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Everything posted by HeWhoWaits

  1. Why would carrying your Coke Zero to the MDR be any tackier than carrying your bottle of wine to the same venue? Both are permitted items.
  2. Make sure your GF's son is attached to her account so he gets the benefit of her "parent points" (if he is under 18). Get that association set up before the cruise - might get him double points of his own.
  3. That's because those interior cabins are the ones not getting sold at higher prices - Royal wants to add the passenger as some money for the stateroom is better than an empty stateroom and most of us spend additional money once onboard.
  4. More to the point in the present environment: Many testing sites are now posting signs indicating that no rapid tests are available and the timing for other test results is a MINIMUM of three days. Right now, it may be impossible to have a test with results within the required window for sailing.
  5. The interesting thing about the final payment pushback for some cruises but not others is that the final payment is due for our July 9 cruise ten days before our May 20 cruise.
  6. There will be some differences as Emmolo is a California wine (Napa Valley) and Caliterra is Chilean. I would normally expect a Chilean white wine to have more acidity and the California white to be more subtle. Personal palates will determine which one an individual prefers and YMMV.
  7. That's what screenshots are for. Even though I can almost always access my airline boarding passes in the airline apps, if there is a problem with cell reception (weather) and wi-fi (down) at the airport, a screenshot works just fine.
  8. If changes occur prior to boarding, you'll be informed of such. There is no way to anticipate other changes that may happen once the ship sails.
  9. It's never AFTER Labor Day. Right now, as I type this, it is 256 days BEFORE Labor Day.
  10. Best option here may be to have someone either skip breakfast with the rest of the group or skip out of breakfast early and decorate quickly, meeting the rest of the group at a designated location that doesn't involve going back near the stateroom. Works best if you have an earlier excursion that requires everyone be reminded to triple check that they have everything they need BEFORE going to breakfast.
  11. I agree that masking isn't of any benefit overall, but how is requiring a mask except when actively eating or drinking "picking on the smokers" in any way? They can still gamble (just like everyone else). They can still remove their masks to eat something (just like everyone else). They can still remove their masks to take a drink (just like everyone else). They can't smoke in the casino (just like everyone else). Everyone is treated the same in this scenario. Certainly doesn't sound like "picking on the smokers" to me.
  12. Or others who otherwise avoid the casino to enter and potentially stay.
  13. This statement says it all - a SMOKER hates the casino because of how smoking makes the place smell. If the odor is off-putting to someone who doesn't mind a certain level of smoke smell... @Ray has to go somewhere else to be able to enjoy his tobacco product of choice.
  14. Not to mention the glass blocks at 140 and every 70 additional points. There are a bunch of "goals" along the way to Pinnacle.
  15. Or Diamond Plus becomes Sapphire and they add a Sapphire Plus. Requirements don't change to reach a level but the benefits accrued all require one step higher on the ladder.
  16. A smoking ban in the casino would normally induce me to spend more time in the casino. With the mask mandate in indoor areas, it might not, as I would try to spend as much time as possible outdoors where it isn't required. I'm also one who would seek clarity on what qualifies as "actively drinking." Does that mean I am putting the glass, bottle, can, or cup up to my lips RIGHT NOW? Or does it mean I have a beverage that I am taking a swig (or sip) every couple of minutes?
  17. The two missing items have now returned to the pending charges section of our account (not there yesterday, listed as pending at 1:23 a.m. this morning). Looks like the stuff was only free for one month. Edit: Update - the money really did leave the account yesterday evening.
  18. Your experience is exactly why I take issue with different application of the same program from ship to ship. Either the card IS transferable ship to ship or it IS NOT transferable - it shouldn't be up to each ship whether they accept it or not. And the number of punches per purchase should be clearly defined and followed consistently. Same concept applies to the corkage fee for wine brought on board - either there is ALWAYS a charge for a bottle opened or stored at the MDR or there is ALWAYS no charge for doing so. When we travel with others, this doesn't matter because we'll open the bottle ourselves and the entire bottle is consumed at one dinner. When we travel as just a couple, a bottle is more likely to last two meals and it's more convenient to have them store the re-corked bottle than to take it back to our stateroom (not to mention that they have the facilities to store the wine at a proper temperature).
  19. "On the Sea" would be "more correct" but most people reading the shirt will be amused rather than checking your grammar. I'm a bit of a "grammar geek" and it didn't bother me on my first reading.
  20. Personally, I prefer A but believe B expresses the thought better for most.
  21. We had one purchase hit the card correctly. We had two other purchases show up in the pending charges online for the account and sit there for a little over a week. They have since disappeared from the pending charges without showing up as completed transactions. As noted by @CruisingIsLikeCrackthey're still in the CP calendar and show up as transactions in the order history. I have made screen captures of the appropriate pages to assure we get what we ordered at no worse than the expected price.
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