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Everything posted by OCSC Mike

  1. Years ago when we were further away from becoming or acting like vintages we went to a local Irish pub for trivia almost every week with a group of friends & I think I got fish n chips 95% of the time.
  2. Agreed. I still think funnel cakes should be on the Boardwalk on Oasis class... could add them to the Dog House... but adding them to a place already frying stuff is a no-brainer. WJ had churros on Mexican night on Wonder that were a bit misshapen (random chunks of dough, lol) but tasted good.
  3. I've never had it in the UK but I like fish n chips... there's a reason you need tartar sauce for the fish and malt vinegar for the chips though. Also, it was more your comments about the food sitting out and how the tiny shrimp nuggets looked than the fish n chips.
  4. Appreciate the pics but that sounds pretty bad. I've had far better looking breaded shrimp in the CL and SL on Wonder.
  5. I just got to the bottom of a tiny bottle I bought before you showed me the light... I still think it tastes good but it definitely is more watery than Cholula.
  6. No, look closer, it's chipotle. If Bezos sends me original he's getting it back!
  7. Roger that, lol. Not sure I'll be able to tell though. I just started using it last cruise after @asquared17 had me switch from Tobasco chipotle (or pepper water as she calls it). It's also gonna be a little different when it's not in the middle of a taco with a bunch of fixins.
  8. Huge price drop; I couldn’t resist. We make a lot of grilled chicken & brown rice to be healthy, picky wife, & neither of us can cook, lol. It’s like $4 for the tiny 5oz. bottles so I could spill out over half of it & still save money.
  9. That’s the same sad 3-section warming tray I saw in 2022 & said it looked like something you’d get at Target for $19.99. I’m gonna need more pics from Playmakers & Fish N Ships.
  10. Looks like a nice spread. Sincerely, OCSC Locust
  11. I would have done the same thing! We only had a Promenade view once on Indy for 3N and didn't love it but I'd take anything over deck 3/4. That was the only time we ever put in any type of RU bid that wasn't just the min or like $5 over the min. You know we're fine with our interiors but we thought those rooms looked really cool... obviously we didn't win either. Definitely looking forward to pics of leg #3 now!
  12. It ain't Wonder... no CK, no 11-11 drinks... abort abort!
  13. As if I need to be tagged to find live blog food pics? Thanks for trying though. Sounds like you'll be fine, lounge-wise, either way but hope you continue to have your choice of the two.
  14. Weird, I just logged in via Chrome on my iPhone and the bid slider works just fine. Are you using Safari or another browser? You can of course just use a computer but since you seem to want to use your iPhone I figured I'd try to help.
  15. Ours made a fairly loud bang but I don't care about the shower door. It was the actual bathroom door that did the same thing that was a bit annoying if one were using it in the middle of the night... but a strategically placed wash cloth at the bottom in the threshold took most of the bang away and let us close the door quietly without disabling the magnet that keeps the door firmly shut. Our interior also got pretty freezing on Wonder (something we like about interiors). We usually didn't turn it all the way down until we were going to bed b/c it was making the cabin THAT cold.
  16. One of the only things some smaller ships have over Wonder (and some other Oasis class ships) in my book... the cook-to-order stations. That used to be my wife's dinner most nights.
  17. I don't ever eat burgers at WJ but I want to say that they had bacon at lunch there on Wonder along with the burger fixins.
  18. RC seems very big on the idea of brunch these days.
  19. I was on Indy twice for a total of 11 nights in 2022 when it was all $$$ and never tried it. That was my only complaint at the time... no extra included venues like ELF. We were on CocoCay with Freedom 3X and I remember wishing Freedom was in PC and not vice versa just for ELF, lol. At least it had Playmakers.
  20. Glad you decided to blog and that everything went smoothly after the parking. I would not have dealt with that situation well. CASH ONLY? Is this a Honduran excursion or a business in the US? I thought places were switching to NO CASH ACCEPTED, lol.
  21. Big fan, especially with brunch. Doesn't taste very alcoholic at all, more like just a very refreshing, fruity lemonade. My favorite "big kid" drink. Lots of good drinks at Mason Jar, especially if you drink bourbon/whiskey. I tried to but I'm just not a whiskey guy.
  22. You're not missing much. Royal has been alternating these sales that include OBC with the normal sales that don't. For the most part, when they offer OBC, the prices go up so there's usually not much (if any) of a net gain.
  23. I can relate to most of that. We like our mostly rinse and repeat routine. We made a few little tweaks to it on Wonder last month since it was our first time on her not freeloading in a GS but it was mostly the same. I expect our next 2 to be very similar and without @GatorCruiser to chime in I really may not have a ton to share besides the food and drinks, lol. We'll have one new excursion per cruise so there's that... Oh, and I can take pics of our shiny new D+ pins that will never see the light of day. Maybe I'll call it "WONDERING how I can use 10 vouchers when my wife barely uses 2."
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