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Everything posted by twangster

  1. Well great. Apparently someone went to the Pub then went to the casino then went to Playmakers and along the way stopped at NextCruise. So apparently I have two new cruises booked.
  2. Pub is great and all, but I feel the need, the need for… PM. That doesn’t rhyme as well as in Top Gun.
  3. Popped into the Aqua Dome for a preview. But everyone knows RCB group cruise translates in 437 languages to… Pub
  4. The Wicked Witch of the Sea is in my cabin! (lame Wizard of Oz) reference. False alarm. Too much Kraken. It was only my cabin attendant’s broom in the hallway. Perhaps in this case it's art imitating life.
  5. Technically my reservation is tomorrow night but I gave the standby line a shot and scored. Even managed to get would be Star class seats as the Genie was pulling them up and said his guests weren’t coming.
  6. CK dinner Grilled Mediterranean Octopus Grilled Duck Breast Fantastic flavors in both tonight. Tonight is the only night for Baked Alaska, so…
  7. I needed 96 more casino points to earn the next level reward certificate. The first 35 came pretty hard. After moving machines a few times I found one that was paying out. The next 100 points came much easier and I’m few bucks ahead. Time to stop. Definitely. Maybe.
  8. In the EU when cruises stay within Europe typically customs and immigration doesn't mean a required face to face for many citizenship. If you require a VISA to visit an EU country that may not apply to you. For most guests a European B2B will see you visit a designated venue onboard at a prescribed time to "depart" the ship followed immediately by using your next cruise seapass card to "reboard" the ship. It typically occurs within tne same venue a short distance apart. From Royal's perspective the two cruises are unique. Accounts are settled and closed. Photos not purchased are deleted and cruise 2 begins as if cruise 1 never happened.
  9. Icon guest count is currently running around 70% new to Royal versus CAS return cruisers. As someone who has attended way too many top tier events where they annouce CAS numbers onboard that figure of only 30% CAS is very telling. Typically it's closer to 50%. Royal has a fuciary responsibility to it's investors and they are doing what they are legally required to do - put their shareholders first. That is directly relatable to Utopia. It may be maddening to a frequent cruiser but it's music to the ears of an investor and it's how they will pay down a mountain of debt so the company is still here for it's loyal return guests.
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