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For my next cruise on Harmony of the Seas, I booked two cabins: JR Suite Solo for myself and inside GTY for my wife and son.  We aren't planning to use the inside cabin at all, but it was nearly $500 less to book two cabins with the solo 340 rate for the suite vs all 3 of us in suite.    Also 1 DX was a nice perk, but I'll never share my drinks! 

My question is, can I make a reservation in Coastal Kitchen for my family at dinner or am I eating dinner all by myself?!


3 hours ago, mpoole3 said:

For my next cruise on Harmony of the Seas, I booked two cabins: JR Suite Solo for myself and inside GTY for my wife and son.  We aren't planning to use the inside cabin at all, but it was nearly $500 less to book two cabins with the solo 340 rate for the suite vs all 3 of us in suite.    Also 1 DX was a nice perk, but I'll never share my drinks! 

My question is, can I make a reservation in Coastal Kitchen for my family at dinner or am I eating dinner all by myself?!


Leonard Nimoy Reaction GIF


Definitely maybe.

It really depends on the CK host/hostess and what load they are seeing.  They are typically hesitant to do much on night one because they don't have a feel for the guest trends that cruise.  Sometimes CK is in high demand and sometimes enough suite guests have the UDP or don't use CK for whatever reason.  The host/hostess doesn't know on day one if that week is going to be a popular CK week or a slow CK week.  I have a suite cruise in December with the UDP and I may not go to CK at all that cruise.

Try on day one but take it night by night.  Come day 2 or 3 ask again.  

2 hours ago, twangster said:

Definitely maybe.

It really depends on the CK host/hostess and what load they are seeing.  They are typically hesitant to do much on night one because they don't have a feel for the guest trends that cruise.  Sometimes CK is in high demand and sometimes enough suite guests have the UDP or don't use CK for whatever reason.  The host/hostess doesn't know on day one if that week is going to be a popular CK week or a slow CK week.  I have a suite cruise in December with the UDP and I may not go to CK at all that cruise.

Try on day one but take it night by night.  Come day 2 or 3 ask again.  

Which ship?   I see you up in Suite life now!


I asked on our last cruise as we knew the headline act but they wouldn’t budge on this. They said it would need to go to the Hotel Director for approval.

The silly thing is even though there are only two of us they normally put us on a table for four.

Possibly if I was Tom Cruise they would have been more accomodating.


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