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Everything posted by J_Keeble

  1. I use Revolut app, seems very very good!
  2. Robotic Bartenders fleetwide so they cant spread any germs All bars to become bionic!
  3. I'm a rookie when it comes to stock but have always wanted to buy some stock especially RCCL! can anyone help me on how to do this? im from the UK so that may complicate things
  4. I think maybe Jewel of the seas is the only ship that is anywhere near Europe right now but even that is moored up in Dubai.
  5. I've always had a drink package on all of my cruises but now I'm diamond I'm toying with the idea of not. were about 5 days away from sail date and now trying to think if I will need one. are the prices you posted @twangster including the 18% grats? As at the moment the drinks package is $63 a day for me to purchase. also am I best to wait on board to buy it seeing as Im diamond?
  6. I have never purchased the photo package but am toying with the idea for an upcoming cruise. My thoughts are this … we are planning on hiring out a venue for a party for around 3 hours on Harmony of the Seas, is it possible to get a photographer there for the duration to take pictures and could I use my photo package to obtain these photos. or would there be an additional charge?
  7. I very much think it will have the new app, Im 90% sure it will but cant confirm.
  8. https://www.abparking.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAsvTxBRDkARIsAH4W_j9KkuOLgIhipJp3MFISXf7ZebkOdNJmJ44CfKgDVfRaSIKPjCEcPeMaAkEwEALw_wcB This is right on the port and run by the port
  9. I'm hearing a lot of good reviews from Qatar though so it may not be so bad after all.
  10. Lots of extra pool deck space to play with. I wonder what they will come up with?!
  11. I just watch some rubbish on why he hates oasis class ships or something. what a load of rubbish that was. 20 minutes I will never get back. complaining about a $5 can of pop. don't buy it LOL
  12. I presume his videos don't really include much detail? just a load of waffle.
  13. I hope so but have no idea what, promenade?? will it even have a flowrider or will they move on from that.
  14. So Royal Caribbean are tight lipped but we do know its 200,000GT and powered by LNG that's it LOL
  15. I believe they are getting released 2nd march. see the below blog post . https://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com/2020/01/11/royal-caribbean-releases-spring-2021-2022-opening-schedule
  16. I'm watching the video now! it will certainly be easy to send them the link and to watch the video. thanks Matt
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