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Booscruize last won the day on November 7 2021

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About Booscruize

  • Birthday May 28

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    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    We are world travelers who have a passion for cruising! We also vlog our journeys! Check us out @booscruize

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  1. We couldn’t even contain our joy! Abs I can’t wait for your family to do the same! Thank you so so much for watching!!
  2. Thank you U so so much for watching The next vid is the room tour and rest of the night and I cannot wait for everyone to see!
  3. Day 4 - St Thomas! We woke up and had a delicious breakfast on the balcony as per usual! The chef actually made us delicious breakfast burritos with Spanish chorizo! They also brought us some extra eggs and bacon in the side….the food just keeps coming with Star Class! After we finished it was time to disembark the ship and head to Magens Bay! We love St Thomas and were excited. Shane had us off the ship in less than 10 minutes! We quickly found a taxi and made it to Magens Bay. It was ok….though on this day it was a bit over cast. This was our first time at this spot and it was a bit lackluster in amenities. Nobody selling you chairs or drinks on the beach and the only place to get food was FAR down the beach. Regardless the water was beautiful and we spent the entire day floating until around 5pm when it was getting dark and time to head back. Once back on board it was time to get ready for Chefs Table! This was the ONE hiccup we had on our entire cruise. We arrived at the Solarium with our friends for Chefs Table. They said they weren’t ready and sat us in a little enclosed dining space. They gave us welcome champagne and we were perfectly content. Then ten minutes passed….then 15….then he returned abs said are you dining with your friends? We have no record of you? So I texted Shane who was dropping another Star Class family off at a show and he immediately contacted the manager. After almost 30 minutes we were led in where some others were already seated. They had pulled up two different chairs for my husband and I and we had no place settings or menus. Our friends and the group just laughed it off saying this was the humbling part of Star Class eventually they had us set up and Shane arrived. He spoke to the management and they had made a mistake as he had it all set up. Not the biggest deal however we were almost 40 minutes passed the original start time at this point. The waiter said that the last grouped enjoyed it SO much that they had a hard time getting them to leave. Only issue with this is we had tickets to see Aqua 80 after this and had 10 people waiting for us. We actually ended up leaving the dinner early before dessert and SPRINTING to the Aqua theater. We are all Broadway peeps and this show was said to be the BEST on board so we were not going to miss it. The dinner was ok….not sure I would spend to do it again but I am also admittedly not a foodie LOL The presentation was beautiful however abs the bread was one of my favorite things LOL oh and in case you’re wondering? Coastal Kitchen filet still wins over Chefs Table LOL Shane got us front row seats to Aqua 80 and I will say that it is hands down the best show I’ve ever seen at sea. The performers were INCREDIBLE! They production value abs technology of this theatre is state of the art and I would say in line with Cirque! Not to mention the amazing 80’s soundtrack! Our entire group talked about this show for the rest of sailing….worth missing dessert! If you get a chance this show is a MUST!
  4. Thank you so so much! They used double sided tape to get the runner to stay in place! The cake toppers are in fact real funkos that we had custom painted for us! You can find artists on Etsy who specialize in this and will even add things like your pet if you have one!
  5. Day 3- Sea Day! We woke up around 8am and Shane had our standing order of Starbucks and mimosas along with our breakfast. We wanted something quick so we could grab and go so we requested English muffin sandwiches. They weren’t exactly photo worthy so we spared you photos of this gourmet delicacy LOL but they WERE delicious and quick soooo mission accomplished! After that we got dressed and ready to explore the ship! We decided to use the Abyss slide as our personal elevator and took it down to the boardwalk. The slide is fun….MUCH slower than I expected. This gave me some time to ponder things like what if my mat got caught on something and I got stuck in there. Just as I began to wonder how long it would take to get the jaws of life on board the Oasis I popped out on the board walk. What a thrill….yes I’d do it again LOL I loved the lights inside! Once on the boardwalk the riding wasn’t over as we saw the carousel! I am literally a giant child so this was a MUST do. We ran over and got a private ride! After much more exploring we had to met Shane for ice skating in studio B! What a fun experience it is to ice skate on a ship. It really makes you value even MORE how talented the skaters in the show are. In fact one of them was giving out skates and we had a long talk about his contract and life back home etc. Randomly he even knew my father who is also a performer like myself and worked with Disney On ice. Small world! It was also painfully obvious that I am no longer 18 as I had only thoughts of Aleve and BenGay after only 30 minutes on the ice! I needed to take some of this ice to go in fact for my lower back Ice skating worked up an appetite so we made our way to Port Side BBQ. Wow….just WOW! This is some of the most delicious BBQ I have ever EVER had! The ribs were nothing short of amazing! The portions are HUGE but also perfect for sharing so you can try it all! Don’t skip this one! While sitting at Port Side Shane popped up in true genie fashion with a “There you are!” He said he thought we had planned on El Loco Fresh or he would have had a table waiting for us here and managed the line. We assured him it was totally fine and the smell drew us in! Have I mentioned how much I adore Shane? You may get sick of hearing it LOL Also as we were leaving we found our first duck of the trip! After Port Side we went to our rooms and put on our bathing suits and grabbed our captains hats and headed for the solarium hot tubs! The solarium is a BEAUTIFUL spot on the ship! Protocols dictate that only a small amount of people are allowed in the tub at a time. It kind of is a hassle because you constantly have people wanting you to rotate in and out and it’s cold. However you want to be fair and it won’t be like that forever so hey….it is what it is! It certainly didn’t ruin our time as you can see LOL After several hours in the solarium it was time to shower and dress for dinner! Tonight was Giovanni’s! We basically ordered everything Lol After dinner we went to the headliner show which was Earl Turner! He was a fantastic singer and a great VEGAS showman. He truly used every inch of that stage with boundless energy and had a set full of crowd pleasers! We really enjoyed the show! After the show we had everyone over to the suite for night caps and to eat more of the endless wedding cake LOL We then called it a night! A super amazing first sea day!
  6. Wasn’t it INCREDIBLE?!? He truly is an integral part of our wedding memories. So much so that Shane and I both were teary in our goodbyes. He’s just amazing….
  7. Awww thank you so so much! Yes being present was very important for the guests. It was a totally different experience than normal! We didn’t even DO everything on the ship which is very unlike us. However it was really a dream and the Star Class experience is just….outstanding! Thank you for reading!
  8. Ok ok ok OK….an apology! To say that I failed at the LIVE portion of this blog is a gross understatement. However I had NO idea just how busy and demanding it would be to film a vlog, host an entire group and oh yeah….get married while on a ship LOL After staying up till 2am writing and falling asleep with my phone IN my hand I knew it wasn’t going to happen! However, fear not I have taken notes and will recount the experience now day by day…so just PRETEND I am on board LOL Day 2 (WEDDING DAY!) We pulled in for our Perfect Day at Coco Cay at around 7am. We had a quick break fast on the balcony before Shane came to get us at 7:30am to get off the ship. Shane walked us off the ship and we were the FIRST ones to enter Thrill Waterpark! Of course after roughly 2 minutes of getting in it started a torrential downpour that got us all soaked (including Shane) we just could not stop laughing. We we to do all of the slides while Shane returned to the ship to set up the wedding magic. We managed to do ALL of the slides within an hour. We literally ran up all of the stairs which if you have ever been on Devils Peak you are aware is NO easy task…especially when you had been eating Star Class meals every 20 minutes since being on board LOL We managed it without needing any medical intervention….but barely. The tallest slide is an amazing experience but after breathlessly making it to the top and questioning my life choices we decided ONCE was enough. We loved the park and would absolutely recommend if for those of us who like thrills! After all of that climbing we decided to make our way to Oasis Lagoon! We are a sucker for a swim up bar! The pool was legitimately FREEZING! Lol All you could see was people stick their toes in scream before exiting or bravely accepting their icy fate. We did the latter and justified that the cold water just meant we needed to drink more as a source of mere necessity. Cruise logic ya see? And drink we did…and danced and laughed. The sun even that came out and it was a fantastic time! We eventually got hungry and I knew we had to go and try the iconic chicken sandwich! We first grabbed tacos because we needed some “walking food” to get us to South Beach LOL the steak tacos were AMAZING!! We Then made our way to South Beach where we got the secret chicken sandwich with mozzarella sticks and let’s just say that I am forever changed! DELICIOUS! I unfortunately don’t have photos as I was trying to keep my phone dry and sand free because I didn’t want to take any chances of not having it for the wedding LOL We then swam to the floating bar and had a few long islands! This was such a fun little addition. The drinks were strong and you could watch the fish swim by. By this time it was almost four and we knew it was time to head back and see what magic Shane had created and then get dressed for the sunset wedding! The moment we returned to the Suite we were completely blown away. We brought some decor with us but only the aisle/runner and some greenery for the railing. The way that Shane set it up with the chairs and bringing in the flower stands took our breathe away! The entire Suite was FILLED with perfect little romantic touches! After seeing all of this it was time t shower and get in our tuxedos and meet with our amazing friend Matt who was going to marry us to go over things. Shane was in constant communication with us regarding food deliveries and when the cake would arrive which was shortly before the guests. We had custom Funko Pop cake topper made of us for the cake but when they brought it in I audibly gasped! It was STUNNING! Beyond perfect!! I mean…can you even stand it?! And the platters of food were PERFECT for our party! Then the time had finally arrived! Sunset was upon us and it was time for the guests to arrive and for us to have our DREAM ocean view wedding. It was truly perfect….intimate, beautiful, personal, heart felt and beyond anything I imagined could be done. We are not “groom-zillas” and put our trust in Shane. However, The magic he created will live in our hearts forever. The sun set exactly as the kiss happened as if it were a movie. Here are just a few snaps from the ceremony After the ceremony we cut the cake and had a champagne toast! We had the best time! We decided to eat in the MDR for the dinner because originally it was formal night. However, they changed it due to it being a port day. But it was no big deal. It was nice for us all to be able to eat together and the captains tables were very special. They made us feel like a million bucks and it was nice to be dressed up. We ordered off of the premium menu and it was delicious! After dinner we headed to see the headliner show which was a juggler/unicycle performer. VERY talented but yikes…the comedy portion was a HOT dated mess. However, it was very VERY rough seas so the fact that he was able to accomplish things like standing on a vertical ladder in the midst of it was very impressive! The day was MAGIC and we were EXHAUSTED! Speaking of that you must be exhausted reading this as it is SO long! Next up our first sea day!
  9. Thank you so much and that means a lot. I think that when you’re on vacation there is ALWAYS a silver lining and positives if you look for them. We have just been glowing every second on this ship.
  10. I am so very sorry that I am behind!! The Wedding and planning events and entertaining our guests has taken up ALL of my time. Literally I’ve not even seen half of the ship! Let me back track a bit! We woke up at 4am on Sunday morning because I of course was so excited that I was wiggling my toes under the covers LOL I sprang out of bed to look out the window and try and get a glimpse of our ship….of course Oasis is the first terminal A…so there were multiple shops blocking her LOL I couldn’t go back to sleep after that so we just ended up watching tv and packing. I am NOT a morning person so I was pretty impressed with myself…and without coffee! At about 9am we walked to CVS to get $100 in one doll of bills for tips and then came back to do final packing and finally call our uber! Our Uber arrived at roughly 10:45am and we arrived to the port around 11am. We rushed passed the porters who all tried to take our bags because I had been warned that we should only relinquish them at Star Class banner. We quickly found it in all its purple glory! After giving our bags away and checking in with the nicest young woman we were told to wait to be led up to security and then to the suite lounge to meet Shane our INCREDIBLE genie (More on him later) Eventually we were led up and it took awhile to get through security since there was only one lane open and there was apparently a small debacle over a misfit extension cord trying to be brought on by a person ahead of us LOL No big deal nothing can ruin our day…we are going on a cruise! Once in the suite lounge we sat excitedly waiting for Shane! Then suddenly we looked up and like a vision in Blue…a beacon of light…a cruise Unicorn if you will…Shane was there r greet us! I cannot ever actually express how much I adore this man even after two days but I will say that I can’t imagine ANYONE else taking this wedding cruise journey with us. He is the best of the best. There….I said it! After meeting us he brought us to the dining room to do our muster stations and it genuinely took 3 minutes. We were in and out in a flash and now it was finally time to see our suite! 1720 Star Loft! We chose this because of the balcony and the entrainment space and pictures will NEVER do it Justice! I must say…it was the BEST dang filet I have had on any ship! That sauce was OUT OF THIS WORLD and I’d venture to say that I could have cut it with a spoon! Shane also informed us that he HAD procured our wedding tuxedos despite there being some question if it was even possible due to Covid. He is magic! He also had welcome aboard snacks eating for us! We also ran through some of the wedding details and he gave us our weekly schedule and reservations. Then we were off to Playmakers to meet our friends for lunch. Playmakers was delicious! We had a TON of food. Basically one of everything LOL if you like sports bar food then this is for you. My burger was AMAZING! After this we went to the Facebook group meet up! Can I just say what an INCREDIBLE group of people that were compiled in this group. The most positive, loving, FUN group of people. I can’t thank everyone enough to has come up and said hello or congrats to us. You have made our hearts smile! I also finally got to try for lava flow with kraken rum! Matt would be so proud! After the meet up it was time for Sail Away party on our balcony with friends! Shane arranged for some snacks and appetizers to be delivered and we were able to give our guests the giant welcome bags we had custom made for them! They had things like thermos cups, sunglasses, towel clips, cat ears for when we see CATS LOL, fans etc etc. Sail away was amazing. We sailed at 6 so there was time for us all to have cocktails and mingle before our 8pm dinner at Coastal Kitchen! We were really excited to eat at Coastal for the illustrious and sometimes controversial Filet! I must say…it was the BEST dang filet I have had on any ship! That sauce was OUT OF THIS WORLD and I’d venture to say that I could have cut it with a spoon! Burrata was fresh and delicious and not too heavy Tomato soup was a real treat and the smokiness added a real depth of flavor! I also loved the pour over service! I must say the filet was the BEST dang filet I have had on any ship! That sauce was OUT OF THIS WORLD and I’d venture to say that I could have cut it with a spoon! After dinner we returned to the room to find that Shane had left us amazing beach bags for CocoCay! I love them so much I refused to use them because I want to save them to use at home LOL Then we were off to the ice show! Now listen…I love Hans Christian Andersen as much as the next thirty something but I will say this story/choice wasn’t be FAVORITE theming. However the TALENT and amazing passion from the performers had me leaping to my feet. What they can do on ice is astounding! After the ice show it was nearly midnight and we were SO exhausted by the day we had to go to bed! I will stop here for now since it’s 2am and my husband (yay I can say husband) is snoring beside me LOL p.s. Props to you live bloggers who manage to do this without falling behind!
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