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Everything posted by cruisellama

  1. Not when I sailed her.
  2. Is the correct strategy to operate the whole fleet or operate a smaller fleet that is better staffed and provisioned? Too many dissatisfied guests will reduce future bookings. Overall prices are up and the effects of higher fuel hasn't kicked in yet. Of course, the industry (and other travel industries) is still being held back with health protocols too. Many are not sailing because of the rules to get to/from home countries.
  3. Reading a common theme from the some folks who unfortunately tested positive at the end of their European cruise. For Americans, exit testing is required within 1-day of return flight to US. You want to perform that exit test BEFORE getting off ship. If you or your partner test positive, and asymptomatic or mild symptoms, you have the option to remain in quarantine on the ship, meaning there is not a need to find a quarantine hotel and wait for the clear to travel test. This means you need a proctored internet test and the premium service to connect to the proctor. The basic internet service is not sufficient to maintain connectivity. Current protocol has Celebrity distributing that final test kit after you've disembarked leaving it you to find adequate internet service to administer the test. And if positive, you'll have to arrange a quarantine hotel somewhere.
  4. So will just buff out?
  5. No toys on Celebrity. Focused on culinary, entertainment, and service experience. More of an adult experience (not much for kids to do). Edge class ships offer more included dining and premium dining options and are priced higher as newer. Sail 3 classes of ship: Millennium, Solstice, and Edge. All three have unique feel, but we now prefer Edge (more culinary options) and Solstice. ts all personal preference. Read about experiences from those who sailed and see what resonates.
  6. Actually more concerned with luggage sitting on a hot tarmac prior to loading into the cargo hold. Something to watch in warm sunny climates.
  7. Countdown: 2, 1, 0. Think of embarkation day is day 0.
  8. Try this executive contact: Primary Contact Jennifer Morales Senior Director of Celebrity Engagement 1050 Caribbean Way Miami, FL 33132 [email protected]
  9. Has anyone noticed a difference between submitting vaccination status using a QR code is faster/better than scanning card? Difference noticed using the Verifly APP for air and other cruise line travel. I used a QR vax record and was approved immediately, my wife used her CDC card and it took 4-5 hours for manual review. I have not tried the QR on the RCL or Celebrity APP.
  10. Does guest services have a place to deposit post when at a port stop?
  11. I'm reading observations of that from a number of travelers on some Celebrity cruises this month. US is still requiring negative tests for reentry of US citizens by air travel and that makes the European venture less attractive for some.
  12. Will we see the surcharge come back?
  13. Its driving us crazy on our upcoming med cruise. Highly recommended you bring extra e-med tests on the cruise so you can take it prior to leaving the ship to catch your flight to US.
  14. If you factor fuel costs, and the cash burn on the new ships -they're really on the edge right now. Fuel costs alone have to be killing them. Was the strategy to get the entire fleet sailing the right one? Or focus on regions, ships and itineraries that can maximize cash and minimize risk and costs? If not this year, next we're going to see the industry contract.
  15. I'd speculate all of the lines would love to be sailing at 100% and still be able to operate with a crew compliment of 50% just to make up some margin. Unfortunately, the crew is just as susceptible to be sidetracked due to the bug, and with an already reduced crew, service diminishes faster and they're hindered keeping up with the new sanitation protocols.
  16. I've shared your experience of the differences, but never heard one bad review regarding food prep is applied to wait staff. Although recently on Allure, when something was not right with the food, the wait staff was VERY vested making it right - offering a re-do or something else to replace..
  17. If there's a high passenger count, the crew is also going to take hits. Once they go into quarantine, it makes it harder to run a ship and keep up with the passengers. Staffing is already an issue.
  18. Reflection is currently sailing from Rome. As we're sailing her next month, we've been monitoring the changing protocols traveling from the US to Italy and back. Currently if vac'd and boosted, two tests are required, one to board and another to return to the US via air. Celebrity provides the test to passengers after disembarkation (free to those who booked before Nov 2021 and those who booked later pay $24). As the tests are provided after leaving the ship, they must be administered somewhere where the passenger can have access to good internet service. Awkward for some passenger because they must either find off-port local internet at an intermediate location to the airport or test in the airport terminal itself. There is also the option to forgo the proctored self test and use an airport test station. Some passengers found it difficult to connect with sufficient internet service to use the tests, and had to work through the airport service missing flights. Some thought ahead and packed their own tests and administered while still on the ship. This option seems to be the most practical. Bring extra tests to cover the return home.
  19. Thanks for the update. I also noticed (in general) less of a selection on certain buffet stations as well as missing types of beverages and spirits. Not the overflowing cornucopia of food and desserts it was pre-shutdown. I thought supply chain issues must be impacting offerings.
  20. Just downloaded our e-docs for our 3 June Reflection cruise from Rome. Getting close and protocols continue to change every 3-days....
  21. Wonderland offers a "smokey" rye/vermouth drink which is pretty good. Bar as you enter the restaurant.
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