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  1. I woke up this morning and for a second still thought I was on the ship. But then I felt my dog at my feet and knew I was home. Good to go, but good to come home too.
  2. Isn’t that the truth! My liver has informed me that now it’s time for its hard earned vacation. It’s a trooper, for sure. And I thought it was just me, I’m never hungry on cruises. I certainly eat, but I’m never hungry.
  3. After a nap in CoCo Cay, we finally hit Rye & Bean for some caffeine. The espresso martini and the coconut cold brew are both excellent, beautiful view too! I should’ve taken advantage of this earlier.
  4. Just checking in with the girls. The cabin mirror still does not suggest that I tweeze my eyebrows. I’m convinced that once I get home I will have to elicit the help of my lawn guy instead of my wax girl. That’s it for now.
  5. I know everyone keeps asking about the gym so I just wanted to fill you in. I stuck my head in and it’s beautiful, huge, tons of machines. It was pretty busy in there. Then I promptly turned around and went to get some soft serve.
  6. I’m a little better at taking pictures so here are a ton from Paradise Beach if anyone is interested. It was pretty quiet there and I didn’t get the feeling of being in a pool with 30% water and 70%…umm..bodily fluid…like some of the pools on the ship. Speaking of that, bathrooms are very clean too.
  7. Since my posts still need to be approved by a moderator, I’m posting once thanking all for the happy birthdays! Also wanted to add, if you like these, you’ll love this drink. I know these chewy wax paper covered filling extractors get a bad rap, but I personally love them. Yes, these came from the cheap house, the next neighborhood over from the “full Snicker Bar house”, but who would’ve known Screwball Whiskey and pineapple juice would mimic this delicacy from our youth? “Trick or Treat” Asian bartender named “Jim”, fill her up! Cheers!
  8. I’m sorry Sabrina, but I’m glad you got a laugh. Perfect Day on Friday, maybe I’ll try again, sans the swearing and butt cheeks, promise.
  9. Parental Advisory: Explicit language Greetings from Mrs. Calvin, I’ve been informed that y’all are anxiously awaiting a guest post by yours truly and I apologize that I kept you waiting. As you know, I’m almost 50 and in the words of the late and great Toby Keith, “I ain’t as good as I once was”. I’ve managed to muster up a few brain cells after 5 days of drinking and I think I can coherently put a sentence together. Figured I’d do this before I have my first margarita of the day…morning. I’d like to add a little entertainment for the ladies reading this, I hope you appreciate. I can’t for the life of me get good “makeup lighting” in these cabins, is it me? I mean, I’ve been doing this female thing for almost 50 years now and I KNOW my eyebrows need to be tweezed (and at my age, probably my mustache) but I’m just not seeing it in these mirrors. Maybe eyebrows don’t grow on ships, I dunno, we’ll see when I get home. We went to The Empire Supper Club last night so I wanted to add a little eyeshadow to these saggy eyes, truth be told I probably looked like a damn clown because of the very forgiving lighting in the cabin. &$#% you mirror, I know the truth. I’m finally at the age that I just don’t care, but admittedly I do when it comes to swimwear in public. While I can finally not care and walk around awkwardly in a swimsuit, I gotta make sure these bottoms are where they’re supposed to be as I exit the pool. There are a lot of buttcheeks….err…umm…Europeans on this cruise and I have to admit that I admire their confidence and their “I don’t care” attitude. More power to you. Speaking of not caring, go see Grace at the piano bar. She’s a blast and I had a girl crush on her. Not one care given about anything she said, even with a kid front and center. Mr. CK got to hold her harmonica during Piano Man and she told him that he had strong hands and they needed a safe word. I love it. I got called up on the stage at the headliner show the first night. While I would’ve loved being the center of attention in my younger days, I was quite embarrassed. He was cute though…and sweaty. Very sweaty. Those damn lights are hotter than heck. He also doesn’t know the difference between parallel and perpendicular, but because of the reason previously mentioned, I’ll give him a pass. I’ve just been scolded by Mr. Live Blogger himself that this is “TLDR” so I must end it here. Besides, my margarita just arrived. Hope you all have a great time! Cheers!
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