saw his empty crate, and...oof. The feels. The girls have said multiple times today they miss him. Even Spouse said the house feels weird with only two dogs now instead of three. I'm happy for less chaos, but...I miss him. Also spent the day at a workshop yesterday (so Spouse and the girls took care of Dobby's departure), running around with last-minute errands and visits to people before I disappear for a week, and am still trying to stay on top of my 30-day pilates challenge. I've been on the fence about whether to pack more short sleeve or long sleeve shirts since it's been chilly here. I realize that CA is warmer than AZ at the moment, but it still gets cold! So Bezos has been getting my $$ as I sift through things and try to decide what I want. I guess there goes my resolve to do less Amazon shopping this year. The daily schedule has repopulated over the weekend and I now need to reinput my schedule of things I want to do. On one hand, ugh. On the other, yay! It keeps the excitement level up. Bookworm has a friend over tonight and they're currently surveying Spouse's DVD and PS4 collections. It's funny to me - Spouse hoards these kind of things, and I think I have...3? movies that I purchased on my own. No games. I've just never had much of an attachment to anything that I watch on a television/movie screen. Packing begins in earnest tomorrow!!!!
  13. I loved the churro vender immediately outside the port area! Actually, I'm looking forward to my tour to La Bufadora next week. Now with @WAYNO's positive spin on Ensenada, I'm excited to see more of the area!
  14. OMG the pinnacle shenanigans! It doesn't make them better than anyone else, it just means they cruise more!!!! SMH The dudes that wouldn't leave your room alone...wth? Why are people weird like that? Glad you've made it to Oasis and the JS. I had a JS on Independence and love Love LOVED the tub especially. A bathtub on a cruise ship is HEAVEN!!!!!
  15. That's why I'm working toward Diamond right now - perks. After I make it in September, I'm going to cruise without thinking about points anymore. It'll be nice. I've got two cruises booked in the next two years that are in solo cabins, and I'm excited to try them without thinking I'm "wasting" not earning double points.
  16. YES! I was thinking of you today boarding!!! I'm glad to follow along on your week!
  17. YAY IT'S CRUISE DAY FOR YOU ALL!!!! 7 days left for me, but I'm NEXT ON NAVIGATOR!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I went and got The Bamboo Room menu for cocktails just to see what's on there. What's on here that reminds people of The Pesky Parrot? Since I'm unfamiliar with both bars, everything just looks fun to me.
  19. I got fish and chips from them in December (Navigator) and was highly unimpressed. I hope you have a better experience. WHY IS THERE NO ORANGE JUICE?!??!?!?
  20. I can remember our first cordless phone - it had an antenna that was (I SWEAR) 2 feet long. It was AMAZING so I could talk to my friends away from my parents. I can't imagine trying to explain that to my kids now, LOL.
  21. I'm listening to 30 Seconds from Mars at the moment. Read your comment and burst out laughing. This is the cover arts for the album:
  22. I kept thinking "I love Caribbean night too, but what is it I love?" and couldn't think of it until I saw the menu. It's the chicken korma! My absolute favorite dish to order on any menu. It's SO good. Your selections look amazing too! The crochet comment made me laugh hysterically. Just...no. I've been looking on Amazon as well for potential clothing additions and some? Are not meant for human consumption AT ALL.
  23. Woot woot! I've been looking for an excuse to check out Bamboo Room - this might be it!!!!
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