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Everything posted by rjac

  1. Lower prices in the fall......I think it's called the hurricane effect :huh:
  2. I agree, use US currency. Don't bring anything larger than $20.00s. Stick with small bills, better for negotiations.
  3. We routinely get to the embarkation port the day before and stay in a hotel. Next morning we are at the port between 11:00 and 12:00 ready to board. I do not mind standing in line in order to be one of the first on board. We feel like the ship is all ours! Flying or driving to the port the day of embarkation leaves the door open for disaster, ie, plane delays, traffic accidents, traffic, etc. We do nit want to take a chance of being late or missing the departure.
  4. Do yourself a favor and hire a cab or go on a bus tour excursion. The local drivers on these islands are unpredictable. St. Lucia has very narrow roads that are steep with switch backs and no guard rails.
  5. I agree with Jerel on the wow card, survey and statement. I do the same and make recommendations if they can handle more responsibility. Be sure to include your cruising experience. That will add credibility to your comments/recommendations.
  6. Well, it's a tough job, but someone had to do it! Glad you took one for the team.
  7. Have you tired to book it online on your cruise planner? See if you can this week before you leave home.
  8. I received a firm handshake from a C&A rep when I booked on board many years ago. Other than that, nada.
  9. Google search shows mixed reviews. We did the Allure this past February and went to Falmouth and Cozumel. RC had excursions in both those ports. I'm sure they also have excursions in GC..
  10. We did the "Discover Nassau Land and Sea excursion" this past February. We were all crammed in a small bus, could not understand a word the narrator was saying (he held his microphone right on his mouth and it was loud), not impressed by what we saw of Nassau by land. When we got to Atlantis, the driver parked away from the main entrance and the narrator told us that we could walk around for 45 minutes, but do not ask any questions, like where's the aquarium. Atlantis is for the paying guests, not tourists (like us). All we had time to see was the casino and bathroom. As we were about out of time, I asked one of the employees, "how do we get to the aquarium"? She then wanted to know what room we were staying in and we should really ask the front desk for directions and a map. We headed back to the bus. The sea portion was not very exciting neither. Very weak fruity rum punch, we could understand this narrator and all we saw were the homes of the rich and famous actors/actresses on Paradise Island. For the money, not worth it!
  11. The 2018 Allure schedule is out. I booked a seven day cruise Starting April 1, 2018 a couple of months ago. Taking the whole family, have a big birthday to celebrate. :D .
  12. Here is a helpful link for excursions: http://www.shoreexcursionsgroup.com/ , just plug in your cruise info. A lot less expensive than RC!
  13. I received an email response today from the RCCL Executive Office. I had questioned the possibility of changing this cruise itinerary so that Easter Sunday (April 16) the ship would be in Key West and Grand Cayman on on April 18 (Tuesday). Bottom line, it is not possible to do due to numerous factors. So, I will be cancelling this trip.. :angry: :angry:
  14. The only shots you will have to pay for are in the on board medical clinic...and they can be expensive!
  15. Not sure what/who MEI is. But, whoever you and your group book through, you want to have all of your reservation numbers linked to one person/couple from the group. If you are that person, then whatever you book for yourself (meal times, show time, excursions, etc) will also book those that are linked to your reservation number. And, no, you don't have to pay for the other folks in your group that are linked to you, they will. I would STRONGLY recommend not booking My Time Dining for a large group. We tried this earlier this year for a total of six of us on the Allure and it just did not work at all. We ended up waiting up to 30 minutes while they searched around for a table big enough to handle our group and that was for the 6:30 seating. Hope this helps. Enjoy your cruise!
  16. You get to pay a couple of dollars more per person per day to the stateroom attendant!
  17. Don't drink the water! :rolleyes: ....................just kidding
  18. I always prebook everything we want to do before leaving home. It can be done on line with your cruise planner, assuming you have an account with RC. I have learned through past experience that if you try to book something on board the ship you will have to wait in line and more than likely what you want is booked full. This goes for shows, excursions, specialty dinners, etc. Prebook at home and enjoy the cruise!
  19. If you book the 6:00 traditional dining, you will not have any problems catching the shows. I believe they start at 8:30 pm and you'll want to get to the theater at least 30 minutes before it starts so you can get good seats. My wife and I were on the Allure earlier this year with two other couples. We hard MTD booked for 6:30 pm. We did not get seated at 6:30 once that entire week. They had trouble every night trying to find a table for the six of use and we were lucky that we did get seated by 7:00. Depending on how many folks are in your family, you may want to go for the traditional dining, or hit the Wind Jammer. Enjoy your cruise!
  20. Two adjoining rooms means two bathrooms. One family suite means one bathroom.
  21. We were on the Allure of the Seas this past February and went into St. Thomas. We did the "Secret Sands Beach & Skyline Drive Excursion". I had my Go-Pro camera with underwater housing, 4' GoPro extension pole, Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5 with underwater housing and strobe unit, two sets of fins, masks and snorkels. All the photo gear fit in my backpack, snorkeling gear and extension pole went in my gear bag. Towels and sunscreen went in the beach bag my wife carried. No problem on the open air bus to get there and back. Everyone was loaded down also!. So, why can't you take your camera and, if you don't mind my asking, which excursion?
  22. On deck 5, you will find the Bow and Stern Pub. They offer an extensive menu of beers and ales. They also offer a variety of mixed drinks. The BLT Bloody Mary is delicious! And yes, that is bacon, lettuce and tomato. Have a great cruise!
  23. I'm with you Matt. Not sure what dynamic dining is/was. We did a btb on the Allure earlier this year with 6:00 pm traditional dining the first week. The second week we were joined by two couples from our neighborhood in NC. We got stuck with my time dining at 6:30 pm. and it was a disaster. We got shuffled around like a bunch of bastard step children that entire week. And forget that "6:30" time, it was usually closer to 7:00 by the time a table was found for us and that was even when we showed up early! Perhaps the my time dining works for a couple and on smaller ships. No more MTD for this cruiser!
  24. :unsure: :wacko: :lol: :D ;) Gotta love those drink packages! Nothing like 6 blooddies before lunch, beer with lunch, wine coolers and vodka tonics all afternoon and who can remember dinner and afterwards........ :blink:
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