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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. If you do use the app, always click on the person icon and check in with the link there. Don't use the one on the main screen as it may not work right away.
  2. Irrelevant to your example, but I haven't yet found a way to get a Switch connected to ship Wifi. Every google tip and trick hasn't worked.
  3. Carnival increasing gratuities for the 2nd time in the last 12 months. https://www.cruisehive.com/carnival-cruise-line-price-increases-set-to-begin/97727
  4. The old way was that they'd retain the status (up through D+), but revert to their own points. There is confusion now if that is still the case, or at 18 they revert to their own status and points.
  5. Definitely a personal preference. I prefer the website. After snagging a check-in time on the app first though.
  6. Could be worse. One of Carnival's new frequent flyer amenities is...a fanny pack! https://www.cruisehive.com/new-carnival-cruise-line-vifp-gifts-to-begin/97687
  7. In the end you should ask to speak to the AO lead when you board. Each child with special needs has their own unique special needs as you well know, so the lead may be able to help you tailor your experience.
  8. It's not necessarily midnight on the dot. I've seen it go near 12:30
  9. Nothing is marked GF on the MDR menu because you're supposed to order the night before and the chef will alter it, if necessary or possible, to be GF. Don't be concerned. We've sailed dozens of times with GF and never had an episode. Pizza is not the only option after dinner on any ship Voyager class or bigger. The cafe will have something GF
  10. We let my 11 yr old go order mocktails on his own this last cruise. He quickly realized that certain bartenders make drinks differently than others and knew to go back to the one he liked next time.
  11. On the last full day you'll get a sheet with the departure times for the various luggage tags. One of those time slots on that sheet is devoted just to RC transfers.
  12. They do have parent/child interactive activities in between the 3-hour AO sessions. But I wouldn't expect you to be allowed to attend AO for liability/legal reasons.
  13. Since the restart luggage has always been there by dinner time, which is the early seating for us
  14. If you're taking the RC shuttle there is a specific time they ask those people to depart. Like 8:30 or so
  15. Would Disney even try to keep this target market with this ship or will it be more targeted to the Asian gambling crowd?
  16. Congrats for your daughter and congrats for you being eligible for friends and family cruise fares!
  17. Last week we were merely asked if we watched the video. No checking if we actually did
  18. I can just see Matt's headline now... "Blog forum frequent cruisers show how absent-minded they can be on a ship, so for all the new cruisers out there, don't feel bad!"
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