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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. There are 160 countries on the "very high" list. It's all just for show
  2. Yeah no kidding, that's fantastic. And you don't even need to deal with Heathrow! Those fares look to factor in $300-$400 airfare, which I'm sure wouldn't be that cheap if you booked separate.
  3. Problem is they aren't working to avoid that by telling people that just because they're vaccinated they can't go back to a normal life.
  4. I need to find one of these people that can afford to charter a cruise ship and become friends with them.
  5. The WHO recommends against vaccine verification for international travel https://www.who.int/news/item/19-04-2021-statement-on-the-seventh-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-pandemic
  6. I think DeSantis is well aware of numerous "loopholes" that would allow internationally registered ships using ports that have federal oversight and funding to prevent his EO from having teeth there. But any good politician (or, someone good at politicking) will still control the narrative, which is what he's doing here.
  7. There is a rapid PCR test (30 minutes to process vs. 6 hours), but it may not be the one the Bahamas accepts.
  8. Looks like the only changes to the bill are some clarifications and fringe case exceptions
  9. My expectations of those on the 12 June cruise are to iron out the kinks for my 24 July cruise
  10. A vaccine passport is a centralized database of everyone's vaccination status compiled without consent of the individual that 3rd parties can access whenever they want. RC stores info you willingly and voluntarily give them.
  11. RC should incentivize having a vaccine. Some OBC or less red tape to get on board
  12. Just goes to show how obsolete and out of touch (and downright dangerous for mental health) the CDC's rules are.
  13. The bill won't go anywhere and he knows he can't dictate what the cruise lines do since uploading an image of your vax card won't physically occur in Florida.
  14. I'm still owed about $200 in port fees/taxes from my March cruise. So far I've gotten $15.20 back
  15. That's a tad better than the $160 I have available for Adventure in July
  16. Taxis look plentiful and reliable. Fixed rates from the airport into town.
  17. They'll do extended holds for stuff like this. When my March cruise was cancelled I called to book another cruise knowing I wanted to use FCC. The hold was for like a month until the FCCs were issued.
  18. This is really embarrassing by the CDC. People whose homes are covered in ash or maybe hit by flying lava balls were advised not to seek refuge on a cruise ship while still using their Diamond Princess logic. https://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com/2021/04/16/photos-royal-caribbean-cruise-ship-brings-needed-supplies-st-vincent-following-volcano
  19. Air2Sea is offering $20 airport transfers. Taxis look to be more expensive
  20. Hah, I certainly didn't mean the poster named such, but just the "get back on track" comment from Matt.
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