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  1. Breaking News per David Begnaud (CBS News): BREAKING: Sam Anello, the Indiana grandpa charged with negligent homicide after his granddaughter fell from his hands aboard a cruise ship in Puerto Rico will plead guilty in a deal offered by prosecutors. Deal: no jail time, no admission to the facts, probation served in Indiana.
  2. The defense also stated in court that they would not be using an expert in accident scene reconstruction nor medical experts regarding the alleged color-blindness. They asked for additional time due to the change in defense strategy, but their request was denied. Trial dates set for April 2nd, 3rd & 6th and the prosecution indicated they would be calling witnesses. https://www.elnuevodia.com/noticias/tribunales/nota/elabuelastrodelaninaquecayodeuncrucerorechazaunjuicioporjurado-2548730/
  3. It is a (mostly crass) gossip/scandal oriented show with some social/political commentary. In the past it used to also feature interviews (including local politicians) and had also managed to get "scoops" in controversial news issues. It had been cancelled several years ago and must have recently resurfaced. The puppeteer is man portraying a gossipy woman. For the person asking about the commentary, there is really no new information provided. He basically just describes what is seen in the video, and repeats multiple times that the grandfather lied because you can clearly see that the window was open, etc.
  4. The surveillance video from the ship was leaked and aired on a TV program in PR yesterday. It clearly shows him leaning over the railing and sticking his head out the open window before he leans over to pick up the child. Also, per the local media (several sources), the prosecutors stated that there have not been any offers or negotiations for a plea bargain. The prosecutors said that a plea bargain has not even been considered yet, although this possibility has not been discarded.
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