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  1. We will make it work We will make it work You may not believe it, but I really am an easy going and a nice person! And you as well!
  2. We are happy with a lower deck (and you will be happy if we are on a lower deck) because....kids! No need to wait for an elevator when leaving to or arriving from a port!
  3. I am cheap, I only book the cheapest option available and look at my bookings everyday and re-price if it gets any lower than what I pay I do Royal Up, but never gotten anything so far. I am happy with regardless of where we sleep, as long as I am on a ship! I am not too difficult to please.
  4. I am wondering what to do... On my next cruise, we paid GTY interior. We got our cabin assignment and turns out we have an ocean view and we didn't pay more. The cruise I am looking at, the GTY is $25 more before fees and taxes. If I choose the cheapest option, which is 'choose your own', I won't have the 'chance' to get a free upgrade, will I? I will still Royal Up no matter what, but was wondering if it's common getting a free upgrade when booking a GTY or was I super lucky...
  5. In your own opinion (and/or experience), why would a 'Choose your own cabin' be CHEAPER than a GTY? It's an interior cabin if it matters... Thanks!
  6. We went in December of 2022 so probably colder than October and for us, it was warm and very nice...we are from Canada though so we are not too difficult to please weather / water wise!
  7. One thing I found great (that was on Brillance) is that we were able to borrow toys from the nursery to bring to our cabin. We could rotate as we pleased. We brought our own toys, but my youngest was more interested in the 'new' toys. I always pack magnets. They are a big hit as it sticks to the walls of the cabin and it's easy to bring. My spouse and I rotate the naps/bed time schedule so we can both enjoy the ship and activities. I will admit that I love to nap so I don,'t mind staying in the cabin for my youngest's nap. If not tired, I have my Kobo to read. They are getting older now (3&6 years old) so we may be able to enjoy the evening shows and etc. as a family this time around. My youngest was about your LO's age when we first cruised with them and everything went very well!
  8. I said multiple time I would be more than happy in an interior cabin...so no, having a free upgrade is not what I am after. I think I've explained it all, don't feel like typing everything all over again - sorry.
  9. My intial post says it all...please let me know if you have any specific questions, Ill be happy to clarify. English is not my first language so what makes sense to me may not be the case for the readers.
  10. On which grounds? Am I not allowed to raise my concerns? All has been said thougj, I think, but I think it can remain active in case someone has another idea to assist?
  11. What are you talking about so many hats? I don't get this, but will admit English, just like RC customer service apparently (I find they are more fluent then but anyways...) is not my first language so may be an unknown expression. I think I am done here, all has been said and I think we agree to disagree. Love, Karen
  12. Tell me...how were you super helpful other than telling me what I should have done, what I should do and how lame I sound? You never actually provided me with with a contact info as far as I can tell?
  13. Oh come on. Don't you have any better things to do than reading my posts and keep hitting on the nail? You've made your point loud and clear. It won't change the fact that I am allowed to have concerns and even if they are not valid for YOUR person, doesn't mean they are not legitimate for ME.
  14. One of my employee is from Haiti and he said that they are greatly affected by the lack of tourism currently. He does not think that the lack of tourism will be sustainable in the long term. He thinks like you - June/July will be when things start back again, otherwise, bigger concerns and troubles are ahead for Haiti. I do feel for the locals though. When people ask me 'why do you love cruising so much, employees are not well paid while you live your best life'. I love cruising for this exact reason! I get to know the history of our room steward, our servers and love hearing ehat they have to say. I get to tip them well. I am part of them having a job. If there was no crusing, what would these people do? Travelling is one of the greatest school of life and this is why we immersed our kids very early on.
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