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    : The Space Coast!!

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Diamond Plus (6/7)



  1. We’re doing Chops for 6 on the balcony tonight…. Baked Potatoes and I’m happy!!
  2. Our roomies said the same thing. Massive spoiling!!
  3. Work done!! Almost done packing…. Uber picks us up at 9 for our flight to Hobby!!
  4. We cancelled our Enchantment cruise... Work/Family stuff came up so we had to forfeit a cruise weekend in March...
  5. I've edited my normal "7-day Dude's Packing List" and sent it to the other 2 (non-cruiser) gents who are joining us. My wife is coordinating her packing with the other wives. The difference from a "normal" 7-day is factoring in the Laundry benefit in Star Class. I'm planning to pack a little less than normal.
  6. We got Berty! We’re a week away!! Just to really get the “Suite Snob” perspective, we’re currently in an interior cabin this weekend on Voyager. looking forward to the balcony.
  7. I'm too late to the party, but yes! That's correct; Dorothy and I combined our 2 (earned on the same cruise) ICs for Bogos to get a BNGF (Buy Nothing Get Free?) .
  8. I'm thinking this is what we might do as well... although, I think the weather in Galveston might be just on the edge of acceptable outside dining...
  9. We did actually... we're geeks, and we're cruising with non-cruisers, so Dorothy and I put together a spreadsheet of stuff we wanted to do (Restaurants, Shows, etc) when Muffy (Landside Genie) emailed us about 10 days ago... she sent us back a list (from my spreadsheet) of things she's already booked (and we saw restaurant bookings in emails). Now, I'm sure we're going to adjust all of these once we get everyone onboard, but, it's a start. We will have 6 adults in the room, and you and your fam are definitely invited to come up and watch and "snob-ify" with us for the game!! I'm hoping we can get a good mix of snack/Superbowl-type food and the game is on the big screens outside...but, we'll see.
  10. As we've discussed, we're in SC (2BR ATS) on this sailing as well!! We are looking forward to meeting you and comparing notes (this is our first foray into the Snob-life ). We have 6 of us going and we passed our "thoughts" to the Landside Genie... we'll see how that goes!! But, we're trying to do a SuperBowl Party in our suite on the first night... hopefully that'll work (not too excited about the game, but the food/drinks will make us happy!!).
  11. Oops... I double booked us on 5/9. Please add: - 5/30/25 Freedom of the Seas (not on 5/9/25). Thanks!!
  12. Please add: - 3/28/25 Liberty of the Seas - 5/9/25 Freedom of the Seas - 6/27/25 Utopia of the Seas - 1/30/26 Liberty of the Seas Please Remove: - 4/10/25 Voyager of the Seas Thanks!!
  13. Absolutely this!!! We have to go to Fort Lauderdale and/or Miami to get the "nicer" ships for our weekends... I miss Mariner and Indy in PC.
  14. Awesome!!! @LandstromCruise!!! We are Star Class on that sailing as well... We're in an AT2 (10330) and we're pretty excited to experience this level for the first time. We'll have 6 (total) in with us and are looking forward to at least some semblance of a Super Bowl party in our suite the first night out!! Looking forward to meeting you and sharing stuff we learn!
  15. We've been on 53 Royal Cruises since December 2017... We live in FL in good proximity to all of the ports, and like doing weekend cruises; it (used to be) a lot more cost effective than a weekend at a resort/beach.... but it's still fun for us!
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