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Posts posted by JSB_Z51

  1. 8 minutes ago, alamode123 said:

    Please, show us these "studies". 

    Not a scientific study by any means but allow me to share my experience.  My whole household got it except for me who continued sleeping in the same bed as my wife and was in very close contact at the height of when it was most contagious. Ate off my kids fork and plate too.  I seem to have some form of natural immunity and am rocking antibodies. Why would I want a vaccine in the short term? That's my real life experience.  Why would I want to give the vaccine to my family right now?

    There isn't a one size fits all approach here. Reading these comments,, Snark toward those we disagree with just fuels the division. At the end of the day we all want to get back at it. Unite around common interests and agree to disagree sometimes. 


  2. Lot of strong opinions here for vaccinations,  being unvaccinated, allowing personal choices or allowing the goverment/companies to mandate their policy on you. 

    I support choices as long as your choice which is different than mine doesn't infringe on my choices. 

    Couple of thoughts.  Do you all read what you post? Just because you disagree, doesn't make the other person a jerk bully or ignoramus. Quite the opposite, you become those things.

    When did this country become so risk adverse? This virus depending on age group generally averages out to a fatality rate of less than 1%, you surely take greater risks elsewhere in your life just about every other day

    At this point if you are vaccinated you took a calculated risk in terms of unknown long term side effects

    At this point if you are unvaccinated you are taking a calculated risk in terms of getting the virus. 

    If your vaccine works, why do I need one?

    If your vaccine doesn't work, why do I need one?

    At the end of the day, our love of cruising brings us here. Enjoy life, live and let live, be kind and agree to disagree sometimes. 

    I will get off my soapbox now.

    Happy cruising at some point, tip big for the poor souls who have been out of work for so long and help to make our memorable vacations. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, Neesa said:

    My 15 year old is booked with us in November for our Oasis Thanksgiving sailing. If the mandate to vaccinate her is still a protocol to sail we will not sail. The balance is due in August.  If the most updated requirements to sail say 12+ must be vaccinated I won't even pay for the sailing in full ? just buckle up and wait for months and months for them to return my deposit monies, I would not have booked if I knew I couldn't have adhered to the policies in place. I am sad but can't abide by this policy, will strategically cancel moving forward. 

    I am with you.  I get Royal has been in a tough and IMO unfair spot.  We allegedly sail Symphony Aug 21. I have 2 kids in the 12 to 16 group.  We are not Anti Vaxers but will not be giving this vaccine to them. That said, things change, I get it. But don't twist me into a pretzel and make me jump through hoops to get a refund.  Let's just part ways as the requirements since I booked changed and give me my money back. This was a rebook of my cancelled April 2020. I'm $8k into this trip already, not a easy or small number to just walk away from. Royal should do the right thing, which is a little different everyone. Time will tell if I will be "Loyal to Royal"

  4. 8 hours ago, AshleyDillo said:

    Royal has tried to stay out of the mandatory vaccination debate for as long as they can and they are still going to try and stay out of it with the test cruises.  I don't see Royal doing mandatory vaccinations across the fleet unless their hands are tied.  It's my understanding that they had to with the Bahamas sailings to appease the Bahamian government.  And maybe with Alaska it's the only way they feel they will have enough time to save their season, plus the age demographic on Alaska sailings is likely to naturally fall closer to that 95% vaccination threshold.  

    I don't intend to come off disrespectful but I read Royal expects those eligible for a vaccine to have one.  Policy is on the website now too.  Over 16 before August 1 and 12 and over after August.  That said, my TA said the vaccine requirement is only for 3 ships right now.  All so contradictory and confusing.  At this point I am likely in the minority but just want a refund and will revisit a cruise when and if life gets back to normal.  


  5. I am scheduled to cruise Symphony late August with a 14 and 16 year old who I won't be vaccinating. My TA attempted to start the refund process and was told they could not.  Additionally the vaccination requirement is only for 3 ships at this time Adventure, Ovation, and Serenade per the TA's conversation with RCL at this time.  Contrary to what the CEO has said in the media.  That said, I don't think they know anything for sure beyond a few weeks out.  Hopefully as we get closer my refund won't be an issue.  I hope RCL does what I think the right thing is here.

    Other interesting observation, we are less than 90 days away from our sail date and on-line check in is not available.  Not a surprise but just indicative of them not knowing how the next few months will play out.    

  6. I believe they already proved they can mitigate risk via the Singapore sailings. Requiring vaccinations for age groups not at risk is government overstepping and providing good optics for those who are afraid IMHO.  This will be the new normal for some time. Hopefully we will get back to sailing when and if Restrictions losen up.  Til then happy sailing to those that can

    3 hours ago, cruisellama said:

    I understand why - the desire to mitigate risk as much as possible just to move forward.   I don't like gov't mandates, but I would not disagree it is a valid additional risk mitigation action (looks good).   Then you build off the success and requirements will hopefully back off.  


  7. Disappointed but not surprised.  I am not an anti vaxer but this seems like an unnecessary vaccine for teenagers where the risk is extremely low.  I am not comfortable vaccinating my kids. Many feel differently and many feel the same.  For those that feel differently a suite on Symphony in August will open up on Monday as I will be canceling. This was a rebook of our cancelled April 2020 cruise.  For me it is time for a refund. Looks like we won't be cruising for awhile.  For those who are vaccinated enjoy getting back to the open seas.  Tip extra if you can, those poor souls have been out of work for over a year! 

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