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Walking around in Vancouver, pretty safe?


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We're coming in to Vancouver with time to spare before we can board, so we're looking to spend 5-6 hours doing something around town. Is Vancouver pretty walkable as far as safety? We're two older ladies on our own. It would be daylight hours. We we're thinking of walking to Granville and some of the stuff out that way. Thanks!

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I can't speak to specific areas (if you're walking the whole time) but I spent a day in Vancouver on the return from an Alaska cruise in 2016 and we didn't have any issues. Lot's of people out and about during the day.

Worth mentioning - there's a sky train that goes around parts of the city (including right near the cruise port), so you might want to look into that and see if you want to save some steps since you'll be walking around all day. I don't recall it being expensive per person, but that was also 7 years ago.

Also I would recommend taking a look at the Granville Island Market if you go that way (we got there via a bus tour) it's pretty neat and the food was decent. 🙂

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If you're going to Granville Island, what you have to be most aware of is the seagulls!  They will rip food right out of your hands! 

It is definitely not walking distance to Granville island from the cruise terminal though.  So you need a plan to get there.

Lugging suitcases around sounds unpleasant.  I have never tried it (I live here), but I did find this: https://bagsaway.com/luggage-storage/vancouver

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When you drive, you actually drive past Granville Island and then have to turn around. Plus the insane traffic to enter the island and park, can be an excursion in itself! That’s why it seems farther. I just did this walk 2 months ago on a random Vancouver trip. It even looks farther on a map, but the walk wasn’t bad in the least….and I’m not the model of fitness either! LOL

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We sailed out of Vancouver last July and flew in the morning before the cruise. What a beautiful city. We were there once before but didn't have as much free time. The whole Waterfront area is great...fantastic views, kind of artsy and well kept. This is the cleanest large city I have ever been in and at no time did any of us not feel unsafe.

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We Just spent 4 nights there between cruises. I felt very safe,  we walked EVERYWHERE.   There are street people who now openly do drugs-sanctioned by BC,(we had locals telling us about this) I  did not feel threatened by them. .vancouver is a super expensive town, the muggers/robbers can’t afford to live there. (My opinion based on the rents our tour guide talked about).

side note: The US dollar is very strong at the moment, we saved a lot on those 4 days. 

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