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RC Blog Podcast Technical Problems?

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Anyone else having issues when listening to the podcast?  I listen via iOS Podcasts App and generally stream the podcasts vs. downloading them.   On several recent podcasts, they get stuck in a loop, and repeat a section for sometimes the remainder of the podcast.   During the '3 wishes' episode it kept repeating Billy's desire to have breakfast over and over until timer ran out. This has happened on at least 3 different episodes...

Any else have issues?

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Seems like the common element of this problem is folks who listen to their podcasts via streaming rather than downloading. Way too many possible points of failure or error in that chain, between buffering the data over time, potential for errors in which chunk of the file is being requested or served out, etc. to really identify a definitive fix other than "don't stream, download the episodes before you go on the road."

Most podcast players can download the episodes automatically, and they're generally quite small (around 100-150 MB), so on-device storage shouldn't typically be an issue as long you also set up the podcast player to auto-delete all played episodes and you're pretty consistent about keeping up with the backlog. If you really just need to go with streaming for whatever reasons, I suppose you can try a different podcast player and see if they handle errors like that any more gracefully.

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