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  1. It is doing the same thing to me when I just looked up Icon cruises, so you are not crazy. Must be a problem with the coding? The cruise you are showing shows to me at a price of $2106 but the one below has the same issue you reference above.
  2. This is an excellent tip. Thank you!! I just purchased it.
  3. My last cruise I took my toddler and the best tip I can give is to take magnetic hooks and a dark curtain so you can "divide" the room. When my husband or I would come back to put him down at night we would put him down on one side of the curtain and still be able to watch TV/chat/etc on the other side. We plan to do this again on our next cruise this year. Also, take an umbrella stroller. Much easier to store in your room and navigate the small spaces with than a large stroller. One other note - patience. It can be hard for a toddler to sit through dinner in the main dining room so opt for Windjammer some nights or all, and just be prepared if you do try to sit down for dinner somewhere that toddler may not be cooperative (and thats okay!) It is courteous to have a plan if that happens - so my husband or I would take turns taking the toddler out if he was having difficulty, so as not to disrupt other passengers during mealtimes.
  4. Good morning, I lost access to my old account. So sad. But here I am starting anew! I have a cruise booked for September. A few questions: The price of a daybed at Coco Cay is now $399 (my last cruise years ago it was half that). I will still pay this if I must, but was curious if these ever go on sale. I have been watching for about a month and while some of the other excursions go on sale, this one has not. For other excursions, I know to look at the bottom line and not the % off. Is there a general rule about when to book an excursion for the best price (i.e. 6 months before, 2 weeks before, etc)? If I book an excursion now and the price drops, would RC price match if I call customer service? I know I can cancel and re-book but in the case of the daybeds which are popular I wouldn't really want to chance losing it due to technical difficulties. Thanks!
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