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Everything posted by TXcruzer

  1. Same here, we bought a box of 1000 individualy wrapped plastic straws at Costco, a handful always go into the suitcase
  2. We have cruised twice since the advent of the drink voucher system. We found some middle ground, and purchase the refreshment package when the price is right, and combine that with the D+ coupons is a sweet spot for us. We drink a fair amount of specialty coffee, fresh OJ, and bottled water.
  3. We take this one with us every cruise. it lasts all day on one charge https://www.amazon.com/10000mAh-Reinforced-Rechargeable-Reinforcer-Treadmill/dp/B09572B84F/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3QU6MZX5BWHFV&keywords=rechargeable+clip+fan+portable&qid=1645567661&sprefix=rechargable+clip+fan%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExWEFNNEtVMUszQ1hRJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTE0NzY0MUQ1MUVGMEFMVzFHTCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMDkwNzg2TkZQUFpUTDdBQkFKJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  4. The exception to the rule is Puerto Rico embarkations; PR drinking age is 18, drinking age on ship is 21.
  5. You can be tracked all the time regardless of being on a cruise ship or on land, the 1984 analogy is quite unnecessary. The "tracelet" contact tracing bands were used early on (mostly on the Singapore embarkations as I recall", on board cameras and facial recognition were used on many other ships as a means of contact tracing.
  6. At Dunn’s river specifically, they have lockers for rent.
  7. Am I wrong in thinking, with the new CDC guidelines, NCL will not be permitted to go mask-less as they have announced unless the ship is 95% vaccinated AND boosted?
  8. Exactly, and NCL has no problem meeting the vaccinated threshold with their current policies.
  9. Find a TA with group rates available on your desired cruise, those are always refundable (unless a suite)
  10. The dollar amount shown in the planner is the price for each person with the "discount" already applied. It is marketing, not deceit.
  11. Just call your credit card company, that's what they are for; I don't waste my time dealing with customer service {for any company} with issues such as these. It is truly a fraudulent charge, and is your card holders responsibility to address. AMEX has these kind of things cleared up in a matter of hours, and your statement balance credited almost immediately.
  12. There is a death, it seems, every year. It is almost always a drug overdose. (there was a jumper one year)
  13. Any day you learn something new, it is a good day!! Thanks for the simple explanation!
  14. Medical services in Mexico are ALWAYS cheaper than the equivalent services in the USA, this really is not a fair comparison. Besides, one is not beholden to use the cruise line provided PCR testing, they are free to "shop around" and price compare. A quick google search shows a facility near MIA airport offering $99 PCR testing.
  15. "working the numbers"? Why post something that makes ir sound as if something nefarious and sneaky is going on? Royal is doing exactly the right thing, quarantine the positives (just like we do on land), and EXACTLY like the CDC had requested that they do in the very early versions of the CSO.
  16. They are an “in room” amenity
  17. Debarking Liberty Thanksgiving week, there was a blender on the naughty table to be reclaimed.
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